Tag Archives: collections

drawing studies

Drawing Studies Commissioned and Acquired by MAO – Museo d’Arte Orientale di Torino

Buddha10: A Fragmented display on Buddhist visual evolution Dates May 6, 2023 – September 3, 2023Venue Via San Domenico, 11 10122 Torino Italia  On May 6th, the second half of Buddha 10 was unveiled at the MAO – Museo d’Arte Orientale di Torino, where the visual evolution of Buddhist art throughout history shall be explored with renewed vigor. The exhibition is a tapestry of collections from various regions, woven together across time in the museum’s collection. The highlight of the exhibition will be Buddhist sculptures from the Chinese collection, which will offer different perspectives and reflections on the museum and its proud collection of Asian Art. ⁡Curated by Davide Quadrio who is renowned for working closely in the East Asian art scene over decades, the exhibition will also feature contemporary art practices, among which Wu Chi-Tsung’s Drawing Studies – MAO Bodhissatva Guanyin is commissioned and collected by the museum. The video installation captures the Buddha statue from the museum’s permanent collection and will debut at the museum’s Japanese garden, creating a timeless symphony of art. Buddha10: A Fragmented display on Buddhist visual evolution 展期 May 6, 2023 – September 3, 2023地址  Via San Domenico, 11 10122 Torino Italia  5月6日,群展Buddha 10的下半部分將於杜林東方藝術博物館開幕,繼續探索佛教藝術跨越歷史的視覺呈現。展覽由長期關註與研究亞洲古代與當代藝術的策展人樂大豆( Davide Quadrio)策劃,將展示博物館收藏中來自不同地理區域、貫穿古今的收藏,並與一系列當代藝術作品共同展示,旨在為博物館豐富的亞洲藝術收藏提供不同的觀點和反思。吳季璁被博物館委託製作並典藏的影像作品《寫生習作——MAO觀音自在坐》將於博物館日本花園的枯山水間首次亮相,呈現出跨越時空的共鳴。  


still life series

Still Life 014-Yellow Mai Flower Acquired by UBS Art Collection and Exhibited in New York
《小品之十四 黃梅》加入UBS瑞銀藝術收藏並於紐約展出

Reimagining: New PerspectivesDate    January 27 – May 30, 2022Venue 1285 Avenue of the Americas, New York We are delighted to share that Wu Chi-Tsung’s  Still Life 014 – Yellow Mai Flower  was recently acquired by the UBS Art Collection and is featured in the latest exhibition Reimagining: New Perspectives in the UBS Art Gallery in New York.  Located in UBS’s Midtown New York Headquarters, the UBS Art Gallery was initially established in 1985 and has been closed to the public since 2009. This exhibition marks the reopening of the gallery and provides an opportunity for the public to once again discover in person works from one of most important corporate collections of contemporary art in the world. The exhibition united new acquisitions of the UBS Art Collection. With over 30,000 artworks by some of the most influential artists of our time, the collection aims to collect the most relevant art made today that both challenges and connects people. In 2020, Cyano-Collage 078 was also acquired by the Collection.  《重塑:新觀點》日期    2022年1月27日~5月30日地址    紐約美洲大道1285號 《小品之十四 黃梅》近日加入UBS瑞銀藝術收藏,並在位於紐約的瑞銀藝術畫廊的最新展覽《重塑:新觀點》中展出。  瑞銀藝術收藏為國際上最重要的當代藝術企業收藏之一,旨在收集最具時代性、富有挑戰精神又能連接世界的作品,現擁有超過3萬件來自最具影響力的當代藝術家的作品。2020年,《氰山集之七十八》也被該機構典藏。 瑞銀藝術畫廊位於瑞銀集團位於紐約中城總部大廈,成立於1985年,自2009年以來畫廊暫停向公眾開放。本次展覽是畫廊時隔十餘年再次開放的首個展覽,集中展示了瑞銀藝術收藏近期典藏的作品。  


still life series

Still Life Series showcased in the group exhibition INK Dreams at Los Angeles County Museum of Art
《小品系列》參展洛杉磯郡藝術博物館群展《Ink Dreams》

