Tag Archives: awards

Cyano-Collage 082

Wu Chi-Tsung made a contribution to the Asian Cultural Council (ACC)

We are proud to share that Wu Chi-Tsung has made a contribution to the Asian Cultural Council (ACC). By donating the proceeds of Cyano-Collage 082 in collaboration with the Sean Kelly Gallery, he wishes to express his gratitude to the long-term generous support of ACC. The Asian Cultural Council has supported cultural exchange programs for practicing artists, scholars, and arts professionals since 1963. In 2013, Wu Chi-Tsung was granted a six-month ACC Fellowship to travel from Taipei to research contemporary art practices in New York. During his fellowship, Chi-Tsung deepened his awareness of diverse cultural and artistic practices and has further developed his multi-cultural and timeless art language ever since. About Asian Cultural Council The Asian Cultural Council advances international dialogue, understanding, and respect through cultural exchange activities in Asia and the United States to create a more harmonious and peaceful world. This mission is accomplished through fellowships and other programs that support individual artists, scholars, and arts professionals. To date, ACC has supported over 6,000 exchanges across 26 countries and regions, and 16 artistic disciplines. As a grantmaking and grantseeking organization, ACC raises funds from individual, foundation, and corporate donors. ACC also convenes arts leaders, fostering dialogue around the importance of cultural exchange in developing understanding and respect across international and cultural borders. 自1963年起,亞洲文化協會(Asia Art Council,後簡稱ACC)持續資助亞洲藝術家、學者與從業者的各項文化交流活動。2013年,吳季璁獲得了來自ACC的駐地支持,在紐約進行了為期六個月的駐村活動。紐約多元的文化氛圍豐富了他對於藝術的理解,也啟發了他此後的創作,超越區域文化和時代性的限制。為了支持這個深具啟發性的國際交流計畫,吳季璁近日與尚凱利畫廊合作,向ACC捐贈了《氰山集之八十二》的銷售收入,期待能夠藉此鼓勵與支援年輕藝術家的藝術創作與國際發展。 關於亞洲文化協會亞洲文化協會透過在亞洲與美國間的文化交流活動促進國際對話,加強彼此間互相理解及尊重,以期創造一個更和諧的世界。我們透過獎助計畫以及贊助藝術家、學者及藝術專才之獎助項目來實現這個使命。 至今,亞洲文化協會已贊助了6000多個交流活動,遍及26個國家及地區,並包含16項藝術範疇。做為一個提供獎助金,同時也尋找贊助人的機構,ACC的募款對象包括個人、基金會及企業贊助。ACC匯總藝文專才,鼓勵對話以提倡文化交流的重要性,建立國際及跨文化的理解與尊重。  


Wu and Liu

Wu Chi-Tsung received the ‘Liu Kuo Sung Ink Art Award 2019’

