Tag Archives: set design


Cross-Sector Collaboration: Artistic Design for Dun Ren Hospital’s Album “Earthing”

In the summer of 2012, lyricist Yung-Feng Chung visited Dun Ren Psychiatric Hospital in Yuanlin and was surprised to find no iron bars, unpleasant odors, or unsettling noises. The patients lived leisurely lives and were treated with respect. During the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, he and composer Shiuan Chang revisited the hospital to learn how Dun R…


Off the map performs at Kalamata Dance Festival
Kalamata Greece

17.07 | FRI | 20:00 18.07 | SAT | 20:00 ΚALAMATA DANCE ΜΕGΑRΟΝ – STUDIO Length: 60′ Set design by Wu Chi-Tsung Profoundly poetic and of hypnotic beauty, the performance Off the Map creates a space for contemplation in which viewers are invited to get away from their sense of time and reality for a while and get in touch with their inner self….