Still Life 012 – Buttercup Tree was recently donated to Los Angeles County Museum of Art by Ink Foundation and was showcased in the group exhibition INK Dreams of the museum.
The exhibition featured works from the ink collection of French collectors and philanthropists Gerard Cognie and Dora Cognie, who have lived in Switzerland for nearly 20 years. In the name of the Ink Foundation, the couple have generously donated nearly 400 works to LACMA, a vast collection of ink-related artworks that will shift the direction of the research on contemporary Chinese art at the museum.
The Ink Foundation’s research is not limited to Chinese art, but focuses on the spirit of ink painting, and includes international contemporary artworks into it. Artists in this collection includes Chinese artists Bing Yi, Gu Wenda, Li Huasheng, Lin Tianmiao, Liu Dan, Liu Guosong, Xu Bing, and Zheng Chongbin, as well as Japanese, Korean, and international artists such as Park Seo-Bo, Lee U-fan, and Hiroshi Sugimoto, Osamu Suzuki, Kitamura Junko, Idris Khan, Shirazeh Houshiary, Ophelie Asch, Irma Blank, and many others. The works in the collection range from calligraphy to ink paintings, sculpture, prints, and installation works, and Wu Chi-Tsung’s Still Life Series is the only video installation in the collection.
LACMA is the largest art museum in the western United States, with seven galleries and a collection of more than 135,000 objects covering modern and contemporary art, ancient art, American art, Asian art, European art, and more. The Museum is committed to drawing inspiration from the region’s rich cultural heritage and diverse populations, and to sharing a diverse and global-minded art history.
《小品之十二 彎子木》則是由來自瑞士的Ink Foundation捐獻給洛杉磯郡藝術博物館(LACMA),並於群展《INK Dreams》中展出。
《INK Dreams》展覽呈現居於瑞士的法國收藏家與慈善家Gerard Cognie 和Dora Cognie近20年來的水墨藏品。The Cognies以Ink Foundation為名,慷慨捐贈了近400件作品給予LACMA,這批大量的水墨藏品將會改變美術館的當代中國藝術研究方向。Ink Foundation的關注不局限於中國,而是以水墨精神為主,將國際當代的藝術品都納入典藏範疇,收藏藝術家作品包括華人藝術家冰逸、古文達、李華生、林天苗、劉丹、劉國松、徐冰、鄭重賓,日韓與國際藝術家包括朴栖甫(Park Seo-Bo)、李禹煥、杉本博司、鈴木藏、Kitamura Junko、Idris Khan、Shirazeh Houshiary、Ophelie Asch、Irma Blank等。典藏作品自書法到紙本水墨、雕塑、版畫、裝置作品皆有涉獵,而吳季璁的《小品》是唯一一件錄像藏品。