Tag Archives: exhibitions

Drawing Study

Drawing Study Series Featured in Group Exhibition  “Shadow and Void: Buddha¹⁰” 
《寫生習作》系列於群展《Shadow and Void: Buddha¹⁰》

Shadow and Void: Buddha¹⁰Opening reception January 17, 2025 18:00 – 20:00Dates  18 January to 20 April 2025Venue Esea contemporary, 13 Thomas St, Manchester  Wu Chi-Tsung’s Drawing Study Series will be presented at the group exhibition “Shadow and Void: Buddha¹⁰” at ESEA Contemporary in Manchester. The exhibition, a collaboration between the gallery and MAO (Museum of Asian Art, Turin), is curated by Xiaowen Zhu and Davide Quadrio. It intertwines scientific studies, contemporary art, and spirituality by showcasing recently restored Buddhist sculptures from the seventh to the eighteenth centuries CE, on loan from MAO, alongside contemporary works by Shigeru Ishihara, Lee Mingwei, LuYang, Sun Xun, Sinta Tantra, Wu Chi-Tsung, and Zheng Bo. The exhibition includes three new commissions created specifically for “Buddha¹⁰.” The conceptual genesis of ‘Buddha¹⁰’ traces back to 2022, emerging from MAO’s critical initiative to excavate, analyze, and recontextualize its Buddhist artifacts. This scholarly endeavor poses essential questions about provenance, institutional presence, and the complex trajectories that brought these sacred objects to an Italian museum—interrogating not just their physical journey but their cultural translation and transformation. Within this context, Wu Chi-Tsung presents Drawing Study — MAO Bodhisattva Guanyin, Ming-Qing Dynasty, a work that extends his innovative series initiated in 2021 during his collaboration with TAO ART SPACE in Taipei. Through an ethereal methodology, Wu employs light as his medium, wielding a flashlight as a luminous brush to trace the spectral presence of ancient Buddhist statuary. This specific piece to be exhibited —commissioned and acquired by MAO—capture the essence of a Buddha statue from the museum’s permanent collection. As light trails materialize in space, they gradually reveal the statue’s form, creating a meditative choreography that embodies yūgenism—that ineffable quality of profound grace and subtle beauty. This temporal-spatial intervention orchestrates a contemplative dialogue between contemporary artistic practice and centuries-old devotional objects, weaving a philosophical thread through time that questions our relationship with sacred artifacts and their evolving contexts. Shadow and Void: Buddha¹⁰開幕酒會 2015年1月17日 18:00 – 20:00展期  2015年1月18日至4月20日地址   Esea contemporary, 13 Thomas St, Manchester  吳季璁的《寫生習作》系列將於曼徹斯特ESEA當代藝術中心群展「Shadow and Void:Buddha¹⁰」中展出。本次展覽由該藝術中心與都靈亞洲藝術博物館(MAO)合作,由朱曉聞與Davide Quadrio共同策劃。展覽交織了科學研究、當代藝術與靈性探索,呈現MAO博物館近期修復的七至十八世紀佛教雕塑,並與Shigeru Ishihara、 李明維、 陸楊、孫遜、 Sinta Tantra、吳季璁與鄭波等當代藝術家的作品並置展出,其中包含三件為「佛陀¹⁰」特別委託創作的新作。 「Buddha¹⁰」計畫始於2022年,源自MAO博物館對其佛教文物進行發掘、分析與重新語境化的嘗試。這項學術探索提出了關於文物來源、機構典藏及這些神聖物件如何輾轉來到義大利博物館的根本性問題——不僅探究其實體遷移的軌跡,更深入探討其文化轉譯與轉化的過程。吳季璁在此呈現《寫生習作—MAO觀音菩薩自在坐》,這件作品延伸了他2021年與台北TAO藝術空間合作個展時的系列創作,由MAO委託創作並收藏,捕捉了館藏佛像的本質精神。藝術家以光為媒材,運用手電筒作為發光的畫筆,描繪古老佛像的光譜痕跡。隨著光痕在空間中具現,逐漸顯露雕像的形態,創造出具有深邃優雅而微妙之美的幽玄之境。這件時空介入作品編織出當代藝術實踐與千年供奉物件之間的沉思對話,在時間之流中牽引出哲思的線索,探問我們與神聖文物及其演變脈絡之間的關係。  


Wrinkled Texture

Solo Exhibition Fading Origins in Los Angeles

Wu Chi-Tsung: Fading OriginDates January 18 – March 8, 2025Venue Sean Kelly Los Angeles, 1357 Highland Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90028 Wu Chi-Tsung’s solo exhibition “Fading Origin” is on view at Sean Kelly, Los Angeles. The exhibition reflects the artist’s profound contemplation of humanity’s transition from the analog to the digital world, exploring how this shift has fundamentally transformed human civilization and our way of life. In light of the current circumstances, the opening reception is postponed.  The exhibition features an experimental new series, Wrinkled Texture Fading Origin, which investigates the loss of information through the process of reproduction. In this new series, the diptych and quadriptych works begin with a single, full sheet of exposed cyanotype paper, which then becomes the basis for recursive cyanotypes within the same work, with each image serving as the negative for the adjacent sheet. The result is a mesmerizing shift between blue and white tones, where the original image gradually dissipates into a field of color. This process captures the ephemeral and transient qualities of the natural world while emphasizing the slight, irreproducible differences unique to analog processes. Through double-exposure techniques and exploration of faded origins, the series reflects Chi-Tsung’s commitment to advancing the medium while preserving the poetic, tactile qualities of analog photography. The artist explores the inherent properties of cyanotype photography—the technical foundation of his signature works Cyano-Collage and Wrinkled Texture Series. While cyanotype was once widely used for industrial blueprint reproduction, each successive reproduction gradually loses detail, resembling fading memories, or as the artist describes, “aerial perspective drawn on a timeline.” This imperfect nature of analog reproduction stands in stark contrast to the possibility of perfect replication in the digital world. This exploration broadens the expression of uncontrollability inherited from the spirit of Chinese landscape painting in his cyanotype works, further questioning the profound differences in life experiences and thought patterns between analog and digital generations. The exhibition also introduces a new site-specific interactive installation, Calligraphy Study, where viewers can write with water-dipped brushes on specially prepared canvases. As the water evaporates, the writing disappears. The work presents the artist’s reflection on “writing in an ephemeral era,” transforming calligraphy into an artistic…


