New works of the Cyano-collage Series will be presented in Photofair Shanghai 2019.
Photofair Shanghai 2019 | Sean Kelly Gallery | D24
Public Open | Sep 21, 12 – 7pm, Sep 22, 11am – 6pm
Collector Preview | Sep 19, 2 -7pm; Sep 21, 11am -12pm*
VIP Preview | Sep 20 12 – 6pm*
VIP Night | Sep 20, 6 – 9pm*
Collector Hour | Sep 21,11 – 12pm*
* By invitation only
Artists |Alec Soth, Julian Charrière, Mariko Mori, Marina Abramović, Jose Dávila, Wu Chi-Tsung
Artist Talk | Sep 21 5pm, participants: Ying Kwok (independent curator), Lindsay Taylor (Curator, University of Salford Art Collection), Sarah Fisher (director, Open Eye Liverpool), Lu Yang (artist), and Wu Chi-Tsung (artist)
Venue | Shanghai Exhibition Centre, 1000 Yan’an Road, Shanghai, China
For our inaugural appearance at Photo Shanghai, Sean Kelly is pleased to present a carefully curated booth drawn from our internationally acclaimed roster of artists, each of whom works with photography in non-traditional ways. Our presentation includes works by Marina Abramović, who is represented by a stunning self-portrait depicting the artist’s face covered in gold leaf; Julian Charrière, whose images of nuclear testing sites have been exposed to radioactive soil gathered from the locations where his images were taken; Jose Dávila, who appropriates images of famous artworks from other sources, which he then physically alters by cutting out and removing the focal point of the image; Mariko Mori, who creates computer generated photo paintings based on drawings she made standing in front of the ocean on Okinawa Island; Alec Soth, whose captivating multi-layered photograph of Monika is in fact a double exposed image; and Wu Chi-Tsung, whose process includes manipulating light sensitive cyanotype paper to create images of jagged mountain peaks that refer to currents in both traditional Chinese art and western art history.
Please also visit the Spotlight section of the fair which features Marina Abramović’s legendary series, ‘The Lovers’, being exhibited for the first time in mainland China.
影像上海藝術博覽會 2019 | 尚凱利畫廊|D24
公眾開放| 2019年9月20日 – 22日
藏家特展| 9月19日 2 – 7 pm,9月21日11am – 12pm*
貴賓特展| 9月20日 12 – 6 pm*
貴賓之夜|9月20日 6 – 9 pm*
* 僅限邀請
參展藝術家|艾力克・索斯(Alec Soth)、何塞・達維拉(Jose Dávila)、朱利安・夏利耶(Julian Charrière)、森萬里子(Mariko Mori)、瑪莉娜·阿布拉莫維奇(Marina Abramović)、吳季璁
藝術家對談|9/21 5pm,與談人:Lindsay Taylor(索爾福德大學策展人)、Sarah Fisher(利物浦Open Eye Liverpool畫廊總監)、郭瑛(獨立策展人)、陸揚(藝術家)、吳季璁(藝術家)
Sean Kelly 畫廊為上海影像藝術博覽會的首次亮相帶來了精心策劃的展位,展出來自畫廊旗下國際知名藝術家們非傳統方式的攝影作品。