Illuminated Curiosities
Opening Reception 18:30, Thursday 05 May 2022 at EMASI Nam Long
Public Days May to December 2022
Opening Hours 10:00 ~16:00, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, by appointment only
Venue EMASI Nam Long and EMASI Van Phuc, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Cyano-Collage 051 will be exhibited in the group exhibition Illuminated Curiosities. Presented by Nguyen Art Foundation (NAF) and Lan Tinh Foundation and featuring 46 artworks from within and outside NAF’s Collection, the exhibition aims to highlight the unique intersection between art and science, especially in today’s world where artistic experimentation and production continue to be ever more diverse, research-driven, and interdisciplinary.
Established in 2018, the Nguyen Art Foundation has worked to build an alternative infrastructure for the arts in Vietnam. It was founded by Quynh Nguyen, under the advisory of Cam Xanh and focuses on artists connected in any way to Vietnam.
Chi-Tsung met Cam Xanh in Korea in 2016 at the Asia Young 36 exhibition and was later invited by her for an artist residency at MoT+++ which she co-founded. In May 2020, Chi-Tsung and Cam Xanh co-established a studio in Ho Chi Minh City. Except for the Cyano-Collage 051, Still Life 007 – Daffodil and Still Life 012 – Buttercup Treewere also acquired by the foundation.
The opening reception of the group exhibition will take place on May 5 at EMASI Nam Long where Wu Chi-Tsung’s work will be exhibited. Please RSVP via this link.
For general visiting, please make a reservation prior to your visit via [email protected].

Acquired by the Nguyen Art Foundation
Illuminated Curiosities
開幕酒會 2022年5月5日18時30分,於EMASI Nam Long
展期 2022年5月至12月
開館時間 每週一、週三、週五10時至16時,預約制
地點 越南胡志明市EMASI Nam Long 與 EMASI Van Phuc
這個5月,《氰山集之五十一》將在群展《Illuminated Curiosities》中展出。該展覽由Nguyen 藝術基金會 (NAF) 與 Lan Tinh基金會主辦,展覽主體為包括吳季璁作品在內的Nguyen 藝術基金會藏品,旨在呈現在藝術創作與實踐走向多樣化、研究導向與跨學科的時代背景下,藝術與科學產生的獨特交集與碰撞。
Nguyen 藝術基金會成立於2018年,由Quynh Nguyen創立、Cam Xanh擔任顧問。基金會致力收藏以各種形式與越南有關聯的當代藝術作品,為越南的藝術生態貢獻了獨特的視角與多元的活力。
吳季璁與Cam Xanh於2016年共同參加韓國Asia Young 36展覽時相識。2018年,吳季璁受邀在Cam Xanh參與創辦的MoT+++空間中進行了為期三個月的駐村。2020年5月,二人在胡志明市共同成立了一個工作室。除《氰山集之五十一》外,《小品之七 水仙》與《小品之十二 彎子木》也由NAF基金會所典藏。
展覽開幕酒會將於5月5日在EMASI Nam Long舉行,吳季璁的作品也將在此展出,請通過此鏈接預約出席。展期內一般參觀,敬請通過[email protected] 進行預約。