Galerie du Monde solo

Solo Exhibition Wu Chi-Tsung: Trail to the Moon in Taipei

Lying Moon 臥月Site-specific Installation, 2024 Wu Chi-Tsung: Trail to the MoonOpening reception: 19 December, 7:30 pmDates:  Dec 19, 2024 – Mar 29, 2025Venue: Galerie du Monde, 390 Ruiguang Road, Neihu, Taipei⁡We are delighted to announce “Wu Chi-Tsung: Trail to the Moon,” the inaugural exhibition at gdm’s (Galerie du Monde’s) new Taipei space. This marks Wu’s fourth solo presentation with the gallery and features the site-specific installation Lying Moon, new Cyano-Collages, and his latest experimental series “Wrinkled Texture – Fading Origin.” Centerpiece of this inaugural exhibition, Wu Chi-Tsung’s Lying Moon (2024) unfolds as a monumental 6-meter immersive photographic installation, conceived specifically for this inaugural exhibition. The work’s title operates on multiple semantic registers: in its most immediate sense, it depicts a moon prostrating across the ground, inviting viewers to physically recline upon its surface. Yet “lying” here also gestures toward the work’s conceptual artifice—this is a moon that deceives, a constructed celestial body assembled from the collective imaginary. The lunar topography, traditionally read as familiar craters and seas, is here meticulously crafted from sand, photographed, manipulated, and collaged into a new cosmological fiction. This dual reading of “lying”—as both physical positioning and poetic deception—transforms into a metaphor for how perception unfolds along lines of becoming: emergent, indeterminate, contingent, historical, and deeply narrative in its unfolding. The Lying Moon reveals both technical and spiritual continuity with Wu’s signature works also presented in this exhibition, the Cyano-Collage Series and Wrinkled Texture Series, collectively demonstrating his two-decade exploration of how images fundamentally alter our modes of seeing, imagining, and experiencing the world. Cyano-Collage 235, 236, 237氰山集之二百三十五,二百三十六,二百三十七300 x 300 cm x 3 panels, 2024 吳季璁個展:氰山映月開幕酒會  2024年12月19日, 7:30 pm展覽日期  2024年12月19日至2025年3月29日地址  爍樂(世界畫廊), 台北市內湖區瑞光路390號 ⁡我們很榮幸地宣布,吳季璁個展「氰山映月」於爍樂(世界畫廊)全新台北空間盛大開幕。這是吳季璁與畫廊的第四次個展合作,展出作品包括場域特定裝置作品《臥月》(Lying Moon)、最新的氰山集系列,以及其最新實驗作品《皴法習作-消逝的原件》。⁡ 吳季璁為此開幕展創作了沉浸式攝影裝置《臥月》(2024),作品寬達六米,是專為畫廊空間量身打造。作品標題蘊含多重語意層次:就其最直觀的層面而言,它呈現了一輪橫臥地面的月亮,邀請觀眾實際躺臥其上。然而,「lying」一詞在此同時指向作品的概念性詭計——這是一輪具有欺騙性質的月亮,是從集體想像中建構而成的天體。月球表面那些我們所熟悉的環形坑與月海,皆由藝術家精心以沙粒構造、攝影、處理並拼貼而成的全新宇宙寓言。這種對「lying」的雙重解讀——既是實體的空間位置,也是詩意的欺瞞——化身為一個關於感知如何沿著生成軌跡展開的隱喻:它是湧現的、不確定的、偶然的、歷史性的,並在其展演過程中深具敘事性。《臥月》在技法與精神內核上,呈現出與同展的代表性作品《氰山集》及《皴法習作》系列的一致性與傳承,共同展現了吳季璁二十年來對圖像如何根本性地改變我們觀看、想像和體驗世界方式的探索。 Installation Views 展覽現場  


installation view

New Cyano-Collage Series at TEFAF New York

Sean Kelly | Stand 330Dates:  May 9 -14 2024 Venue: Park Avenue Armory, New York   Simultaneously with Taipei Dangdai, two Cyano-Collage works will debut to western audiences at Sean Kelly’s booth at the prestigious TEFAF fair in New York. Cultivated in the art traditions of both the East and the West since his childhood, Wu Chi-Tsung has always aspired to combine Western contemporary media with the spirit of Eastern aesthetics to reach a broader audience and inspire diverse interpretations of his work. “Through my work, xuan paper is able to be noticed by more people. For example, when I was exhibiting in Europe when the audience learned about the production process of the “Cyano-Collage Series”, they were all amazed by the outstanding resilience of the xuan paper after being crumpled, flattened, soaked, and dried. If in this way, more artists from other countries will also start to become interested in this material and begin to use it in their creations, can this traditional eastern media breathe a new life in the contemporary art world? “, Chi-Tsung shared during an interview with Vogue Taiwan.  Established in 1988, The European Fine Art Foundation (TEFAF) is widely regarded as the world’s preeminent organization for fine art, antiques, and design. TEFAF organizes two international fairs—TEFAF Maastricht, which presents over 7,000 years of art history, and TEFAF New York, focused on modern and contemporary art and design. 尚凱利畫廊 | Stand 330 日期:  2024年5月9 -14日地址: Park Avenue Armory, New York  與台北當代近乎同一時期,另外兩件《氰山集》系列作品將於世界另一端的紐約TEFAF博覽會尚凱利畫廊展位首秀。吳季璁自幼深受東西方藝術傳統的熏陶,在創作中一直希望將西方當代媒介與東方美學精神結合,以觸及更廣泛的觀眾,激發對其作品的多樣解讀。 「(我希望)透過我的作品,宣紙能夠被更多人注意到。例如,當我在歐洲展出時,觀眾對宣紙經過揉皺、壓平、浸泡及風乾後仍顯出的卓越韌性感到驚訝。如果這樣,更多來自其他國家的藝術家也開始對這種材料感興趣並開始在他們的創作中使用它,這種傳統的東方媒介能否在當代藝術世界中注入新生呢?」吳季璁在接受《Vogue Taiwan》訪問時分享道。  TEFAF(歐洲美術基金會)成立於1988年,被廣泛認為是世界上最卓越的美術、古董及設計組織。TEFAF每年舉辦兩場具有影響力的國際博覽會,分別是位於荷蘭馬斯垂克、聚焦於7000年跨度的古典美術的TEFAF馬斯垂克,與位於美國紐約、專注於現代與當代藝術及設計的TEFAF紐約。  



New Cyano-Collage at Taipei Dangdai

gdm (Galerie du Monde) | Booth E07 Dates: May 9 – 12, 2024Venue: Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center This week, new works of the Cyano-Collage Series will be showcased at the Taipei Dangdai Art Fair, represented by gdm (Galerie du Monde). Recalling the traditional cyanotype photographic technique, the artist treats xuan paper with a photosensitive coating, then crumples the sheets by hand, creating wrinkles and folds before exposing them to sunlight. From the resulting dozens of textured papers with varied tonalities, he assembles and layers the fragments to construct landscapes that resemble rocky terrains with peaks shrouded in mist, snow, and rushing water, evoking the aesthetic of Eastern ink paintings . For the artist, it’s all about experimentation. “Most artists have a strong ego. We try to control our work. But the more you try to control it, the more likely you are to lose the possibility. Sometimes, we should just let it go. Let the work grow in the way it should,” Chi-Tsung has said. 爍樂(世界畫廊) | E07展位日期: 2024年5月9日 – 12日地址: 台北南港展覽館 本週,《氰山集》系列新作將於台北當代藝術博覽會爍樂(世界畫廊)展位呈現。作品創造性地應用傳統的氰版攝影技術,藝術家將感光藥劑塗布於宣紙,再將紙張揉成皺褶,令其曝曬於陽光下,從而產生數十張質地和色調各異的紙張,最後,再將這些紙張拼接層疊,構建出類似奇峰或滄海的景觀,同時呼應了東方的書畫傳統。對藝術家而言,一切都是關於實驗。 「大多數藝術家都有強烈的自我,試圖控制作品。但你越試圖控制,就越令作品失去可能性。有時候我們應該學會放手,讓作品以應有的方式成長,」吳季璁說。  



