Solo exhibition “Wu Chi-Tsung: Dust” in Site Gallery, Sheffield, UK has been listed as one of the week’s essential art shows in UK by The Guardian Guide.
As the viewer moves around the space, disturbing the airflow, the artist’s highly sophisticated equipment projects the movement of the otherwise invisibly displaced dust particles across the gallery walls in a mesmerising and endlessly changing light show. In an accompanying piece, the artist turns his focus on the enchantments of a nocturnal city. Lit solely by a single, slowly shifting light source, a series of commonplace transparent plastic boxes are silhouetted around the room to evoke a ghostlike cityscape. The Guardian Guide
「吳季璁個展-灰塵」於英國雪菲爾Site Gallery,被英國最廣為閱讀的藝文參考指標《衛報》(The Guardian)藝文指南(The Guide)列為全英國當週必看的展覽之一。