06‘30’‘, 2022
Buddha10: A Fragmented display on Buddhist visual evolution
Dates May 6, 2023 – September 3, 2023
Venue Via San Domenico, 11 10122 Torino Italia
On May 6th, the second half of Buddha 10 was unveiled at the MAO – Museo d’Arte Orientale di Torino, where the visual evolution of Buddhist art throughout history shall be explored with renewed vigor. The exhibition is a tapestry of collections from various regions, woven together across time in the museum’s collection. The highlight of the exhibition will be Buddhist sculptures from the Chinese collection, which will offer different perspectives and reflections on the museum and its proud collection of Asian Art.
Curated by Davide Quadrio who is renowned for working closely in the East Asian art scene over decades, the exhibition will also feature contemporary art practices, among which Wu Chi-Tsung’s Drawing Studies – MAO Bodhissatva Guanyin is commissioned and collected by the museum. The video installation captures the Buddha statue from the museum’s permanent collection and will debut at the museum’s Japanese garden, creating a timeless symphony of art.
Buddha10: A Fragmented display on Buddhist visual evolution
展期 May 6, 2023 – September 3, 2023
地址 Via San Domenico, 11 10122 Torino Italia
5月6日,群展Buddha 10的下半部分將於杜林東方藝術博物館開幕,繼續探索佛教藝術跨越歷史的視覺呈現。展覽由長期關註與研究亞洲古代與當代藝術的策展人樂大豆( Davide Quadrio)策劃,將展示博物館收藏中來自不同地理區域、貫穿古今的收藏,並與一系列當代藝術作品共同展示,旨在為博物館豐富的亞洲藝術收藏提供不同的觀點和反思。吳季璁被博物館委託製作並典藏的影像作品《寫生習作——MAO觀音自在坐》將於博物館日本花園的枯山水間首次亮相,呈現出跨越時空的共鳴。