Cyano-Collage Series Showcased in the Upcoming Group Exhibition at Asian Art Museum in San Francisco

 Into View: New Voices, New Stories Dates Jan 19, 2024 – Oct 17, 2024 Venue 200 Larkin Street, San Francisco, CA 94102 In the upcoming exhibition Into View: New Voices, New Stories at Asian Art Museum in San Francisco, U.S.A., Cyano-Collage 024 will be presented. The exhibition features recently acquired paintings, sculptures, ceramics, prints, and mixed-media work by local and international contemporary artists who challenge and subvert convention by transforming familiar stories, stereotypes, and techniques. Other participating artists includes Artists: Koon Wai Bong, Theresa Hak Kyung Cha, Michael Jang & Barry McGee, Cathy Lu, Jiha Moon, Younhee Paik, Nicole Pun, Stephanie Syjuco, TT Takemoto, Wesley Tongson, Rupy C. Tut, and Jenifer K Wofford.  Cyano-Collage 024 was the featured artwork in Wu Chi-Tsung’s solo exhibition presented by Galerie du Monde at Art Basel Hong Kong 2018, where it made its debut. In 2019, it was selected for exhibition when Wu Chi-Tsung was awarded the winner of the inaugural Liu Kuo-Sung Ink Art Award. In 2021, upon acquiring the work, the Asian Art Museum organized an online event that allowed art lovers to learn more about the production process of the work and the artist behind it. 展望:新聲音,新故事日期 2024年1月19日至10月17日地址 200 Larkin Street, San Francisco, CA 94102 《氰山集之二十四》將在美國舊金山亞洲藝術博物館新展《展望:新聲音,新故事》中展出。該展覽呈現了最新納入博物館典藏的當代繪畫、雕塑、陶瓷、版畫和複合媒材作品,這些美國本土或國際藝術家通過改變熟悉的故事、刻板印象和技巧來挑戰和顛覆傳統。除吳季璁外,參展藝術家還有Koon Wai Bong, Theresa Hak Kyung Cha, Michael Jang & Barry McGee, Cathy Lu, Jiha Moon, Younhee Paik, Nicole Pun, Stephanie Syjuco, TT Takemoto, Wesley Tongson, Rupy C. Tut,以及Jenifer K Wofford。 這件作品是吳季璁首次嘗試單一底板的最大尺幅的創作,寬3.6公尺、高1.8公尺。他花費數月時間研究與實驗氰版相紙的拼接,力求呈現氣勢磅礴而富有詩意的畫面,畫面中近景的深藍與遠景黃棕色的氰版顏色對照令構圖更具縱深感。2018年巴塞爾藝術展香港展會期間,作品於世界畫廊舉辦的吳季璁個展中首次發表,並在2019年吳季璁榮獲首屆「劉國松水墨藝術大獎」之際再度亮相。 2021年,在舊金山亞洲藝術博物館典藏該作品之際,博物館特別為此舉辦了一場線上交流活動,邀請藝術家與美術館藏家及藝術愛好者分享製作過程與藝術理念。  



Group Exhibition Living Paper at Galerie du Monde in Hong Kong

Living PaperDates Jan 10 – Mar 9, 2024Opening Reception Jan 10 17:00 – 19:00Venue 11 Duddell St, Central, Hong Kong Wu Chi-Tsung will ring in the new year with his participation in the group exhibition Living Paper, presented by Galerie du Monde and explores the diversity and versatility of paper as a medium, as well as its limitless potential for creating a visual dialogue. Established in 1974, Galerie du Monde is hosting this exhibition as part of its 50th-anniversary celebration series. The exhibition is curated by Olivia Wang who is an art consultant, curator and writer, with a focus in contemporary Asian ink art, and features recent works from Wu Chi-Tsung’s Wrinkled Texture Series and Cyano-Collage Series, along with works from nine other Asian artists including Chiang Yomei, Fu Xiaotong, Hung Fai, Young-sé Lee, Ling Pui Sze, Ma Hui, Wai Pong-yu, Kelly Wang and Zheng Chongbin. The curator shares that “while the material enables artists to engage with their artistic traditions, the multivalence of the material itself lends itself to endless possibilities of exploration and creation. In the hands of this group of artists, paper becomes alive and comes into its own being.”  Believing that interacting with materials and technology is a crucial part of art creation, Wu Chi-Tsung’s daily working routine revolves around paper: treating, crumbling, exposing, “washing,” reassembling, and, most importantly, experimenting. To the artist, xuan paper possesses the most complicated and sensitive qualities among all papers. With different manufacturing methods, it is capable of producing a wide range of delicate ink colors. “Through my work, I hope to bring more attention to xuan paper and contribute to the industry, allowing traditional Eastern media to breathe new life into the contemporary art world.” 活紙日期 2024年1月10日 – 3月9日 開幕酒會 2024年1月10日17:00 – 19:00地址 香港中環都爹利街11號 吳季璁將參展香港世界畫廊群展《活紙》,為新年拉開序幕。世界畫廊成立於1974年,本展將開啟畫廊五十週年慶系列活動。展覽策展人汪鈴是一名藝術顧問、策展人與作者,她長期關注亞洲當代水墨領域。展覽將探索紙張作為媒介的多樣性和多功能性,以及創造視覺對話的無限潛力。吳季璁的《皴法習作》系列將與蔣友梅、傅小桐 、 熊輝 、 李隆世 、 凌佩詩 、 馬蕙 、 韋邦雨 、 王佳怡、鄭重賓等其他九位亞洲藝術家的作品共同呈現,深入探討紙張的豐富物質性和文化內涵。策展人分享道:「紙張作為媒材令藝術家能夠與他們的藝術傳統互動,而紙張本身的多重性質也為無窮的創新與多樣的創作提供了可能性。在這群藝術家的手中,紙張變得有生命且展現了自身的存在價值。」 吳季璁相信與材料和技術的互動是藝術創作中至關重要的一部分,他的日常工作幾乎圍繞著「紙」展開:施加藥劑、揉皺、曬紙、「洗紙」、組合,以及無數次的實驗。他認為宣紙擁有其他紙張無法比擬的豐富性和敏感性。透過不同的處理方法,它們能夠呈現極其細膩的墨色變化。「透過我的作品,我希望更多的人能夠注意到宣紙,同時也期待這個傳統的東方媒介在當代藝術世界中焕發新生。」  


