OPEN STUDIOS, Lange Nacht der Bilder 2019
Dates | Sep 6, 6pm till midnight
Venue | room 203, building X, Studios ID, Genslerstrasse 13-13a 13055 Berlin
Wu Chi-Tsung will be joining the Lange Nacht der Bilder 2019 to host an Open Studio event at room 203, building X of Studios ID, Berlin on Sep 6. During the event, the working progress of a new “Cyano-Collage” work will be presented and the artist will share those behind-the-scene stories.
photo credit: Sylvia Lee
圖像長夜 2019-開放工作室
日期 | 2019年 9/6 6pm – 12am
地點 | room 203, building X, Studios ID, Genslerstrasse 13-13a 13055,柏林,德國
9月6日,吳季璁將參加《圖像長夜2019(Lange Nacht der Bilder 2019)》,於柏林Studios ID進行開放工作室活動。屆時,藝術家將會呈現《氰山集系列》新作現場製作過程,並與到訪嘉賓分享作品背後的故事。