Recently, Wu Chi-Tsung has set up a new studio in collaboration with Vietnamese artist Cam Xanh in Saigon, Vietnam as a significant step of his internationally-minded exploration. Speaking of his third studio after Taipei and Berlin, Wu Chi-Tsung says, ‘I’m curious about the early stage of an art world, such as in Vietnam, everything happens and develops rapidly. I am grateful to witness and be part of this great historical moment as a member of this intimate and energetic community.’
Chi-Tsung met Cam Xanh in Korea in 2016 on the Asia Young 36 exhibition and was later invited by her for an artist residency in MoT+++ which she co-founded. During the residency, the space was presented as superimposition and coincidence of the two sites – Wu Chi-Tsung’s studio and a public art space – that opens to the public and enable the viewers to see the working progress. This year, inspired by this experience, Wu Chi-Tsung’s Taipei Studio managed a residency program for Italian artist Saverio Tonoli and conducted their collaborated event.
Lately, Saverio Toloni is now resides at A. Farm Saigon, an international artist-in-residency space established by Cam Xanh and run by MoT+++ and San Art teams.

Shooting scene of the Still Life Series in 2019
Besides, Wu Chi-Tsung relates to the context of postcolonial criticism and self-reflection towards its cultural identity in Vietnamese art. Last year, Wu Chi-Tsung shot new Still Life Series in Vietnam inspired by local culture and nature. Among them, the Still Life 012 — Buttercup tree was collected by the Nguyen Art Foundation.
Wu Chi-Tsung’s Wire V is now on view in the group exhibition Password 0~1 at the studio. Due to the restrictions during the pandemic, please contact [email protected] for visiting details and to make appointments. Moreover, please visit the online +1 trash to see more MoT+++ collections.

The Cyano-collage 50 created during Wu Chi-Tsung’s residency is now collected by Post Vidai
吳季璁於駐村期間創作的《氰山集之五十》已於Post Vidai典藏
近日,吳季璁與越南藝術家Cam Xanh合作的新工作室落腳越南西貢,繼台北與柏林之後,進一步拓展了其藝術世界的國際版圖。吳季璁表示,「我一直很感興趣藝術世界究竟如何發展成型,而越南正處於這樣快速成長的階段,藝術社群緊密而且充滿活力,很高興有機會參與其中,見證歷史。」
吳季璁與Cam Xanh於2016年共同參加韓國Asia Young 36展覽時相識。2018年,在Cam Xanh的邀請下,吳季璁在其參與創辦的MoT+++空間中進行了為期三個月的駐村,並同時向公眾開放展示。這種將工作環境與展覽空間的並置的做法挑戰了「白盒子」的傳統語境,令觀眾能夠近身了解藝術家本人及其工作過程,並加強了藝術家與觀眾之間的交流。受到這次難忘經歷的啟發,今年,吳季璁在台北工作室邀請意大利藝術家薩維里奧・托諾利進行駐地創作,並共同合作呈現展覽《易時易地》。其後,薩維里奧前往越南A. Farm繼續其亞洲駐村計畫。A. Farm亦是Cam Xanh主持的藝術空間,並由MoT+++與San Art團隊經營。

Wu Chi-Tsung and Cam Xanh with MoT+++ team at Wu Chi-Tsung studio in Taipei
吳季璁、Cam Xanh與其他友人於台北工作室
此外,越南藝術中的後殖民批判與關於文化主體的思考令吳季璁深有共鳴。去年,他受當地文化與自然的啟發,在此拍攝了《小品系列》的新作,其中,《小品之十二 彎子木》於越南獨立藝術收藏機構Nguyen Foundation典藏。
吳季璁作品《鐵絲網五》現於越南工作室群展《Password 0~1》中展出。由於疫情發展持續變化,參觀請聯絡[email protected] 以獲取相關資訊並進行預約,亦可至+1 Trash瀏覽MoT+++的更多作品。