Santa Barbara Independent Features: Visual Artists Bring a Gentle Rewiring to Santa Barbara
《Santa Barbara Independent》展評:視覺藝術家們為聖塔芭芭拉帶來思維挑戰

still life series
 Still Life 014 — Yellow Mai Flower, 《小品之十四 黃梅》,2020, 6 min 55 sec
Acquired by Santa Barbara Museum of Art

Still Life 012 – Buttercup Tree and Still Life 014 – Yellow Mai Flower, both acquired by Santa Barbara Museum of Art, are now on view in the group exhibition Mediated Nature of the museum till December. In an exhibition review in Santa Barbara Independent, it is stated that  the works have “challenged our media consumption habits at a different level.” 

“Chi-Tsung enacts a faux-pas in an entertainment landscape where plants are mere mute extras meant to signify exoticism. His shots linger on a stationary plant for more than six minutes. In his work, the medium of video is camouflaged as painting. Although celebrating the mundane can be an oversubscribed concept, the elaborate care in Chi-Tsung’s work — the crispness of the colors, the subtle mist-like atmosphere enveloping the plants — bends time. The viewer wonders, ‘Have I been watching this flower for six minutes or 20’?

When the medium changes, so does the message. Chi-Tsung’s “Still Life 012 — Buttercup Tree” carves new depths within our experience of mundanity. A shivering leaf becomes a noteworthy event, and mist traveling slowly along a plant’s wet roots becomes an erotic experience.”

Still Life
Still Life 012 – Buttercup Tree,《小品之十二彎子木》, 00;06;58, 2019

吳季璁的兩件錄像作品《小品之十二 彎子木》和《小品之十四 黃梅》被美國聖塔巴巴拉美術館收藏,並將於美術館群展《媒介化的自然》中展出至十二月。當地媒體《Santa Barbara Independent》對該展覽的展評稱《小品》系列影像作品從不同角度挑戰了人們的媒介使用習慣。


當媒介改變時,其傳遞的信息也隨之改變。季璁的《小品之十二 彎子木》為我們的日常經驗帶來新的感知可能:一片顫抖的樹葉成為令人注目的焦點,而沿著植物的濕潤根部慢慢遊移的水霧則為畫面增添了調情意味的氛圍。」

Written by 文/ Halim Madi