Work of Saverio Tonoli in Taipei. Using the hemp paper of Fenko Catalysis Chamber, photo credit: Sylvia Lee and Saverio Tonoli
Opening Party: Jan 17, 8:30 pm – midnight
Public Open: Jan 17 – Jan 19
Venue: No. 34, Ln. 223, Sec. 3, Chongqing N. Rd., Datong Dist, Taipei City 103 (Wu Chi-Tsung Studio)
Paper & Conservation Consultancy: Fenko Catalysis Chamber
Wu Chi-Tsung Studio is delighted to present “Beyond the Now, Away from Here”, a collaboration between our Artist-in-Residence Saverio Tonoli and Wu Chi-Tsung. In the exhibition, Saverio will be showing his new artworks created during the three-month residency. The title pays tribute to the shared interest of the two artists that merges the aesthetics of the East and the West and reinterprets traditional and contemporary art forms.
“What if art came into being differently…?” The exhibition allows the audiences to rethink the nature of materials such as Xuan paper, ink, fresco and cyanotype, to consider its origin, and to discover the possibilities of fusing styles and cultures.
Differ from typical white-cube exhibition spaces, the exhibition takes place at Wu Chi-Tsung studio where both artists work. Sketches, materials and artworks are scattered around the studio from the ground floor to the rooftop providing a vertical journey that shows the artists’ experiment and working process to the public.
The exhibition marks the first artist residency program hosted by an artist studio in Taiwan. Wu Chi-Tsung introduces that ‘Taiwan is an ideal entrance to east Asia for international artists and audiences because it combines multiple cultural influences of the region while being easily accessed. Moreover, as an artist studio, we tend to possess higher flexibility in hosting another artist. I hope that it could open up more possibilities and contribute to the diversity of the art world in Taiwan’.
During his residency, Saverio has been working on his poetic imagery between painting and sculptures, testing local Xuan papers, with the expertise of Fenko Catalysis Chamber, by generating comprehensive solutions to the relationship between Tonoli’s needs and exclusive preservation paper materials for storing protection. Along with the creation of special plasters for his fresco paintings. Through understanding customer needs and apply this insight across their works to identify and implement the new ideas and strategies necessary to succeed.
‘In Taiwan, I’m struck by the landscape and of course by the ink and paper knowledge, I learn and absorb like a sponge. I am finding more extreme ways to treat paper and plaster, and to regulate ink with gravity. I am looking forward to the exhibition to share my journey with international audiences’, says Saverio.
Saverio Tonoli (b. 1984, Italy) crosses different techniques in his painting practice such as ink brushwork, fresco techniques and processes on different papers. He grew up in the darkroom where he started observing the behaviors of liquids and chemicals on images, which he then translated over the years into painting.
Wu Chi-Tsung (b. 1981, Taiwan) combines traditions and contemporary art forms from the East and the West. His work transforms daily objects into poetic images, and spans across different media, including photography, video, installation art, painting and set design.
Exhibition Planning:Julian Chu
Copywriting:Wang Tianyi
English Proofreading:Fredrik Nornemark
Exhibition Site Assistant:Hao-Yun Dong

薩維里奧・托諾利在台創作作品,使用鳳嬌催化室的麻紙,圖 / Sylvia Lee 與Saverio Tonoli
開幕酒會: 1月17日晚8時30分至午夜
公眾開放: 1月17日至1月19日
地點:台北市大同區重慶北路三段223巷34號 吳季璁工作室
紙材 & 保存顧問:FENKO 鳳嬌催化室
吳季璁工作室榮幸邀請到義大利藝術家薩維里奧.托諾利(Saverio Tonoli)來到台北工作室駐村,並與吳季璁合作發表《易時易地》。展覽中,薩維里奧將呈現其駐村三個月間創作的作品。展覽標題展現了兩位藝術家融合東西方美學、重新詮釋傳統與當代藝術形式的共同興趣。
日前,薩維里奧在 FENKO鳳嬌催化室 的紙料專業諮詢下,尋找、測試當地宣紙,同時使用台產水泥作為創作濕壁畫所需的特殊石膏,開始了創作形式介於繪畫與雕塑之間的詩意圖像。FENKO 針對薩維里奧的需求,提出以中性無酸紙料的高規格客製方案,並在工作中適時給予技術層面的新想法與策略。他表示:「 我著迷於台灣動人的風景,在這裡,我像一塊海綿一樣學習與吸收著關於紙墨的知識,並得以探索出處理宣紙與石膏材料,和控制墨在重力下流動的更好的方法。我很期待藉由這次展覽將我的體會與發現分享給國際觀眾。」
薩維里奧.托諾利(Saverio Tonoli ,1984年生於義大利)的創作涉獵廣泛,從濕壁畫到實驗水墨,挑戰諸多材質與技法的可能性,且自幼跟隨父親學習攝影,爾後將豐富的影像和暗房經驗轉譯到繪畫實踐中,展現出獨特而豐富多元的面貌。
英文校對:Fredrik Nornemark