Still Life 012 – Buttercup Tree was recently donated to Los Angeles County Museum of Art by Ink Foundation and was showcased in the group exhibition INK Dreams of the museum.  The exhibition featured works from the ink collection of French collectors and philanthropists Gerard Cognie and Dora Cognie, who have lived in Switzerland for nearly 20 years.  In the name of the Ink Foundation, the couple have generously donated nearly 400 works to LACMA, a vast collection of ink-related artworks that will shift the direction of the research on contemporary Chinese art at the museum.  The Ink Foundation’s research is not limited to Chinese art, but focuses on the spirit of ink painting, and includes international contemporary artworks into it. Artists in this collection includes Chinese artists Bing Yi, Gu Wenda, Li Huasheng, Lin Tianmiao, Liu Dan, Liu Guosong, Xu Bing, and Zheng Chongbin, as well as Japanese, Korean, and international artists such as Park Seo-Bo, Lee U-fan, and Hiroshi Sugimoto, Osamu Suzuki, Kitamura Junko, Idris Khan, Shirazeh Houshiary, Ophelie Asch, Irma Blank, and many others. The works in the collection range from calligraphy to ink paintings, sculpture, prints, and installation works, and Wu Chi-Tsung’s Still Life Series is the only video installation in the collection. LACMA is the largest art museum in the western United States, with seven galleries and a collection of more than 135,000 objects covering modern and contemporary art, ancient art, American art, Asian art, European art, and more. The Museum is committed to drawing inspiration from the region’s rich cultural heritage and diverse populations, and to sharing a diverse and global-minded art history. 《小品之十二 彎子木》則是由來自瑞士的Ink  Foundation捐獻給洛杉磯郡藝術博物館(LACMA),並於群展《INK Dreams》中展出。 《INK Dreams》展覽呈現居於瑞士的法國收藏家與慈善家Gerard Cognie 和Dora Cognie近20年來的水墨藏品。The Cognies以Ink Foundation為名,慷慨捐贈了近400件作品給予LACMA,這批大量的水墨藏品將會改變美術館的當代中國藝術研究方向。Ink Foundation的關注不局限於中國,而是以水墨精神為主,將國際當代的藝術品都納入典藏範疇,收藏藝術家作品包括華人藝術家冰逸、古文達、李華生、林天苗、劉丹、劉國松、徐冰、鄭重賓,日韓與國際藝術家包括朴栖甫(Park Seo-Bo)、李禹煥、杉本博司、鈴木藏、Kitamura Junko、Idris Khan、Shirazeh Houshiary、Ophelie Asch、Irma Blank等。典藏作品自書法到紙本水墨、雕塑、版畫、裝置作品皆有涉獵,而吳季璁的《小品》是唯一一件錄像藏品。 洛杉磯郡藝術博物館是美國西部最大的藝術博物館,共有7座展館,收藏逾13.5萬件藏品,涵蓋現當代藝術、古代藝術、美洲藝術、亞洲藝術、歐洲藝術等。美術館致力於從該地區豐富的文化遺產和多樣化的人口中汲取靈感、分享多元而全球化的藝術史。  


