Wu Chi-Tsung’s ‘Exposé’ was recommended by Lifestyle Asia in their article “A comprehensive round-up of the best art exhibitions to visit this month” published on April 8th. Editor Joey Wong introduces the exhibition as below:
“A perfunctory gaze will perhaps write off Wu Chi-Tsung’s ‘Exposé’ exhibition as a simple series of mountainous landscapes; this perfunctory gaze would be wrong. Curated by Ying Kwok, ‘Exposé’ deep-dives into an extraordinary wrinkled-paper technique that mimics that of valleys, troughs and crevices; minute, natural-appearing details that would happen upon any geographic rendering. The textured cyano-collage process used, however, is completely randomised, with each fold and crease on Xuan paper a happy accident.”

在Lifestyle Asia報導《關於本月最佳藝術展覽的全面介紹》一文中,吳季璁個展《EXPOSÉ現》被收錄其中,編輯Joey Wong對展覽介紹如下: