Wu Chi-Tsung’s Solo exhibition “Recalibrate” has been listed as one of the three the week’s essential art shows in UK by The Guardian Guide.
“Taiwanese artist Wu Chi-Tsung is remarkable in his ability to adapt traditions of Chinese landscape ink painting and shadow puppetry to our contemporary world. The two installations here present visions of the manufactured and the natural. Crystal City 004 presents an architectural enchantment of constantly shifting city vistas as shadows move across the gallery walls, while Wrinkled Textures is a series of close-up studies of natural growths captured through cyanotype printing.” The Guardian Guide
吳季璁於英國曼徹斯特華人藝術中心(Chinese Arts Centre, Manchester)舉辦的首度英國個展「重新校準」(Recalibrate),被英國最廣為閱讀的藝文參考指標《衛報》(The Guardian)藝文指南(The Guide)列為全英國當週必看的三個展覽之一。
其他資料: 中央通訊社報導