Still Life

Two Still Life Series ACQUIRED BY Santa Barbara Museum of Art

Two of Wu Chi-Tsung’s video works, Still Life 012 – Buttercup Tree and Still Life 014 – Yellow Mai Flower, were acquired by Santa Barbara Museum of Art. The works are now exhibited in the group exhibition Mediated Nature. Located in California, the Santa Barbara Museum of Art (SBMA) was established in 1941, and its building was formerly a post office in the downtown. As a small to medium-sized local museum, the collection of the Santa Barbara Museum of Fine Arts is exquisite and delicate, with a high span of works collected across ancient and modern Europe and Asia, including early Greek and Roman artifacts, Asian art and antiquities from China, Japan and Korea, 19th and 20th century European and American paintings, and international contemporary art. For each collection focus, more than one curator in the museum is responsible for its exhibition and acquisitions plans. It is worth mentioning that the Museum’s Photography and New Media Art is an independent department, currently led by curator Charlie Wylie, and the acquisition of the Still Life Series was carried out by this department. The Museum also has a strong connection to the local community. Many art lovers enthusiastically volunteer to be docents during their leisure time. In addition to private donations as a source of funding, the museum also relies on generous donations from the public, making the museum a place where memories and histories are shared with local residents. The exhibition will run through Dec 1, 2022.  吳季璁的兩件錄像作品《小品之十二 彎子木》和《小品之十四 黃梅》被美國聖塔巴巴拉美術館收藏,並於美術館群展《媒介化的自然》中展出。 位於加州的聖塔巴巴拉美術館(SBMA)成立於1941年,其建築物前身為市中心的郵局,後來透過私人捐助等預算不斷擴建館舍,近期才完成耗時七年的裝修改建。 身為中小型的地方博物館,聖塔芭芭拉美術館的藏品精緻細膩,作品收藏跨度極高,橫跨古今歐亞,囊括早期希臘和羅馬文物、亞洲中日韓三地藝術和古物、19和20世紀的歐美繪畫,國際當代藝術,每個收藏重點皆由一位以上館內策展人負責作品展出與購藏的規劃。值得一提的是館內「攝影與新媒體藝術」是獨立出來的部門,目前由策展人Charlie Wylie主導,《小品系列》作品正是由這一部門購藏。 美術館與地方社群的連結極深,許多藝文愛好者會在閒暇之餘熱心參與館內導覽活動。另外,除了以私人捐贈作為經費來源,館內眾多藏品也仰賴民間捐獻,使美術館成為與在地居民共譜記憶的場域。 展覽將持續至2022年12月1日。  


2018 ABHK

Cyano-Collage 024 Acquired by the Asian Art Museum

We are honored to share that Wu Chi-Tsung’s Cyano-Collage 024 was acquired by the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco (AAM), one of the world’s finest collections of Asian art located in the U.S. Cyano-Collage 024 was the featured artwork for Wu Chi-Tsung’s solo exhibition, presented by Galerie du Monde, at Art Basel Hong Kong 2018, where it made its debut. In 2019, when he was awarded the winner of the inaugural Liu Kuo-Sung Ink Art Award, this work was the piece selected for exhibition. Scaled 180 x 360 cm, the Cyano-Collage 024 was the artist’s first attempt on such a considerable dimension on a single panel. It took him several months to conduct experiments from selecting papers that involve interesting details to connecting them into a poetic scenery. Besides, it was the first time that he challenged a dual-color composition, which contributed to a deepened depth of field.  近日,美國舊金山亞洲藝術博物館典藏了《氰山集之二十四》。該館擁有全美最大的亞洲藝術藏品,特別以收藏中國古文物聞名。 這件作品為藝術家首次嘗試單一底板的最大尺幅的創作,寬3.6公尺、高1.8公尺。他花費數月時間研究與實驗氰版相紙的拼接,力求呈現氣勢磅礴而富有詩意的畫面,畫面中近景的深藍與遠景黃棕色的氰版顏色對照令構圖更具縱深感。在2018年巴塞爾藝術展香港展會世界畫廊展位中,作品首次发表,並在2019年吳季璁榮獲首屆「劉國松水墨藝術大獎」之際再度亮相。  


