Roppongi Art Night 2015
[Date] 4/25 18:22 ~ 4/26 4:56 [Place] Reine Building [Participation fee] FREE Wire Ⅰ, Crystal City 002, Wu Chi-Tsung Installations on the streets The structure of projector is similar to that of a slide projector.The greatest difference is that the imaging magnifier in front will constantly move back and forth.With the changing focal length,the image keeps disappearing and reappearing. The small wire netting of some 10 sq. cm. form a strong contrast with the image being projected. To me,it is like an allegory about media: the development of media constantly changes our way of seeing the world and our attitude towards reality.The projector modifies the image of the wire netting and creates a new space for the projection of meaning. 日期 4/25 18:22 ~ 4/26 4:56 地點 Reine Building 免費入場 展出吳季璁作品鐵絲網I以及水晶城市002 投影器的結構大致與幻燈機相同,最大的差別在於前方的成像放大鏡反覆的前後運動,在10公分的範圍內不斷改變焦距,而被投影物(即鐵絲網)位於焦點上而清晰的位置亦隨之改變,好像不停的在來回搜尋、徘徊般,在焦距變化中,影像幻滅、消逝、被穿透,而又重生、再現。