Cyano-Collage 064, 300 x 600 cm, will be presented in Miami
Meridians Opening (by invitation only)
Tuesday, December 3, 2019, 4pm to 7pm
VIP Preview (by invitation only)
Wednesday, December 4, 2019, 11am to 8pm
Thursday, December 5, 2019, 11am to 3pm
Public Days
Thursday, December 5, 2019, 3pm to 8pm
Friday, December 6, 2019, 12 noon to 8pm
Saturday, December 7, 2019, 12 noon to 8pm
Sunday, December 8, 2019, 12 noon to 6pm
Miami Beach Convention Center, 1901 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139
Wu Chi-Tsung will be participating in the Art Basel Miami Beach represented by Sean Kelly New York. As the first Taiwanese artist that is shown in this art fair, Wu Chi-Tsung will be presenting his new work of the Cyano-Collage Series at the Meridians section, a new section that focuses on sculptures, paintings and video installations of large scales. As is introduced by curator Magalí Arriola, works of this section will provide reinterpretations towards race, gender, and regions.
Magalí Arriola, a curator and critic based in Mexico City, has been named director of the Museo Tamayo in the Mexican capital. According to the Mexican newspaper La Razón, Arriola will take up the role on September 17. The publication also reported that one of Arriola’s priorities will be increasing the international reach of the museum.
Arriola was chief curator at the Museo Tamayo from 2009 to 2011, and during that time she organized exhibitions of work by artists such as Roman Ondák, Claire Fontaine, Adriá Julia, and Julio Morales. After her tenure there, she worked as curator at the Museo Jumex in Mexico City, which opened in 2013 and has since become one of the city’s most important spaces for contemporary art. For the Museo Jumex, she curated a show focused on James Lee Byars.
Between 1997 and 2000, Arriola worked as chief curator at the Museo Carrillo Gil in México City and, in 2006, she was visiting curator at the Wattis Institute for Contemporary Art in San Francisco. Some of her curatorial credits include the 2008 Panama Biennial, the group show “Prophets of Deceit” (2006) at the Wattis Institute for Contemporary Art, and “What once passed for a future, or The landscapes of the living dead” (2005) at Art2102 in Los Angeles.
Arriola will curate a new section called “Meridians” at the 2019 edition of Art Basel Miami Beach. The presentation will spotlight large-scale works of various mediums, including sculpture, painting, and installation. She has contributed to publications such as Poliéster, ArtNexus, Parachute, Exit, Spike, Afterall, and Manifesta Journal.
2019年12月3日(星期二) 下午4時至晚上7時
邁阿密沙灘會議中心,1901 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139
季璁將由尚凱利藝廊代理,參加2019年巴塞爾藝術展邁阿密海灘展會。吳季璁將成為台灣首位參加該展會的藝術家,其《氰山集》系列新作將於「藝匯經線」展區呈現。「藝匯經線」是本次新增設的展覽板塊,由墨西哥城Museo Tamayo總監Magalí Arriola擔任策展。據策展人介紹,本區塊將由大規模雕塑、繪畫及錄影裝置主導,部分作品重新探討與種族、性別及地域等議題相關的文化敘事。
Installation View 展覽現場