海報主視覺 王佳怡
Brush Rest, 2023, 67x 137x91cm
Living Paper
Dates Jan 10 – Mar 9, 2024
Opening Reception Jan 10 17:00 – 19:00
Venue 11 Duddell St, Central, Hong Kong

225 x 90 cm, 2023
Wu Chi-Tsung will ring in the new year with his participation in the group exhibition Living Paper, presented by Galerie du Monde and explores the diversity and versatility of paper as a medium, as well as its limitless potential for creating a visual dialogue.
Established in 1974, Galerie du Monde is hosting this exhibition as part of its 50th-anniversary celebration series. The exhibition is curated by Olivia Wang who is an art consultant, curator and writer, with a focus in contemporary Asian ink art, and features recent works from Wu Chi-Tsung’s Wrinkled Texture Series and Cyano-Collage Series, along with works from nine other Asian artists including Chiang Yomei, Fu Xiaotong, Hung Fai, Young-sé Lee, Ling Pui Sze, Ma Hui, Wai Pong-yu, Kelly Wang and Zheng Chongbin. The curator shares that “while the material enables artists to engage with their artistic traditions, the multivalence of the material itself lends itself to endless possibilities of exploration and creation. In the hands of this group of artists, paper becomes alive and comes into its own being.”
Believing that interacting with materials and technology is a crucial part of art creation, Wu Chi-Tsung’s daily working routine revolves around paper: treating, crumbling, exposing, “washing,” reassembling, and, most importantly, experimenting. To the artist, xuan paper possesses the most complicated and sensitive qualities among all papers. With different manufacturing methods, it is capable of producing a wide range of delicate ink colors. “Through my work, I hope to bring more attention to xuan paper and contribute to the industry, allowing traditional Eastern media to breathe new life into the contemporary art world.”

150 x 75 cm, 2023
日期 2024年1月10日 – 3月9日
開幕酒會 2024年1月10日17:00 – 19:00
地址 香港中環都爹利街11號
吳季璁將參展香港世界畫廊群展《活紙》,為新年拉開序幕。世界畫廊成立於1974年,本展將開啟畫廊五十週年慶系列活動。展覽策展人汪鈴是一名藝術顧問、策展人與作者,她長期關注亞洲當代水墨領域。展覽將探索紙張作為媒介的多樣性和多功能性,以及創造視覺對話的無限潛力。吳季璁的《皴法習作》系列將與蔣友梅、傅小桐 、 熊輝 、 李隆世 、 凌佩詩 、 馬蕙 、 韋邦雨 、 王佳怡、鄭重賓等其他九位亞洲藝術家的作品共同呈現,深入探討紙張的豐富物質性和文化內涵。策展人分享道:「紙張作為媒材令藝術家能夠與他們的藝術傳統互動,而紙張本身的多重性質也為無窮的創新與多樣的創作提供了可能性。在這群藝術家的手中,紙張變得有生命且展現了自身的存在價值。」