時間: 2015/09/26 – 2015/11/15
地點: 台北市立美術館地下樓E展覽室
東歐最大規模的新媒體藝術節「波蘭媒體藝術雙年展」(WRO Media Art Biennale) 2013年以「創新價值」(Pioneering Values)國際徵件,策展人楊衍畇以「末日感性」主題回應創新非必然是前衛的領航者,反思科技對於人的生命意義與影響更為重要,主辦單位從1500多件作品中精選出吳季璁的「水晶城市002」與林珮淳的「夏娃克隆啟示錄」、「夏娃克隆肖像」於波蘭展出,吳季璁以「水晶城市002」榮獲波蘭媒體藝術雙年展首獎- 藝術雜誌評論與編輯大獎(WRO 2013 Award- Award of Critics and Editors of Art Magazines)。「末日感性:臺灣新媒體藝術」波蘭返國展將呈現「末日感性」策展意念的全貌,林珮淳、吳季璁、黃贊倫、黃致傑、陳依純、張徐展六位藝術家以新感性思維看待科技文明,處於消費主義與媒體社會影響的我們將會有更深刻的感受與省思。
Date: 2015/09/26 – 2015/11/15
Venue: Taipei Fine Art Museum Gallery E
To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the birth of electronic art, the 15th WRO Media Art Biennale takes ‘Pioneering Values’ as the focal theme of the international competition. Among 1500 works in the open call, the Taiwanese artists Chi-Tsung Wu ’s ‘Crystal City 002’ and Pey-Chwen Lin’s ‘ The Revelation of Eve Clone Revelation’, ‘The Portrait of Eve Clone’ are selected with the curatorial concept ‘ The Apocalyptic Sensibility’ of the Taiwanese curator Yunnia Yang. She responds to ‘Pioneering Values’ that being innovative is not necessarily an avant-garde pioneer, it is more crucial to introspect the meanings and the influences that technology brings human beings. The Homecoming Exhibition from WRO Media Art Biennale 2013 ‘The Apocalyptic Sensibility: The New Media Art from Taiwan’ will give a complete picture of the curatorial philosophy ‘ The Apocalyptic Sensibility’ with the works of the six Taiwanese artists: Pey-Chwen Lin, Chi-Tsung Wu, Zan-Lun Huang, Scottie Chih-Chieh Huang, I-Chun Chen, and Zhang Xu Zhan. They look into the technologized civilization with new sensibilities so that we will have deeper perceptions and contemplations about the consumerism and the media society which we live in.
資料來源: http://www.tfam.museum/