Works of Wrinkled Texture Seriesand Cyano-Collage Series will be showcased in Frieze New York represented by Sean Kelly Gallery. Parallel to the physical fair at The Shed, Manhattan, May 5 – 9, 2021, an Online Viewing Room will open from May 5 – 14.
About Frieze
Frieze Art Fair is an international contemporary art fair in London, New York, and Los Angeles.Frieze London takes place every October in London’s Regent’s Park. In the US, the fair has been running on New York’s Randall’s Island since 2012, with its inaugural Los Angeles edition taking place February 2019.[2][3] The fair was launched by Amanda Sharp and Matthew Slotover, the founders of frieze magazine, and is led by Victoria Siddall, global director of Frieze Fairs. Frieze Art Fair features more than 170 contemporary art galleries, and the fair also includes specially commissioned artists’ projects, a talks programme and an artist-led education schedule.

《皴法習作系列》與《氰山集系列》將由尚凱利畫廊代理,參與紐約弗里茲藝術博覽會。除了2021年5月5日至9日於曼哈頓The Shed進行的現場展會外,線上博覽會也將於5月5日至14日舉行。
弗里茲藝術博覽會是在倫敦、紐約和洛杉磯舉辦的國際當代藝術博覽會,紐約弗里茲博覽會自2012年起在紐約的蘭德爾島舉辦。博覽會由Frieze雜誌的創始人Amanda Sharp和Matthew Slotover發起,並由Frieze Fairs的全球總監Victoria Siddall領導。 弗里茲藝術博覽會擁有170多家當代藝術畫廊,該博覽會還包括特別委託的藝術家項目、會談項目和藝術家主導的教育日程。