《小品》系列作品於越南Nguyen Art Foundation典藏

Wu Chi-Tsung’s video installation works Still Life 007 – Daffodil and Still Life 012 – Buttercup Tree were recently collected by the Nguyen Art Foundation. Established in 2018, the Nguyen Art Foundation was born from a desire to better serve the artistic community of Vietnam. It was founded by Quynh Nguyen, under the advisory of Cam Xanh (pseudonym of Thanh Tran Ha), artist and founder of MoT+++. Since its conception, the foundation has worked to build an alternative infrastructure for the arts in Vietnam, and construct the base for what it hopes will form Vietnam’s first museum of contemporary art. The foundation aims to expand the possibilities for contemporary art in Vietnam by facilitating global exchange that enriches not only individual practices, but engages the overall growth of the Vietnamese art scene. The Still Life 012 – Buttercup Tree was shot during Wu Chi-Tsung’s residency at MoT+++ in 2019, and was inspired by the local culture and nature of Vietnam. 吳季璁錄影裝置作品《小品之七 水仙》《小品之十二 彎子木》日前被越南Nguyen Art Foundation典藏。 Nguyen Art Foundation成立於2018年,由MoT +++藝術家兼創始人Cam Xanh(Thanh Tran Ha的藝名)協助創立。自成立以來,基金會一直致力提供越南當代藝術創作的替代空間,並希望未來在此基礎上建立越南第一座當代藝術博物館。 本次被典藏的兩件作品中,《小品之十二 彎子木》是吳季璁2019年在MoT+++駐村期間完成,記錄了藝術家對於越南自然文化的觀察與啟發。  


Cyano-Collage 068

Cyano-Collage 068 Collected by Xie Zilong Photography Museum

Cyano-Collage 068, 2019, 150 x 300 Exhibited in Photofair Shanghai in last September, Wu Chi-Tsung’s Cyano-Collage 068 was collected by Xie Zilong Photography Museum. Located in Changsha, the museum is prestigious for its symbolic architecture and professional interpretation of photography art.   Xie Zilong Photography Museum (XPM), located at Zone D of Yanghu Wetland Park in Changsha City, was founded by Mr. Xie Zilong, photographer, Chairman of Hunan Photographers Association and President of LBX Pharmacy Chain Co. Ltd., with an investment of 150 million yuan. As the largest non-profit photography museum in China, XPM was officially opened to the public for free since September 16th, 2017. Designed by the famous architect Mr. Wei Chunyu, Dean of the School of Architecture of Hunan University and his team, XPM has a floor area of 10,600 square meters and was made by a one-off cast in fair bare concrete—it’s a return to the essence of architecture and art and a rejection and subversion of the flashy architectural language prevailing today, allowing the audience to feel the art of photography through the building. Of the four floors, the first one is the Art and Cultural Space with Zhinong Bookstore, Zhinong Café, a Japanese restaurant, a multifunctional hall and a water-viewing deck inside; the second and third floors are professional exhibition halls of 4,000 square meters with display walls as long as 1,000 meters, the tallest of the walls is 10m and the longest 40m and with professional German Erco display lighting; the fourth floor is a full set of a top-class Swedish Profoto high-end photo studio and a gallery. As a professional and high-end world-class museum of photography, Xie Zilong Photography Museum integrates collection, exhibition, academic research and exchange and is dedicated to building a platform for the art of photography in China and to promoting the development of Chinese photography art. 吳季璁在上海影像藝術博覽會中展出的作品《氰山集之六十八》由位於中國長沙的謝子龍影像藝術館典藏,藝術館以其獨特的建築與對於攝影藝術的專業呈現而獨具聲望。 謝子龍影像藝術中心由中國攝影家協會理事、湖南省攝影家協會主席、老百姓大藥房董事長謝子龍全額出資1.5億元創辦,由湖南大學建築學院院長魏春雨團隊設計建造,建築面積約1萬平方米,2017年開始營運,為目前國內最具規模和收藏實力的民營非營利性影像藝術中心。 「當人們談起巴黎、紐約、倫敦時,總會聯想起羅浮宮博物館、大都會藝術博物館和大英博物館,這些博物館收藏著人類發展史上可堪稱頌的文化藝術結晶,它們的魅力和影響力吸引了全世界的目光,我也非常希望未來當人們談起長沙、甚至是中國的時候,謝子龍影像藝術中心成為一個『必去』的地標性建築和博物館級的影像藝術中心。」謝子龍在開幕新聞發布會上宣布,該館以弘揚影像藝術、提升城市文化品位為宗旨,不以商業盈利為目的,將成為國內最大的影像藝術公益藝術館。 「『還影像藝術一個殿堂級的藝術館』——這是我成立這個影像藝術中心的初衷和願景,也是我們期望達到的最高目標。」謝子龍說,「到目前為止,中國還沒有一個真正意義上的攝影藝術博物館。希望『謝子龍影像藝術中心』能夠成為研究影像藝術的資料庫,成為中國影像藝術的發聲平台,舉辦最有價值的影像藝術賽事,為促進影像藝術增添一份力量。」