Installation view

Solo Exhibition Wu Chi-Tsung: Synchronicity at the Katonah Museum of Art

Wu Chi-Tsung: Synchronicity Dates July 9 -October 1, 2023 Artist Talk July 9 14:00 – 15:00Venue 134 Jay Street, Katonah, NY 10536 The Katonah Museum of Art (KMA) presents Wu Chi-Tsung: Synchronicity, which marks Chi-Tsung’s first solo museum exhibition. The exhibition will focus on the artist’s most recent body of work, his Cyano-Collage Series, that seamlessly incorporates Eastern aesthetics with collage and photographic processes to create sublime reinterpretations of traditional Chinese Shan Shui (mountain-water) landscape paintings. A meditative video installation in the main galleries and an immersive installation in the project gallery will provide further examples of Wu’s diverse and innovative practice. On July 9, Wu Chi-Tsung will join KMA Executive Director Michelle Yin Mapplethorpe for an in-depth discussion on his dynamic and interdisciplinary practice.  The Katonah Museum of Art is a non-collecting institution geared towards visual arts, located in Katonah, New York. From its inception, the KMA was committed to presenting exceptional art from all cultures and time periods. The founders’ decision to be a non-collecting institution resulted in a dynamic and flexible exhibition program, which remains one of the most distinctive features of the Museum.  In November, after the successful closing of his first institutional solo show in the US at the Katonah Museum of Art, Wu Chi-Tsung has donated his Cyano-Collage 179 to the Katonah museum for its annual live benefit auction that supports for the Museum’s acclaimed exhibitions, educational programs, and forward-thinking initiatives.  吳季璁:Synchronicity日期 2023年7月9日 – 10月1日 藝術家講演  2023年7月9日14:00 – 15:00地址 134 Jay Street, Katonah, NY 10536 卡托納美術館(KMA)呈獻「吳季璁:Synchronicity」,這標誌了吳季璁的首次美術館個展。本次展覽將聚焦於吳季璁的《氰山集》系列新作,介紹藝術家將東方美學與拼貼、攝影技術進行無縫接合的創作方式,從而呈現藝術家對於傳統中國書畫進行的突破性的再詮釋。此外,展覽還將展出《煙林圖系列》等沈浸式影像裝置,呈現吳季璁多樣而創新的藝術實踐。7月9日,吳季璁將與美術館館長Michelle Yin Mapplethorpe進行對談,分享其充滿活力的跨學科創作。 卡托納美術館是位於紐約州卡托納的一個以視覺藝術為主的藝術機構。從成立之初,KMA 就致力於呈現來自各種文化和時期的傑出藝術。其非收藏機構的特性也令美術館充滿活力、擁有靈活的展覽計劃,是該博物館最獨特的亮點之一。 十一月,在卡托納美術館個展順利閉幕後,吳季璁將《氰山集之一百七十九》捐贈給該博物館,作為其年度現場慈善拍賣的拍品。這項拍賣活動旨在支持博物館的優秀展覽、教育計劃和前瞻性活動。  Installation Views 展覽現場 Artist Talk 藝術家對談  



Dust 002 At Art Basel Unlimited in Basel, Switzerland

Art Basel Basel, Unlimited SectorSean Kelly Gallery Booth U59VIP Opening June 12, 2023Public Dates June 15-18, 2023Venue Messe Basel Messeplatz 10 4058 Basel Switzerland  This week, video installation Dust 002  alongside with new works from the Cyano-Collage Series will be presented at Sean Kelly Gallery’s booth at  Art Basel Unlimited, Art Basel’s pioneering exhibition platform for projects that transcend the classical art fair stand, including large-scale sculptures and paintings, video projections, installations, and live performances. The Dust was initially created and debuted during Wu Chi-Tsung’s residency at in 2006, which marked his first solo exhibition in an art institution in the United Kindoms. Since then, the work has been exhibited in Germany, Luxembourg and the U.S.. It features a real-time streaming of the reflection of the circulation of dust particles moving in the room. As viewers progress through the space, disrupting the flow of air, the images of flickering dust change constantly and instantaneously creating a captivating relationship between artist and viewer, technology, and chance. Dust not only reorients us to the small beauties of the world but demonstrates our fundamental inability to perceive these phenomena without, in turn, affecting them. 巴塞爾藝術展「意象無限」單元尚凱利畫廊 | Booth U59VIP預覽 2023年6月12日公眾展期 2023年6月15-18日會場 Messe Basel Messeplatz 10 4058 Basel Switzerland 本週,影像裝置《灰塵002》與《氰山集》系列新作將於巴塞爾藝術展「意象無限」單元的尚凱利畫廊展位展出。「意象無限」單元集中呈現超越傳統藝術展覽的藝術作品,包括大型雕塑、繪畫、影片投影、裝置藝術和現場表演等。 2006年,《灰塵》由吳季璁在塞特藝廊的駐留期間創作並首次展出,並在此後於德國、盧森堡和美國展出。它捕捉了塵埃於空間中的遊移並將其實時投影於銀幕。當觀者穿越空間,干擾空氣流動時,閃爍的塵埃影像會不斷地變化,創造一種藝術家和觀眾、技術和機會之間迷人的關係。《塵埃》不僅重新導向我們關注世界上細微而美麗的事物,也向我們揭示了我們本質上無法在不影響這些事物的條件下感知它們。  



Taipei Dangdai: New Works and Open Studio Party

Galerie du Monde|Booth B15Preview May 11, 2023Public Dates  May 12 – 14, 2023Venue  Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center This week, new works of Wu Chi-Tsung’s will be showcased in Taipei Dangdai Art Fair represented by Galerie du Monde. A fan-shaped Cyano-Collage Serieson aluminium board will be presented together witha newDrawing Studies – MAO Bodhissatva Guanyincreated in Turin, Italythat is commissioned and collected by Museo d’Arte Orientale di Torino.  世界畫廊|B15展位貴賓預覽 2023年5月11日公眾展期  2023年5月12日至14日會址  台北南港展覽館  本週,世界畫廊將攜吳季璁新作亮相台北當代藝術博覽會,一件鋁製底板扇形《氰山集》系列作品將會展出。同時,吳季璁受到意大利杜林東方藝術博物館委託、於杜林創作的《寫生習作——MAO觀音自在坐》也將首次於台灣亮相。 Wu Chi-Tsung Open Studio PartyDates May 12, 2023Address No.34, Lane 223, Section 3, Chongqing North Road, Datong Dist., Taipei On May 12, Galerie du Monde will be holding an open studio party at Wu Chi-Tsung’s Taipei studio. For RSVP, please contact [email protected] 吳季璁開放工作室派對日期 2023年5月12日地址 台北大同區重慶北路三段223巷34號 5月12日,世界畫廊將於吳季璁台北工作室舉辦開放工作室派對,敬請聯絡[email protected]預約出席。  


drawing studies

Drawing Studies Commissioned and Acquired by MAO – Museo d’Arte Orientale di Torino

