150 x 90 cm, 2024
Wu Chi-Tsung: Fading Origin
Dates January 18 – March 8, 2025
Venue Sean Kelly Los Angeles, 1357 Highland Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90028
Wu Chi-Tsung’s solo exhibition “Fading Origin” is on view at Sean Kelly, Los Angeles. The exhibition reflects the artist’s profound contemplation of humanity’s transition from the analog to the digital world, exploring how this shift has fundamentally transformed human civilization and our way of life. In light of the current circumstances, the opening reception is postponed.
The exhibition features an experimental new series, Wrinkled Texture Fading Origin, which investigates the loss of information through the process of reproduction. In this new series, the diptych and quadriptych works begin with a single, full sheet of exposed cyanotype paper, which then becomes the basis for recursive cyanotypes within the same work, with each image serving as the negative for the adjacent sheet. The result is a mesmerizing shift between blue and white tones, where the original image gradually dissipates into a field of color. This process captures the ephemeral and transient qualities of the natural world while emphasizing the slight, irreproducible differences unique to analog processes. Through double-exposure techniques and exploration of faded origins, the series reflects Chi-Tsung’s commitment to advancing the medium while preserving the poetic, tactile qualities of analog photography.
The artist explores the inherent properties of cyanotype photography—the technical foundation of his signature works Cyano-Collage and Wrinkled Texture Series. While cyanotype was once widely used for industrial blueprint reproduction, each successive reproduction gradually loses detail, resembling fading memories, or as the artist describes, “aerial perspective drawn on a timeline.” This imperfect nature of analog reproduction stands in stark contrast to the possibility of perfect replication in the digital world. This exploration broadens the expression of uncontrollability inherited from the spirit of Chinese landscape painting in his cyanotype works, further questioning the profound differences in life experiences and thought patterns between analog and digital generations.
The exhibition also introduces a new site-specific interactive installation, Calligraphy Study, where viewers can write with water-dipped brushes on specially prepared canvases. As the water evaporates, the writing disappears. The work presents the artist’s reflection on “writing in an ephemeral era,” transforming calligraphy into an artistic experience that combines visual and physical sensations. This piece evolved from the artist’s earlier Calligraphy Study series, which debuted at the Hengshan Calligraphy Biennial. Under the biennial’s theme “Era of Principle and No Principle Interwoven,” Wu attempted to transcribe Wang Xizhi’s “Letter of Loss and Confusion” on a modified treadmill. The motion of the treadmill symbolizes the rapid changes in contemporary society, rendering traditional calligraphic practice nearly impossible and highlighting the challenge of meaningful dialogue between brush and paper in our accelerated era.

228 x 111.1 cm x 2 pcs, 2024
日期 2025年1月18日至3月8日
地址 尚凱利畫廊,1357 Highland Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90028