New works of the Cyano-collage Series will be premiered in ‘Lingering in Nature’
Lingering in Nature, Giessen New Art Association, Germany
Dates|Aug 31 – Oct 12, 2019 (Opens every Saturday 2-5 P.M.)
Curator | Andreas Walther
Opening Reception | Aug 31, 6 P.M.
Artist talk|Sep 1, 2 P.M.
Venue|Licherstr, Nahrungsberg Ecke, 35394 Gießen, Germany
The work of Wu Chi-tsung (* 1981 in Taipei, lives and works in Taipei and Berlin) is multi-faceted. Early on taught in ink painting and calligraphy, then in his twenties in dealing with oil painting, media art and architecture, he still works today in various media. Although brush and paint are no longer found in his studio, he nevertheless feels most at home as a painter and retains the traditional arts as a strong reference for his work. Starting from there and working in video, installation, cyanography and other media, Wu creates subtle signs that cross the ages and build a bridge to the contemporary. For his exhibition in Gießen he will combine a selection of existing works with a photographic edition.
《氰山集系列》新作將於吳季璁個展《Lingering in Nature》展出
Lingering in Nature,基森新藝術協會,德國
日期 | 2019年8月31日至10月12日(每週六下午2至5時開放)
策展人 | 華安瑞
開幕酒會 | 8月31日晚6時
藝術家對談 | 9月1日下午2時
地點 | Licherstr, Nahrungsberg Ecke, 35394 基森市,德國
Installation View 展覽現場
photo credit: Sylvia Lee