Buddha10: A Fragmented display on Buddhist visual evolution Dates May 6, 2023 – September 3, 2023Venue Via San Domenico, 11 10122 Torino Italia  On May 6th, the second half of Buddha 10 was unveiled at the MAO – Museo d’Arte Orientale di Torino, where the visual evolution of Buddhist art throughout history shall be explored with renewed vigor. The exhibition is a tapestry of collections from various regions, woven together across time in the museum’s collection. The highlight of the exhibition will be Buddhist sculptures from the Chinese collection, which will offer different perspectives and reflections on the museum and its proud collection of Asian Art. ⁡Curated by Davide Quadrio who is renowned for working closely in the East Asian art scene over decades, the exhibition will also feature contemporary art practices, among which Wu Chi-Tsung’s Drawing Studies – MAO Bodhissatva Guanyin is commissioned and collected by the museum. The video installation captures the Buddha statue from the museum’s permanent collection and will debut at the museum’s Japanese garden, creating a timeless symphony of art. Buddha10: A Fragmented display on Buddhist visual evolution 展期 May 6, 2023 – September 3, 2023地址  Via San Domenico, 11 10122 Torino Italia  5月6日,群展Buddha 10的下半部分將於杜林東方藝術博物館開幕,繼續探索佛教藝術跨越歷史的視覺呈現。展覽由長期關註與研究亞洲古代與當代藝術的策展人樂大豆( Davide Quadrio)策劃,將展示博物館收藏中來自不同地理區域、貫穿古今的收藏,並與一系列當代藝術作品共同展示,旨在為博物館豐富的亞洲藝術收藏提供不同的觀點和反思。吳季璁被博物館委託製作並典藏的影像作品《寫生習作——MAO觀音自在坐》將於博物館日本花園的枯山水間首次亮相,呈現出跨越時空的共鳴。  


Shang Xia

Luxury Fashion Brand SHANGXIA Presents the “Cyano-Collage” Series in its 23FW Collection
中國奢侈時尚品牌SHANGXIA 上下新季成衣呈現《氰山集》系列作品

Wu Chi-Tsung’s Cyano-Collage Series was featured in Shangxia’s FW23 courture collection which debuted at Paris Fashion Week recently. Shang Xia is a Chinese luxury fashion brand backed by Hermès offering high-quality products with a contemporary twist on traditional Chinese aesthetics and crafts. In its FW 23 collection, it reinforces the brand’s exploration of ‘duality’ and how symmetry and asymmetry coexist.  中國奢侈時尚品牌SHANG XIA上下與吳季璁合作,將其《氰山集》系列作品呈現於品牌的2023秋冬系列成衣,並於近日的巴黎時裝周完成首秀。SHANG XIA上下由蔣瓊耳女士與愛馬仕集團共同創立,提供具有當代中國美學和工藝傳統的高品質產品。在其2023秋冬系列中,該品牌繼續了其對於二元性的探討,思考對稱與非對稱的並存。  



New Cyano-Collage Series at Art Basel Hong Kong

Galerie du Monde|Booth 3D17VIP Preview  Mar 21-22, 2023 Public Days Mar 23-25, 2023 Venue  Convention & Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong Next week, a new Cyano-Collage will be presented at Galerie du Monde’s booth at Art Basel Hong Kong. This piece will be showcased alongside the works of 14 other prominent artists, all of whose creations exudes an ambiguity and with that comes thought provocation, inspiring viewers to question the sense of self. 世界畫廊|3D17展位貴賓預展 2023年3月21日至22日公眾展期  2023年3月23日至25日會址  香港國際會議展覽中心 下週,《氰山集》系列新作將於香港巴塞爾藝術展香港展會世界畫廊展會發表。本次,世界畫廊將展出來自14位具有國際影響力的藝術家的作品,這些作品均有意擁抱著一種模糊性,挑戰著觀眾關於「自我」的思考。  


Wrinkled Texture 113

Wrinkled Texture Series At Asia Society Texas’ Ongoing Exhibition

Summoning Memories: Art Beyond Chinese TraditionsExhibition Period February 10, 2023 – July 2, 2023Venue 1370 Southmore Blvd. Houston, TX Wrinkled Texture 113 is featured in Asia Society Huston’s recent group exhibition “Summoning Memories: Art Beyond Chinese Traditions”. Curated by guest curator Dr. Susan L. Beningson, the exhibition highlights works by over 30 contemporary artists of Chinese descent who reinterpret traditions in dynamic and innovative ways.  Across painting, sculpture, and photography, these works were created by both established and emerging artists of different generations who use experimentation to draw on both Eastern and Western art-making practices and materials.The Asia Society’s is a global non-profit organization whose purpose is to navigate shared futures for Asia and the world across policy, arts and culture, education, sustainability, business, and technology. Curator Susan L. Beningson stated, In his Cyano-Collage series, Wu Chi-Tsung explores the essence of Chinese ink landscape painting, moving beyond the brush to utilize innovative new materials and techniques. To create these evocative landscapes, Wu prepares layers of cyanotype photographic papers, a method used since the mid-1800s. He treats the xuan paper, the material used in traditional Chinese ink landscapes, with a photosensitive coating. The multiple pieces of paper are crumpled, exposed to sunlight, and then mounted into collaged images that resemble the craggy mountain peaks of traditional Chinese ink shan shui (mountain and water) landscape painting – thus creating ink landscapes without the ink. Wu replaces the traditional materials of ink and brush with experimental photography in order to reinvent the process. Wu has said that his landscapes resist any fixed reading: “They could be anything, because they are not representing any real landscape. This is the spirit of a Chinese landscape.. The best works always come from some kind of coincidence… Most artists have a strong ego. We try to control our work. But the more you try to control it, the more likely you lose the possibility. Let the work grow in the way it should.” 召喚記憶:超越傳統的中國當代藝術日期  2023年2月10日至7月2日地點 1370 Southmore Blvd. Houston, TX 《皴法習作113》正於亞洲協會休士頓分會最近的群展《召喚記憶:超越中國傳統的藝術》中展出。本展由客座策展人Susan L. Beningson博士策劃,集中呈現了三十餘位華裔藝術家的當代藝術作品。作品涵蓋繪畫、雕塑、攝影等類別,均實驗著結合東方與西方的藝術傳統與材料,以創新的方式重新詮釋著傳統。亞洲協會總部位於紐約,是美國一個非牟利組織,創辦宗旨是向世界傳播亞洲文化。 策展人Susan L. Beningson介紹道,「在《氰山集》系列中,吳季璁探索了中國水墨山水畫的本質,運用創新的材料和技術超越了傳統筆觸。為了創造這些意境深遠的山水畫,他使用光敏劑處理宣紙,這是傳統中國水墨山水畫所使用的材料。這些宣紙被揉皺,曝露在陽光下,然後拼貼成山峰嶙峋的山水圖像,與傳統中國水墨山水畫頗為神似。吳季璁用實驗攝影取代了傳統的墨水和筆觸,他不用墨水便創造出了水墨山水對傳統書畫進行了當代的重新詮釋。藝術家表示,他的山水畫抵抗任何固定的解讀『它們可以是任何東西,因為它們不代表任何真實的風景。這就是中國山水畫的精神。最好的作品總是來自某種隨機性…大多數藝術家都有很強的自我。我們試圖控制自己的作品。但是你越想控制它,你就越有可能失去可能性。讓作品按照它應有的方式成長』。」  


crystal city

New Crystal City at The 9th Hong Kong & Shenzhen Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture (Shenzhen) Longhua Sub-Venue