Still Life 012 – Buttercup Tree

Two of ‘Still Life’ works join the Borusan Contemporary Art Collection
《小品》系列作品於土耳其Borusan Contemporary Art Collection典藏

Wu Chi-Tsung’s video installation works Still Life 011 – Tsubaki and Still Life 012 – Buttercup Tree were recently collected by  Borusan Contemporary Art Collection, the first collection in Turkey which is a member of IACCCA (International Association of Corporate Collections of Contemporary Art). The collection, which was established in the 90s, was initially focused on Modern and Contemporary Turkish Art. Yet with the inclusion of international contemporary artists such as Donald Judd, Sol LeWitt and Jim Dine in the 2000s, it underwent a change and eventually shifted its focus towards New Media Arts with the inauguration of Borusan Contemporary as a public museum.   Photo courtesy of Borusan Contemporary, Istanbul     吳季璁錄影裝置作品《小品之十一 茶花》《小品之十二 彎子木》日前被Borusan Contemporary Art Collection收藏。Borusan Contemporary Art Collection是土耳其首家加入IACCCA協會(國際當代藝術收藏集團協會)的當代藝術收藏機構,於20世紀90年代成立,初以收藏土耳其現當代藝術為中心,進入21世紀後,機構正式以公共博物館形式開放,收藏也轉向為關注國際藝術家、尤其是活躍於新媒體藝術領域的藝術家。


wu chi tsung crystal city 003

Crystal City 003 in M+ Collection, Hong Kong

  Wu Chi-Tsung work Crystal City 003 was donated to M+ Hong Kong by Hong Kong collector Hallam Chow. The artist uses clear, rectangular plastic packaging of different sizes to construct a miniature city and illuminated it with moving light. The resulting cityscape of light and shadows is both a romantic mirage and a pile of industrial waste, making the installation a sharp commentary on contemporary life, which meets the focus of M+ collection.     《水晶城市003》由香港收藏家仇浩然捐贈給香港M+博物館。《水晶城市》系列利用不同大小的透明矩形塑膠包裝,構建出一座微型城市,並以遊移流動的光線來照亮作品,由此形成虛擬的城市景觀,作品對於當代生活的象徵性投射與M+收藏的關注重點不謀而合。      


Cyano-Collage 50 in Post Vidai Collection, Vietnam
《氰山集之五十》於Post Vidai典藏,越南

  Wu Chi-Tsung’s Cyano-Collage 50 has recently joined the Post Vidai Collection, the largest private collection of contemporary art in Vietnam. Cyano-Collage 50, created during the artist’s residency at MoT+++ space in Ho Chi Minh city, could be regarded as a reflection and confirmation of Post Vidai’s long-lasting pursuit to unsettle the definition of ‘Vietnamese-ness’.   近日,吳季璁在越南MoT +++空間駐地期間創作的作品《氰山集之五十》被越南最大的私人當代藝術收藏機構Post Vidai收藏。該基金會長期以來致力於重新討論、思考「何為越南」的身份標籤,而跨國合作下的《氰山集之五十》也為這一命題增添了新的註腳。