Liu Kuo Song and Wu Chi-Tsung, credit: Sylvia Lee Wu Chi-Tsung approaches ink art with experimental techniques of new media art while consistently paying tribute to the traditions, which not only deepens the aesthetics of ink art but broadens it by his unique contemporary style. Therefore, his work has won the favor of the majority of the jury and became the winner of the first “Liu Kuo Sung Ink Art Award” in 2019. The Ink Society and the Liu Kuo Sung Archives are pleased to present the inaugural Liu Kuo Sung Ink Art Award. The Award recognizes outstanding achievement in the creation of contemporary ink art in the Greater China region. We are most grateful for the Observers and Jurists. For more information, see: http://www.inksociety.org/award/ Observers: Shang Hui   Raymond Tang   Wang Huangsheng   Wu Hongliang   Philip Wu Members of the Jury: Liu Kuo Sung   Lesley Ma   Pi Daojian   David Pong Chun Yee   Jason Wang 劉國松水墨獎展場 首屆「劉國松水墨藝術獎」得主吳季璁,1981年出生於台北;1990年代末至2000年代初,他在台北藝術大學就學期間,正是水墨創作在台灣藝壇瀕臨式微的時期。吳季璁雖然更多地遊走在西畫和新媒體藝術的範疇,對於水墨藝術及其創作卻也多有觀察與參與。將傳統水墨藝術及其美感轉化為各種具有當代特色的表現,而不拘泥於筆墨作為媒介的思考,這是吳季璁創作的一大特色。透過影像的媒介與成像技術,吳季璁以光、影為操作對象,持續與水墨繪畫進行一種別具個人特色的另類對話。2012年之前,他開始將傳統氫版攝影的藍曬技法與宣紙作結合,發展成《皴法習作》系列,並以掛軸的形製裝裱。塗了感光藥劑的宣紙,在光的曝曬下用手將紙張不斷揉皺,以製造出曝光後的皴法效果,揉皺的氰版紙張記錄了當下光影明暗,水洗顯影後呈現赭黃到湛藍的色調,其紋理宛如山巒絕壁。此系列發展至2016年,藝術家使用層疊拼貼的技法,將相紙裱貼於畫布上,畫面尺幅延伸擴大,成為《氰山集》系列。雖然宣紙上的氰色顯影狀極抽象,吳季璁最終完成的畫面,風格上卻給人自然風景——尤其是中國山水繪畫——的聯想。此次參加決賽的作品即出自此系列。 吳季璁從新媒體藝術的技法實驗出發,多年以來持續與水墨藝術傳統對話,非儘深化其美感,亦拓寬其美學,展現了獨特的當代風貌。因此獲得多數決審委員們的青睞,成為2019年首屆「劉國松水墨藝術獎」得主。 香港水墨協會與劉國松文獻庫很榮幸能夠主持此次劉國松水墨藝術獎的開幕儀式。此獎將會表彰大中華地區內現代水墨藝術中的傑出成就。 我們十分感謝提名觀察員與評審委員。詳情請瀏覽:http://www.inksociety.org/award/ 觀察員: 尚輝   鄧民亮   王璜生   吳洪亮   吳超然 評審委員: 劉國松   馬唯中   皮道坚   龐俊怡   王嘉驥 吳季璁提名人、藝術史學者吳超然撰寫提名理由如下: 『吳季璁畢業於國立台北藝術大學。他在2003年的時候,就以《鐵絲網系列》獲得台北獎。在這件作品之中,他以簡單的機械裝置推動一小片置於光學鏡頭前的鐵絲網,然後透過燈光的投影在牆面上呈現出一個有如山水意象的畫面─從模糊到清晰,然後反覆這個過程。 從大學時代開始,吳季璁對於中國山水畫或東方意象(images)始終保持高度的關懷與興趣。雖然,他選擇以油畫組畢業,但是近十幾年來的作品雖然不以正式的水墨作品從事創作,但水墨的內在精神與幽微美感,始終是他的核心關懷之一。 2003年的《鐵絲網系列》是在實質上放棄了「筆」也捨掉了「墨」,但最終獲得一個投影在牆面上的(不斷變動中的)山水影像。雖然吳季璁的機械裝置非常低科技而簡單,但《鐵絲網系列》所及的創作理念卻極為複雜:(1)在邏輯上,這件作品會把劉國松當年所主張的「革中鋒的命」推展到「革筆墨的命」,甚至完全捨棄「筆墨」(2)不斷變動的焦距所造成的山水意象投影,也連帶促使觀者會去思考西方從15世紀之後發明透視法,以及19世紀發明攝影術對於繪畫所造成的深遠影響。 約從2012年開始,吳季璁開始利用藍曬法(blue prints)來創作他的《皴法習作》與《氰山集系列》。在這兩個系列中,他先把宣紙揉出皺紋,再塗抹上感光劑然後拿到戶外利用陽光自然曝曬;感光劑的多寡以及曝曬時間的長短就會在宣紙上產生深淺不一的藍白相間的山水。較早期的《皴法習作》呈現的藍白相間、帶有紋理的畫面;《氰山集系列》則開始利用拼貼與後製的方式,增添畫面更為複雜的肌里與細膩的局部。 吳季璁的重要性並不在於他的紙上作品看似劉國松在1960年代的嘗試。他的思考脈絡是:當「筆墨論辨」似乎走到了一個歷史瓶頸時,如何在當代視覺文化的脈絡裡,以新的手法以和觀看方式來討論東方美學裡的幽微。在新媒體與影像盛行的時代裡,吳季璁的《氰山集系列》,從西方攝影史的角度而言,是使用一種最“傳統”的顯影方式來製作山水意象:斑駁的紋理、無法精準掌握的曝光效果、後製表貼的宣紙,都賦予了吳季璁作品一個新的向度。可以說,對照於傳統所強調的用筆與用墨,吳季璁的《皴法習作》與《氰山集系列》在這個時代,展現了另一種當代水墨經驗的探索。 』* *文字由吳超然老師授權刊載


Wu Chi-Tsung on Prudential Eye Awards 2015 Shortlist:
Best Emerging Asian Contemporary Artists

