《寫生習作 - 隋 灰石菩薩首像》2021, 00;21;01
Buddha10: A Fragmented display on Buddhist visual evolution
Dates October 20, 2022 – September 3, 2023
Preview October 19, 2022
Venue Via San Domenico, 11 10122 Torino Italia
Invited by Davide Quadrio, curator of the exhibition who is renowned for working closely in the East Asian art scene over decades, Wu Chi-Tsung’s Drawing Study Series will be presented at Buddha10: A Fragmented display on Buddhist visual evolution at MAO – Museo d’Arte Orientale di Torino (Museum of Eastern Art).
The MAO exhibition will feature collections from different geographical areas and expand through a wide chronological period in the museum’s collection, among which Buddhist sculptures from the Chinese collection will be the highlight, with the aim to offer different perspectives and reflections on the museum and its proud collection of Asian art. The antiques will be echoed by a number of contemporary art practices and new works including the Drawing Study Series. The series originated in 2021 inspired by Chi-Tsung’s collaboration with TAO ART SPACE for his solo exhibition in Taipei, in which he uses a flashlight as a paintbrush to capture the silhouette of ancient Buddhist statues and records the tails of light in space, allowing the outlines of the statues to gradually appear. The gentle movement and the dim glow have created a yūgenism (profound grace and subtlety) atmosphere, symphonizing the timeless quality of the statues that were created centuries ago.

展覽日期 2022年10月20日至2023年9月3日
預覽 2022年10月19日
地址 Via San Domenico, 11 10122 Torino Italia
在策展人樂大豆( Davide Quadrio)的邀請下,吳季璁的《寫生習作》系列作品將於杜林東方藝術博物館的群展《Buddha10》中展出。
本次展覽中,策展人從博物館引以為豪的亞洲藝術收藏中精選出來自不同地域、跨越古今的展品,並同時展示與之呼應的當代藝術作品,旨在為亞洲藝術史提供新穎的解讀視角與反思,此觀念與《寫生習作》的創作初衷不謀而合。《寫生習作》佛像系列起源於2021年吳季璁與台北藝術空間TAO ART SPACE的合作,他用手電筒作為畫筆,捕捉古代雕塑的輪廓,記錄空間中的光跡,輕柔的光線緩緩照亮昏暗的佛像,使其輪廓逐漸顯現,創造了一種幽玄的氛圍,映照出佛像幾個世紀以來的永恒與靜謐。