Cyano-Collage 077 is on display in Galerie du Monde, Hong Kong
Date Mar 5 – Apr 18, 2020
Artists Fong Chung-Ray, Michael Müller, Wesley Tongson, Juan Uslé, Wang Gongyi, Wu Chi-Tsung, Stella Zhang
Art Basel Online Viewing Room: Mar 18 – 25, 2020,click here to view
Venue 108 Ruttonjee Centre, 11 Duddell Street, Central, Hong Kong
The exhibition showcases a diverse group of seven abstract artists, in exploration of the artistic dialogue between the East and the West in the postwar era and the growing acuteness of cross-cultural exchange. Covering multiple generations from the 1960s to the present, Galerie du Monde presents the exchange between Euro-American abstraction and East Asian art and philosophy, featuring the pioneer ink artist from Taiwan’s Fifth Moon Group – Fong Chung-Ray, lyrical abstract painters – Juan Uslé from Spain and Wang Gongyi from China; conceptual artists – Michael Müller from Germany and Stella Zhang from China; and young Taiwanese multimedia artist – Wu Chi-Tsung.
This time, Chi-Tsung’s most recent exploration of the Cyano-Collage Series, the Cyano-Collage 77, will be debuted, in which he challenged himself again to render the composition in round. Embracing the aesthetics of both traditional Chinese still life painting and the Tondo (circular art) that peaked in 15th Century Renaissance Italy, it adventurously broadened the possibilities of the series with its deft interpretation of the East-West nexus.
Besides, the Cyano-Collage 77 represented by Galerie du Monde is also on view at Art Basel Hong Kong 2020 Online Viewing Room till Mar 25.
日期 2020年3月5日至4月18日
參展藝術家 馮鐘睿、邁克爾・穆勒、唐家偉、胡安・烏斯雷、王公懿、吳季璁、張爽
巴塞爾藝術展網上展廳: 2020年3月18日至25日,點擊進入
地點 香港中環都爹利街11號律敦治中心108號
展覽將呈現七位抽象藝術家的作品,探索東西方戰後藝術的交流、融合與發展。展出藝術家風格各異,活躍時期從二十世紀六十年代至今不等,其中包括台灣五月畫會先鋒水墨藝術家馮鐘睿,兩位抒情抽象派畫家——西班牙藝術家胡安・烏斯雷與中國藝術家王公懿; 兩位概念藝術家——來自德國的邁克爾・穆勒和來自中國的張爽; 以及台灣年輕的新媒體藝術家吳季璁等。