Cross-Sector Collaboration: Artistic Design for Dun Ren Hospital’s Album “Earthing”
In the summer of 2012, lyricist Yung-Feng Chung visited Dun Ren Psychiatric Hospital in Yuanlin and was surprised to find no iron bars, unpleasant odors, or unsettling noises. The patients lived leisurely lives and were treated with respect. During the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, he and composer Shiuan Chang revisited the hospital to learn how Dun Ren Hospital centers around patients, refining an internal support system through daily morning reflections and reviews. Inspired by this, Shiuan Chang composed a series of music, including folk songs and children’s songs, designed to connect with the patients’ memories, provide them comfort, and also document the composer’s ongoing internal dialogue and psychophysical reconstruction. The album’s name “Earthing” is derived from Dunren Hospital’s principle of “settling the earth and being humane”, and was released recently. The album is released on its official website, and steaming services such as Spotify and Apple Music Invited by Shiuan Chang, Wu Chi-Tsung took on the role of art director for the album. He was captivated by the myriad perspectives unfolding at every turn, as well as by the depiction of contemporary ethos and the psychological landscape of modern life woven into the music. Through the familiar acts of “tearing” and “kneading” in his artistic process, Chi-Tsung embodies the narrative perspective of “Earthing.” He metaphorically navigates life’s twists and turns and confronts its myriad challenges within the folded pages, utilizing a “visualized” textual arrangement to delve into life’s mysteries. 在2012年夏天,詞作家鍾永豐訪問位於員林的敦仁精神專科醫院時,驚訝地發現那裡沒有鐵窗、異味或令人緊張的聲音,病友們生活閒適而受到尊重。至2020年疫情期間,他與作曲家張玹再度拜訪,學習醫院如何以病友為中心改進支持系統。張玹受此啟發,創作了一系列曲目,包括民謠和兒歌,這些音樂旨在與病友的記憶產生聯繫,為他們帶來慰藉,亦紀錄作曲家自我的持續內在對話與身心重建。專輯名稱取自敦仁醫院「安土敦乎仁」的宗旨,並於近期上線專輯官網與Spotify,Apple Music等平台。 吳季璁受張玹之邀,擔綱專輯的藝術設計,他驚艷於樂音中所揭示當代精神樣貌與現代生活的心理狀態敘述。吳季璁透過在他創作《氰山集》等作品時已諳熟於心的「撕」與「揉」動作,作為敘述《安土》的視角,他在摺頁中模擬面對生活的波折與重重考驗,以「視覺化」文字排序敘述探索生命中的未知。