The 9th Hong Kong & Shenzhen Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture (Shenzhen)
Longhua Sub-Venue
“Between Warp and Weft”
Exhibition Period: 30 December 2022 – 30 March 2023
Venue: Dalang Fashion Town, Shenzhen Longhua District
Wu Chi-Tsung is invited to participate in The 9th Hong Kong & Shenzhen Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture (Shenzhen) at Longhua Sub-Venue, titled “Between Warp and Weft”. Founded in 2005, the biennale aims to build a communication platform for international art scenes in Shenzhen and Hong Kong. The Longhua Sub-Venue is curated by Yang Yong and Ji Harou, a series of workshops, forums, screenings and thematic exhibitions will be organized in responding to the theme of sustainability.
The work is constructed of numerous transparent plastic boxes whose shadows resemble geometrical skyscrapers when a moving light casted on. The ordinary materials used in this artwork remind viewers of the realistic world; however, it leads people to a further imaginary scene. Chi-Tsung introduces, “there is another invisible world in which we live every day. It is made up of electronic equipment, programs, networks, media and information, and I call it ‘Crystal City’… It is becoming our new spiritual home in the contemporary world”
第九屆深港雙城雙年展龍華分展場 —「經緯之間」
第九屆深港城市 \ 建築雙城雙年展(深圳)龍華分展場「經緯之間」展期由即日至2023年3月30日,藝術家吳季璁獲邀參與展覽。創立自2005年,雙年展旨在為深圳及香港兩地提供平台,以當代視覺文化呈現及探討全球普遍存在的城市問題。本屆雙年展的龍華分展場由楊勇及紀浩如策展,三個月的展期將聯動多個時尚集團舉辦多場文化藝術活動,包括工作坊、行走、共創、論壇、放映、快閃、企業館主題展覽等,呼應可持續的概念,製造沉浸式的藝術現場體驗,通過展覽搭建起城市與公眾之間的溝通橋樑。