The 9th Hong Kong & Shenzhen Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture (Shenzhen)Longhua Sub-Venue “Between Warp and Weft” Exhibition Period: 30 December 2022 – 30 March 2023 Venue: Dalang Fashion Town, Shenzhen Longhua District Wu Chi-Tsung is invited to participate in The 9th Hong Kong & Shenzhen Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture (Shenzhen) at Longhua Sub-Venue, titled “Between Warp and Weft”. Founded in 2005, the biennale aims to build a communication platform for international art scenes in Shenzhen and Hong Kong. The Longhua Sub-Venue is curated by Yang Yong and Ji Harou, a series of workshops, forums, screenings and thematic exhibitions will be organized in responding to the theme of sustainability.  The work is constructed of numerous transparent plastic boxes whose shadows resemble geometrical skyscrapers when a moving light casted on. The ordinary materials used in this artwork remind viewers of the realistic world; however, it leads people to a further imaginary scene. Chi-Tsung introduces, “there is another invisible world in which we live every day. It is made up of electronic equipment, programs, networks, media and information, and I call it ‘Crystal City’… It is becoming our new spiritual home in the contemporary world” 第九屆深港雙城雙年展龍華分展場  —「經緯之間」 展覽日期:2022年12月30日至2023年3月30日 地點:深圳市龍華區大浪時尚小鎮 第九屆深港城市 \ 建築雙城雙年展(深圳)龍華分展場「經緯之間」展期由即日至2023年3月30日,藝術家吳季璁獲邀參與展覽。創立自2005年,雙年展旨在為深圳及香港兩地提供平台,以當代視覺文化呈現及探討全球普遍存在的城市問題。本屆雙年展的龍華分展場由楊勇及紀浩如策展,三個月的展期將聯動多個時尚集團舉辦多場文化藝術活動,包括工作坊、行走、共創、論壇、放映、快閃、企業館主題展覽等,呼應可持續的概念,製造沉浸式的藝術現場體驗,通過展覽搭建起城市與公眾之間的溝通橋樑。 作品由若干透明的塑膠盒子組成,在移動光源的照射下,其投影仿若城市中的摩天大樓。在這裡,塑膠盒廉價的工業材料提示著現實世界,而投影的世界則將人帶入想像的疆界。季璁介紹稱,「有另一個不可見的世界,但我們每日生活其中,它是由電子設備、程式、網絡、媒體、訊息所構築,我稱之為《水晶城市》⋯⋯那裡是我們精神的寓所。」  


Calligraphy Series will Debut at 2023 Hengshan Calligraphy Biennial

2023 Hengshan Calligraphy Biennial Exhibition Period Jan 20 – Apr 24, 2023Venue  Hengshan Calligraphy Art CenterAddress No. 100, Daren Rd, Dayuan District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan 337 Wu Chi-Tsung will debut his new work series, the Calligraphy Series, at the upcoming 2023 Hengshan Calligraphy Biennial. Co-organized by Taoyuan Museum of Fine Arts and Hengshan Calligraphy Art Center and co-curated by Wu Chao Jen and Chen I Tso, the inaugural biennial, titled “Era of Principle and No Principle Interwoven”,  is centered on the development and future prospect of Chinese Calligraphy in the context of contemporary art. 2023書藝雙年展:法與無法交織的年代─書法作為一種視覺形式展覽期間 2023年1月20日至2023年4月24日展覽地點 橫山書法藝術館展覽地址 臺灣桃園市大園區大仁路100號  吳季璁新作《書法習作》將於首屆橫山書藝雙年展發表。雙年展由桃園市立美術館與橫山書法藝術館合辦,由策展人吳超然、機構策展人陳俋佐共同企劃,以《法與無法交織的年代─書法作為一種視覺形式》為主題,聚焦當代藝術語境下書法藝術的未來。 Installation View 展覽現場  



Large Wrinkled Texture Series on Folding Screen will be Exhibited at ART SG in Singapore

Stand BA04, Galerie du MondeVIP preview days Jan 11, 2023Public days Jan 12-15, 2023Venue  Marina Bay Sands Expo & Convention Centre, 10 Bayfront Avenue, Singapore Presented by Galerie du Monde, Wu Chi-Tsung’s new works will be shown at the inaugural edition of Art SG. Founded by The Art Assembly, an affiliation of major international art fairs with a particular focus on the Asia Pacific region comprising Taipei Dangdai, India Art Fair, PHOTOFAIRS Shanghai and the forthcoming Tokyo Gendai, the new international art fair will feature over 150 of the world’s leading galleries, from Singapore and across the globe. Art SG offers a meeting point in Southeast Asia for collectors from the region and beyond to convene and engage with one of the world’s most dynamic cultural landscapes. Among the new works from the Cyano-Collage Series and the Wrinkled Texture Series specially created for the new fair, it is noteworthy that the Wrinkled Texture – Folding Screen 002 marks the artist’s first attempt to compose on a traditional folding screen. The series applies the classic cyanotype technique to xuan paper. During this process, the artist treats xuan paper with a photosensitive coating that is then crumpled and exposed to sunlight, revealing images that bring to mind the mountainous landscapes often found in Chinese shan shui paintings. Folding Screen 002 was created amidst continuous rain where light, the key catalyst, was insufficient. The artist adjusted the exposure under the low light conditions and eventually achieved the delicate and subtle palette seen in this work. Galerie du Monde, BA04展位VIP預覽 2023年1月11日公眾開放 2023年1月12~15日地址 金沙會展中心, 海灣道10號, 新加坡 本週,世界畫廊將攜吳季璁《氰山集》及《皴法習作》系列新作亮相首屆新加坡國際藝術博覽會(Art SG)。藝博會由旗下包括台北當代、印度藝術博覽會、影像上海藝術博覽會及東京現代等國際藝博會的The Art Assembly聯手瑞銀集團呈現,將匯聚來自全球30個地區逾150間全球頂級世界畫廊,為東南亞及世界各地的藏家提供了齊聚一堂的機會,共賞世界上最有活力的文化景觀。 本次值得注目的新作《皴法習作 屏風之二》是吳季璁首次嘗試於大尺幅日式屏風上進行創作。該系列作品使用氰版攝影法之原理,將感光材料塗佈於宣紙上,在陽光下曝曬,過程中不斷調整重塑紙張的皺折,而後水洗定影而形成宛若山巒般的「筆觸」,對於光照有著相當敏感的需求。而本次製作過程中,藝術家在陰雨連綿、光線不足的條件下摸索曝光技巧,最終呈現出淡雅細膩而幽微的色調。  


