120 x 150 cm, 2024
Sean Kelly | Stand 330
Dates: May 9 -14 2024
Venue: Park Avenue Armory, New York
Simultaneously with Taipei Dangdai, two Cyano-Collage works will debut to western audiences at Sean Kelly’s booth at the prestigious TEFAF fair in New York. Cultivated in the art traditions of both the East and the West since his childhood, Wu Chi-Tsung has always aspired to combine Western contemporary media with the spirit of Eastern aesthetics to reach a broader audience and inspire diverse interpretations of his work.
“Through my work, xuan paper is able to be noticed by more people. For example, when I was exhibiting in Europe when the audience learned about the production process of the “Cyano-Collage Series”, they were all amazed by the outstanding resilience of the xuan paper after being crumpled, flattened, soaked, and dried. If in this way, more artists from other countries will also start to become interested in this material and begin to use it in their creations, can this traditional eastern media breathe a new life in the contemporary art world? “, Chi-Tsung shared during an interview with Vogue Taiwan.
Established in 1988, The European Fine Art Foundation (TEFAF) is widely regarded as the world’s preeminent organization for fine art, antiques, and design. TEFAF organizes two international fairs—TEFAF Maastricht, which presents over 7,000 years of art history, and TEFAF New York, focused on modern and contemporary art and design.

Photo: Sebastiano Pellion di Persano, Courtesy: Sean Kelly New York/Los Angeles
尚凱利畫廊 | Stand 330
日期: 2024年5月9 -14日
地址: Park Avenue Armory, New York
「(我希望)透過我的作品,宣紙能夠被更多人注意到。例如,當我在歐洲展出時,觀眾對宣紙經過揉皺、壓平、浸泡及風乾後仍顯出的卓越韌性感到驚訝。如果這樣,更多來自其他國家的藝術家也開始對這種材料感興趣並開始在他們的創作中使用它,這種傳統的東方媒介能否在當代藝術世界中注入新生呢?」吳季璁在接受《Vogue Taiwan》訪問時分享道。