  The Prudential Eye Programme is pleased to announce the second edition of the Prudential Eye Awards, which will be presented at MasterCard Theatres – Sands Theatre at Marina Bay Sands on Tuesday, 20 January 2015. The integrated resort is the Official Partner for the Prudential Eye Awards. A public exhibition of works by the shortlisted artists will be showcased at ArtScience Museum between 17 January and 31 March 2015. Launched in 2014, the prestigious annual Awards recognises the best emerging Asian contemporary artists as well as the leading exhibitions, galleries, institutions and art critics working to promote Asian contemporary art. The second edition of the Prudential Eye Awards features 13 prizes, with six categories of Best Emerging Artist, using mediums such as digital/video, drawing, installation, painting, photography and sculpture. Each category winner will be awarded USD$20,000 and a specially commissioned trophy. Out of these six artists, one overall winner will be chosen for the prize of ‘Best Emerging Artist’, winning a further USD$30,000 and the opportunity to hold a solo exhibition at the renowned Saatchi Gallery in London. Some 500 artists, nominated by over 100 art experts from across Greater Asia, submitted portfolios of their work earlier this year. Members of the Global Eye Academy, a newly introduced panel comprising the Awards founders, judges, previous winners and expert curators, selected the three most outstanding artists per award category. The Awards’ seven-member panel of judges will cast their votes to announce the winners for the 2015 Emerging Artist categories at the Prudential Eye Awards on 20 January 2015.   The shortlisted artists for Digital/Video: teamLab (Japan) Chim↑Pom (Japan) Chitra Ganesh (India) The shortlisted artists for Drawing: Genevieve Chua (Singapore) Ahmet Doğu İpek (Turkey) Mithu Sen (India). The shortlisted artists for Installation: Donna Ong (Singapore) Hannah Bertram (Australia) Wu Chi-Tsung (Taiwan) This category encompasses dream-like theatrical scenarios (Ong), ephemeral, temporal interventions post-pop (Bertram) and shadowy deconstructed cities (Chi-Tsung), all highlighting the best of Asian installation art. The shortlisted artists for Painting: Christine Ay Tjoe (Indonesia) Amir Hossein Zanjani (Iran) Arin Dwihartanto Sunaryo (Indonesia) The shortlisted artists for Photography: Seung Hee Hong…


WRO-wu chi tsung awards

Crystal City won Award in WRO International Media Art Biennale

Wu Chi-Tsung’s artwork Crystal City won the Award of Critics and Editors of Art Magazines: Edwin Bendyk, Grzegorz Borkowski, Oksana Forostyna, Machiko Kusahara, Marek Wasilewski in The WRO International Media Art Biennale 2013. MAY-SEPTEMBER 2013 OPENING EVENTS: MAY 8-11, 2013, WROCŁAW, POLAND The WRO International Media Art Biennale is the major forum for new media art in Poland, and one of the leading international contemporary art events in Europe. Since its inception in 1989, WRO has been presenting art forms created using new media for artistic expression and communication. The array of exhibitions and presentations that make up every WRO Biennale feature a wide variety of genres and forms, including video art, installations, multimedia concerts and performances, interactive works, net and social-media projects. WRO’s grand prize is 30 thousand zlotys. A Critics’ and Art Magazine Editors’ Prize is also awarded, along with a Public’s Choice Award.  WRO event page: http://wro2013.wrocenter.pl/site/en/wro-2013-awards/ 吳季璁作品<<水晶城市>>獲得波蘭媒體藝術雙年展(WRO) 藝評與藝術雜誌編輯獎(2013)。  


Taipei Times: Artist Wu Chi-Tsung has been nominated for the Artes Mundi Prize, one of the world’s top art awards

Young Taiwanese artist Wu Chi-Tsung is one of eight short-listed artists for the Artes Mundi Prize (Arts of the World) awarded by the National Museum, Cardiff, UK, the largest international prize awarded to an individual artist. This is the second year for the prestigious award and the first time for a Taiwanese artist to be nominated. Wu, whose work is noteworthy for its exploration of imagery via video, photography and mechanical instal-lation, is currently exhibiting his art for the first time in the UK at the Artes Mundi exhibition that ends on May 7. The eight selected artists — from India, Finland, South America, Europe and Taiwan — are regarded as having made significant contributions to the world’s understanding about the human condition. The prize will be awarded to one of the selected artists on March 31.words by Susan Kendzulakresource: Taipei Times Artes Mundi 2 SelectorsDeepak Ananth, independent curator and lecturer in Art History at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Caen, FranceIvo Mesquita, Curator for Projeto Octógono, Pinacoteca do Estado, São Paulo, Brazil and Visting Professor, Center for Curatorial Studies, Bard College, New York, USA Artes Mundi 2 JudgesPaolo Colombo, Curator of MAXXI, Museo Nazionale delle Arti del XXI Secolo, Rome, ItalyThelma Golden, Deputy Director, Exhibitions and Programs, The Studio Museum, Harlem, USAGerardo Mosquera, independent curator and art critic, based in Havana, CubaJenni Spencer-Davies, Curator, Glynn Vivian Art Gallery, Swansea, Wales Artes Mundi: http://www.artesmundi.org/en/exhibitions-prizes/artes-mundi-two 藝術家吳季璁於世界最受矚目的藝術獎之一「Artes Mundi世界藝術獎」獲得提名。