New Cyano-Collage Series will be presented in the upcoming Art Basel Miami Beach by Sean Kelly Gallery

Sean Kelly Gallery | Booth D11Preview November 29 – 30, 2022Public Dates December 1 – 3, 2022Venue 1901 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 New works from Cyano-Collage Series on aluminum board will be presented at the upcoming Art Basel Miami Beach by Sean Kelly Gallery on the fair’s 20th anniversary and Sean Kelly’s 20th year of participation. Since 2002, Art Basel Miami Beach has been a highlight of the global art world calendar, connecting collectors, galleries, artists, and more in an engaging celebration of contemporary art.  In 2019, when Chi-Tsung joined Sean Kelly Gallery, his Cyano-Collage 064 was exhibited at Art Basel Miami Beach. Being exhibited in the Meridian Section, which is a new curatorial section for large-scale artworks and performances, the artist was able to challenge himself to complete a largest-scaled composition. 尚凱利畫廊 | D11展位預展 2022年11月29-30日日期 2022年12月1-3日地址 美國邁阿密會展中心 適逢邁阿密巴塞爾藝術展二十週年誌慶,尚凱利畫廊將攜吳季璁使用鋁製底版創作的《氰山集》系列新作亮相D11展位。自2002年創辦以來,邁阿密巴塞爾藝術展一直致力呈現豐富多樣的藝術作品,以別樹一格的方式聯繫南北美洲、歐洲以至世界各地的藝術圖景。 2019年,吳季璁宣布加入尚凱利畫廊,並於同年攜《氰山集之六十四》參展邁阿密巴塞爾藝術展,并在為大型繪畫與裝置作品特設的策展單元「藝匯經線」展區挑戰了大尺幅《氰山集》的創作。  


Wrinkled Texture 127

Wrinkled Texture Series 127 was Donated to Para Site’s Fundraising Auction by Galerie du Monde and Wu Chi-Tsung
吳季璁攜世界畫廊捐贈《皴法習作之一百二十七》支持Para Site藝術空間籌款拍賣會

Para Site’s 2022 Fundraising Auction has come to a fruitful end. Together with Galerie du Monde, Wu Chi-Tsung has donated his Wrinkled Texture 127 to the auction, whose proceeds will directly support our exhibitions, programmes, and educational initiatives. The auction also features artworks by renowned international artists such as John Armleder, Antony Gormley, Qiu Zhijie, and Zhao Gang. Para Site is Hong Kong’s leading contemporary art centre and one of the oldest and most active independent art institutions in Asia. It produces exhibitions, publications, discursive, and educational projects aimed at forging a critical understanding of local and international phenomena in art and society.  Wu Chi-Tsung began the Wrinkled Texture series with the intention to reinterpret the traditional texturing method called cun fa in traditional Chinese landscape painting. Instead of using ink and brush, Wuemploys the classical photographic technique cyanotype, to render the textures. 香港Para Site藝術空間的2022年籌款拍賣會於近日圓滿落幕,其中,吳季璁聯手世界畫廊捐贈了《皴法習作之一百二十七》,其拍賣所得將用於支持藝術空間的展覽、公共項目及教育活動。本次拍賣會還展出John Armleder、Antony Gormley、邱志傑、趙剛等國際知名藝術家作品。 Para Site是香港領先的當代藝術中心,亦是亞洲地區歷史最悠久、最活躍的獨立藝術機構之一,致力於推出展覽、出版、研討會與教育項目,提出對本土與國際藝術及社會生態的批判性思考。吳季璁的《皴法習作》系列意在重新詮釋中國傳統水墨畫中的皴法,其中,他使用氰版攝影技術取代筆墨,呈現出山石般的紋理。  


ADAA Installation view

Wu Chi-Tsung Solo Presentation at ADAA Art Show

Wu Chi-Tsung Solo Presentation ADAA Art Show 2022  Sean Kelly Gallery | Booth A10 Preview November 2, 2022Dates November 3 – 6, 2022Meet the Artists November 6, 2022, 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm (Wu Chi-Tsung will be present)Venue Park Avenue Armory, New York Sean Kelly Gallery will present Wu Chi-Tsung Solo Presentation at the ADAA Art Show in New York as the artist’s debut at the Art Show. Founded in 1962, ADAA is a national non-profit membership organization of art galleries that promotes the highest standards of connoisseurship, scholarship, and ethical practice in the industry. In the classical and elegant neo-Gothic building of the Park Avenue Armory, the exhibition will feature works of art from the Renaissance to the present, including oil paintings, sculptures, prints, drawings and photographs. The Art Show is distinctive for its focus on solo exhibitions since its inception, allowing galleries to present a comprehensive overview of an artist’s career and explore their aesthetic connotations. This year, 55 of the 78 participating galleries will present solo exhibitions of artists. This is why Chi-Tsung is particularly looking forward to this solo exhibition. With a historical anchor crossing from the classic to the present, as well as the refined and sophisticated aesthetic taste, ADAA’s focus is in alignment with Chi-Tsung’s professional training and artistic pursuit, where he was trained in the traditions of calligraphy, ink painting, watercolor painting and drawing at a young age, and reflects these time-honored idioms in his contemporary practices.  With new works from the Cyano-Collage Series and a work from the Still Life Series, the solo aims to reveal how Chi-Tsung’s work reflects “the influence of traditional aesthetics in his contemporary works, and at the same time critically consider how the development of media and technology affect the relationship between people and the world. Artnet featured Wu’s work as one of the 7 must-see works to seek out at the ADDA Art Show. As described by editor Eileen Kinsella, “So much goes into the creation of Wu Chi-Tsung’s meditative, serenity-inducting Cyano-Collages, such as this giant fan-shaped one, which anchored the works in the solo presentation of the booth, created specifically for the show.” ADAA藝術展吳季璁個展尚凱利畫廊 | A10展位預展 2022年11月2日日期 2022年11月3-6日藝術家導覽 2022年11月6日正午12時至下午3時 (吳季璁將會在場)地址 美國紐約公園大道軍械庫 ADAA成立於1962年,是全美藝術畫廊間的會員組織,旨在促進行業內鑒賞、學術間的交流。自1988年起,協會每年於紐約舉辦ADAA藝術展。在公園大道軍械庫古典而優雅的新哥特式建築中,藝術展將匯集文藝復興時期至今的油畫、雕塑、版畫、素描、攝影等各個類別藝術作品,並從建立之初便形成了以匯集藝術家個展呈現為特色,從而令畫廊得以全面介紹藝術家職業生涯、深度挖掘其美學內涵,本屆78間參展畫廊中的55間都將以藝術家個展形式呈現。 藝術展含跨古今的視野與經典而優雅的美學品味,與吳季璁的藝術養成與創作思考不謀而合,也令他格外期待本次個展,並為其特意創作了多件《氰山集》系列新作,同時《小品》系列作品也將展出,藉此細緻介紹自幼接受東方書畫的吳季璁如何在當代實驗影像與復合媒材的創作中呈現傳統美學之薰陶,並對於媒介與技術發展如何影響人與世界的關係進行批判性思考。 Artnet將《氰山集》系列新作評為“ADAA藝術展中最不容錯過的7件作品”之一,編輯Eileen Kinsella介紹道,「吳季璁那靜謐而令人沈醉的氰山集中蘊含了豐富無比的世界,特別是那件藝術家專門為本次個展創作的巨大的扇形作品」。…



