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Artist-in-residency: Kunstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin, 2017 July

  Selected by Taiwan Ministry of Culture and Kunstlerhaus Bethabien, Germany, Wu Chi-Tsung will be joining the artist residency program at Kunstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin, in July. 吳季璁獲選文化部「選送文化相關人才出國駐村交流計畫」,將於今年七月前往德國貝塔寧藝術村(Kunstlerhaus Bethanien)駐村。   About Kunstlerhaus Bethanien The Künstlerhaus Bethanien is an international cultural centre in Berlin. An artist-in-residence programme with workspaces for professional artists and exhibition spaces, it is dedicated to the advancement of contemporary visual arts. As part of its residency scheme, it aims to establish a lively dialogue between artists from various backgrounds and disciplines, and the public at large. To achieve these goals, the Künstlerhaus Bethanien organises a wide range of events ranging from monthly exhibition openings to private and public studio visits (“Open Studios”). The focus of its manifold missions is the International Studio Programme, where artists from around the world conceive and present new projects with the help of its team. The Künstlerhaus Bethanien continually strives to expand its international network by securing new partnerships. The Künstlerhaus furthermore encourages critical reflection on subjects related to contemporary art and culture through its wide range of publications, among which artists’ and exhibition catalogues as well as the Be Magazine, a yearly journal for art and criticism. The present booklet provides readers with extensive information on the institution’s activities and this year’s artists-in-residence.  


4/29 Open Studio:Unlocked
空場藝術聚落: 開放工作室

  空場空場藝術聚落於2014年由一群藝術家號召成立,以創作工作室為主軸,集合一群台灣當代藝術家、藝術策展、文字與戲劇、音樂、舞蹈等工作者,創造一個自然交流、創作、討論、聚會、合作的平台,4/29公眾開放日讓您一舉揭開神秘藝術家工作室面貌。 此外,空場也邀請到〈Artist in the World〉計畫藝術家André Smits駐村,並在Open Studio當天下午兩點與空場的藝術家們進行對談。晚間七點給力電影院 Gelivable Cinema NO.10 “Art in and out of the Studio”將放映「工作室之內與之外的藝術」特別選集,內容有關表演、行為藝術與錄像藝術對藝術從物件製造到更加過程導向的藝術實踐。 開放工作室參觀完後,晚上八點於The LAB Space 實演場將由蝴蝶效應劇團演出洛基恐怖秀 The Rocky Horror Picture Show,歡迎前往欣賞。   日期|2017 4.29 10:00-24:00 地點|空場藝術聚落 北投路一段9號 3樓