On May 4th, Wu Chi-Tsung was invited by Taipei Dangdai and held a virtual tour that allows audiences to have a close look at his Taipei studio.
The live stream program is part of the ‘Taipei Connections’, a digital platform launched by Taipei Dangdai in partnership with Ocula aiming to nurture ongoing connections between the Taiwanese arts community and galleries at this time of limited travel and in-person meetings. Bringing together a diverse mix of galleries from Taipei Dangdai’s latest edition, the inaugural Taipei Connections will showcase a series of richly contextualized artworks for the public to explore.
During the 55-minutes-long live stream, Wu Chi-Tsung and Taipei Dangdai Co-Directer Robin Peckham showed people around his studio and talked about Wu Chi-Tsung’s internationally-minded prospects of the studio.
本次直播是台北當代與線上藝術平台Ocula合作呈現的新數位計劃「Taipei Connections」的一部分。這一線上平台不僅為畫廊提供機會與區域內乃至全球藏家進行互動,更呼應台北當代構建開放性平台的使命以突破傳統分享藝術及創意的藝博會模式。
台北當代聯合總監岳鴻飛(Robin Peckham)表示:「我們與 Ocula 合作開展的線上項目希望能為畫廊在台北藝術周之外的時間也能繼續提供平台,為其加深聯結和重新聯結台灣的收藏家群體。儘管親身會面所帶來的效果無可替代,但我們想藉由這個時刻再次思考如何作為橋樑去聯結畫廊和藏家,共度時艱。」