Drawing Study Series will be exhibited in the Museum of Eastern Art of Turin

Buddha10: A Fragmented display on Buddhist visual evolution Dates October 20, 2022 – September 3, 2023Preview October 19, 2022Venue Via San Domenico, 11 10122 Torino Italia Invited by Davide Quadrio, curator of the exhibition who is renowned for working closely in the East Asian art scene over decades, Wu Chi-Tsung’s Drawing Study Series will be presented at Buddha10: A Fragmented display on Buddhist visual evolution at MAO – Museo d’Arte Orientale di Torino (Museum of Eastern Art).  The MAO exhibition will feature collections from different geographical areas and expand through a wide chronological period in the museum’s collection, among which Buddhist sculptures from the Chinese collection will be the highlight, with the aim to offer different perspectives and reflections on the museum and its proud collection of Asian art. The antiques will be echoed by a number of contemporary art practices and new works including the Drawing Study Series. The series originated in 2021 inspired by Chi-Tsung’s collaboration with TAO ART SPACE for his solo exhibition in Taipei, in which he uses a flashlight as a paintbrush to capture the silhouette of ancient Buddhist statues and records the tails of light in space, allowing the outlines of the statues to gradually appear. The gentle movement and the dim glow have created a yūgenism (profound grace and subtlety) atmosphere, symphonizing the timeless quality of the statues that were created centuries ago.   Buddha10展覽日期 2022年10月20日至2023年9月3日預覽 2022年10月19日地址 Via San Domenico, 11 10122 Torino Italia 在策展人樂大豆( Davide Quadrio)的邀請下,吳季璁的《寫生習作》系列作品將於杜林東方藝術博物館的群展《Buddha10》中展出。 本次展覽中,策展人從博物館引以為豪的亞洲藝術收藏中精選出來自不同地域、跨越古今的展品,並同時展示與之呼應的當代藝術作品,旨在為亞洲藝術史提供新穎的解讀視角與反思,此觀念與《寫生習作》的創作初衷不謀而合。《寫生習作》佛像系列起源於2021年吳季璁與台北藝術空間TAO ART SPACE的合作,他用手電筒作為畫筆,捕捉古代雕塑的輪廓,記錄空間中的光跡,輕柔的光線緩緩照亮昏暗的佛像,使其輪廓逐漸顯現,創造了一種幽玄的氛圍,映照出佛像幾個世紀以來的永恒與靜謐。  



New Cyano-Collages at Frieze London

Stand D09, Sean Kelly New York VIP Preview days October 12-13, 2022Public days October 14-16, 2022Venue The Regent’s Park, London, UK VIP預覽 2022年10月12~13日公眾開放 2022年10月14~16日地址 倫敦攝政公園內 Represented by Sean Kelly Gallery, Wu Chi-Tsung’s Cyano-Collage will return to Frieze London 2022 after its debut in the world-renowned fair last year.  繼去年於倫敦弗里茲藝術博覽會的首秀後,本月尚凱利畫廊再度攜吳季璁《氰山集》系列新作亮相。  


New Cyano-Collage presented at The Armory Show

Sean Kelly Gallery | Booth 120VIP Preview Sep 8, 2022Public Days  Sep 9-11, 2022Venue  Javits Center, 429 11th Ave, New York, NY 10001, United States Represented by Sean Kelly Gallery, Wu Chi-Tsung’s new work Cyano-Collage 135 will be participating in the Armory Art Show in New York. Founded in 1994, The Armory Show is New York City’s premier art fair and a leading cultural destination for discovering and collecting the world’s most important 20th- and 21st-century art. 尚凱利畫廊 | Booth 120貴賓預展 2022年9月8日公眾展期  2022年9月9日至11日會址  美國紐約 11大道429號,賈維茨會議中心(Javits Center) 本月,尚凱利畫廊將帶著吳季璁的的新作《氰山集之一百三十五》參加位於美國紐約的The Armory Art Show 。作为紐約市首屈一指的藝術博覽會,成立於1994年的軍械庫博覽會匯聚國際頂尖畫廊,是收藏世界上最重要的20世紀和21世紀藝術品的極佳舞台。  


Cyano-Collage 130

Cyano-Collage Series on Bronze Marks Wu Chi-Tsung’s Debut in Art Basel Basel

Sean Kelly Gallery Hall 2.1, Booth P2 VIP Preview Jun 14-15, 2022 Public Days  Jun 16 – 19, 2022 Venue  Messe Basel, Messeplatz 10, 4058 Basel, Switzerland This June, the first Cyano-Collage Series created on a bronze panel will be exhibited at Sean Kelly Gallery’s booth which marks Wu Chi-Tsung’s debut in Art Basel in Basel. As the development of the series, the artist has experimentally worked with aluminum panels in 2021 and bronze panels this year as a substitute for wooden baseboards to achieve better durability of the works. The metal quality of the baseboard creates a distinct reflection that leaks through the Cyano-Collage landscape and broadens the potential of the series.  尚凱利畫廊,2.1大廳, P2展位 貴賓預展 2022年6月14日至15日 公眾展期  2022年6月16日至19日 會址  瑞士巴塞爾展覽中心 本月,吳季璁將帶著全新黃銅底版創作的《氰山集》,首次登場瑞士巴塞爾藝術博覽會,展覽將由尚凱利畫廊呈現。自2016年《氰山集》系列發表以來,吳季璁不斷嘗試媒材上的創新,去年他將傳統油畫木板的底版換成鋁製板材,令作品能夠更為經久保存,今年亦實驗於黃銅底版上創作,金屬材料特有的質地,於打磨過後的反光從氰版山水背後的天空透出,為作品帶來了縱深感與更為豐富的意境。  



Quadriptych Cyano-Collage Series in Art Basel Hong Kong

Galerie du Monde|Booth 1C11 VIP Preview May 25-27, 2022  Public Days May 28-29, 2022   Venue  Convention & Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong In late May, new work from the Cyano-Collage Series in a quadriptych composition will be presented at Galerie du Monde’s booth in Art Basel in Hong Kong.   世界畫廊|1C11展位 貴賓預展 2022年5月25日至27日 公眾展期  2022年5月28日至29日 會址  香港國際會議展覽中心 5月下旬,《氰山集》系列新作將由世界畫廊代表亮相巴塞爾藝術展香港展會世界畫廊展位,作品將延續吳季璁自去年以來對鋁製底版的嘗試,並採用四聯屏構圖。 Installation View 展覽現場