Tag Archives: forum

yu peng

Artist Talk on ’A Wanderer between Heaven and Earth: Yu Peng and his LIfe Work’, Jun 15, Taipei Fine Arts Museum

  Wu Chi-Tsung will be delivering an artist talk with Wu Chao-Jen (吳超然), guest curator of the current exhibition ‘A Wanderer between Heaven and Earth: Yu Peng (于彭) and His Life Work’ this Saturday. The artist and the curator will talk about the ‘formalism’ of brush and ink (筆墨) in Yu Peng’s work, his transformation from the western hard-pen sketches to eastern brush and ink (軟筆) and the reinterpretation of brush and ink in the contemporary context, etc.   Art Promenade on ‘A Wanderer between Heaven and Earth: Yu Peng and His Life Work’ Jun 15 15:00 – 17:00, Taipei Fine Arts Museum Artist/commentator: Wu Chi-Tsung, Wu Chao-Jen Location: Gallery 206, second floor, Taipei Fine Arts Museum     展覽漫遊57:于彭-行者.天上.人間 06/15(六) 15: 00-17: 00   吳季璁 l 藝術家 X 吳超然 l 于彭回顧展策展人 集合地點: 于彭個展二樓206展場 關鍵密語 → 筆墨精神的柳暗花明   于彭回顧展正如火如荼在北美館展開,六月已是展出的最後一個月,許多觀眾近兩個月數度往返于彭展覽場,也持續聆聽幾位專家學者們從各個角度觀看與解讀于彭的創作。于彭被認為對水墨畫八、九O年代以來的現當代水墨創新具有突破性貢獻,觀眾不禁好奇,筆法與墨法嚴謹的水墨傳統如何被于彭突破? 在這一場獨特的對談裡,藝術家吳季璁與于彭回顧展的策展人吳超然老師將針對于彭創作的幾項議題進行一場別開生面的對談,包括:于彭的筆墨從哪裡來?如何在他的畢生創作裡實踐?西方的素描(硬筆)如何轉化成為筆墨(軟筆)?以及,「筆墨」在當代的意義等。     吳季璁,1981年出生於台北,2004年畢業於國立台北藝術大學美術系,目前居住、創作於台北及柏林。致力於攝影、錄像、裝置、繪畫與舞台設計, 其創作媒體媒材多元,發想自日常生活中平凡的材料與現象,轉換出充滿詩意的想像空間。關注影像及觀看本質的探討,並融合東西方傳統與現當代藝術形式。曾獲台北美術獎首獎(2003)、波蘭媒體藝術雙年展(WRO,2013) 藝評與藝術雜誌編輯獎,並入圍英國世界藝術獎(Artes Mundi, 2006)、英國保誠當代藝術獎(Prudential Eye Awards, 2015)。 吳超然,「行者‧天上‧人間─于彭回顧展」策展人。2002年獲美國堪薩斯大學藝術史博士,曾任國立台北藝術大學美術系兼任講師(1998-2001),靜宜大學人文科專任助理教授(2002-2003)。2003年至今擔任東海大學美術系助理教授。曾策畫的展項:「水墨 x 複數─新世代水墨展」(高雄小畫廊,2017),「記憶的交織與重疊─後解嚴台灣水墨」 (國立台灣美術館,2017),「筆墨的當代性」(東海大學藝術中心,2009)等。學術專長:中國近現代藝術史,藝術史學方法論與中國書畫史。


HK Basel Artist Talk

Artist Talk: How Contemporary is Ink? The Weight of Tradition, Mar 29, Art Basel in Hong Kong

Wu Chi-Tsung was invited to join the artist talk, How Contemporary is Ink? The Weight of Tradition, at Art Basel in Hong Kong. How does ink art find its creative and critical potential in the context of a globalized art world? Four artists from Hong Kong, mainland China, and Taiwan will discuss the role of ink in their work, and how they consider its value—and weight—in contemporary artmaking. Artist|Peng Wei, Hung Fai, Hu Xiaoyuan, Wu Chi-TsungModerated by Lesley Ma, Curator, Ink Art, M+, Hong Kong More information for Wu Chi-Tsung’s solo at Art Basel in Hong Kong 吳季璁受邀參加「水墨是否當代?傳統的重量」藝術家座談,由香港巴塞爾藝博會舉辦,M+策展人馬唯中主持。 在全球化之下,水墨是否仍具有創造性與發展潛力?四位來自香港、中國、台灣的藝術家將會一同分享,思索當代水墨藝術的價值。 藝術家|彭薇、熊輝、胡曉媛、吳季璁主持人|馬唯中,M+策展人 更多吳季璁香港巴塞爾藝博會個展訊息


artist talk Dia Projects HCMC

Artist talk and presentation: Wu Chi-Tsung, Nguyen Manh Hung and Cam Xanh. Jan. 6 ,2017. Dia Projects HCMC, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
藝術家座談:吳季璁、Nguyen Manh Hung、Cam Xanh. 2017.1.6. 胡志明市,越南

Artist Talk and Presentation Artists Wu Chi-Tsung, Nguyen Manh Hung and Cam Xanh Time January 6, 2017 Vanue Dia Projects, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam The event is a cultural exchange which introduce Wu Chi-Tsung, Nguyen Manh Hung and Cam Xanh to the creative community in Vietnam. This talk features two parts, the first part gives an introduction and conversation between Nguyen Manh Hung and Cam Xanh about their exhibited works at the International Workshop for Asian Young Artists Exchange in Asia Contemporary Art Exhibition 2016 at Jeonbuk Museum of Art and nearby Area, September 2016. In the second part, artist Wu Chi-Tsung presents his line of work and shares with the onlookers his experiences of working on multiple different fields of contemporary art.  


SU wen-chi and WU chi-tsung workshop at Westkowloon

SU Wen-chi X WU Chi-tsung 《New Works Forum》workshop, Westkowloon, Hong Kong
蘇文琪 X 吳季璁《新作論壇》工作坊 – 香港西九文化區

日期2016年10月4 – 8日 地點香港創意書院多媒體劇場 10月4日至10月8日編舞家/新媒體藝術家蘇文琪與視覺藝術家吳季璁於香港主持西九文化區表演藝術部主辦之《新作論壇》。首日交流會為工作坊揭幕,了解蘇文琪與吳季璁跨領域的合作,並透過工作坊帶領香港編舞家、舞者、新媒體藝術家、藝評人、電影製作人及學生等人透過不同的身體動作與討論思考,探索舞蹈與新媒體藝術之間的關聯,並激發跨領與合作的想像。 Interview and hightlights: SU Wen-chi X WU Chi-tsung 《New Works Forum》workshop, Westkowloon, Hong Kong吳季璁x蘇文琪 香港西九文化區《新作論壇》工作坊訪談與花絮 VIEW VIDEO Interview: Wu Chi-Tsung’s point of view towards new media arts《新作論壇》專訪吳季璁關於新媒體藝術看法READ ARTICLE