A Touch for the Now – Artyści z Tajwanu i Azji Południowej
觸見今日 – 台灣與東南亞當代藝術聯展
Exhibition Date: March.18 – April.3, 2016 Open Hour: Tue-Fri 13pm-18pm. Sat-Sun 11am-20pm Opening: 19pm, March.18, 2016 Venue: MONA Inner Spaces – ul.Gwarna 7/100, 61-702 Poznań Curator: Yipei LEE Coordinator: Mat Bieczynski, Max Skorwider, Kornelia Drozdek Exhibition Artists: Wu Chi-Tsung, Zhang En-Man, Huang Po-Chih, Ariel Kuo, Catalina Africa, Agus Suwage, Tromarama, Wong Lip Chin, Tuan Mami, Sutthirat Supaparinya 【Introduction】 The Project A Touch for the Now – Artyści z Tajwanu i Azji Południowej is a transmission platform, which would highlight the connection between Asia (Southeast Asia) and Europe (East Europe, fields that are intertwined inside of contemporary art theories and practices, witnessed by many artists and artworks in the global vision. And it will be an open communication between older imagination and newer path with contemporary art in Poland. 【緣起】 本展覽「A Touch for the Now – Artyści z Tajwanu i Azji Południowej 觸見今日 – 台灣與東南亞當代藝術聯展」作為一個資訊轉換站,將呈現亞洲藝術家們在當代藝術的交匯中,從亞洲(東南亞)出發,透過親身經歷或是親眼目睹,連接西方歐洲(東歐與其他地區)當代藝術視野的延伸。期許本展覽不僅打開台灣與亞洲東南亞地區跟東歐對話機會,瞭解亞洲今日的動向,更能從立足亞洲的角度放眼歐洲,建立平等與公開討論藝術的新路徑。