Mandala of Ink Art, Jun 24 – Oct 29, Kaohsiung Fine Arts Museum
水墨曼陀羅,6/24 – 10/29,高雄市立美術館
Mandala of Ink Art at Kaohsiung Fine Arts Museum will display Wu Chi-Tsung’s Landscape In The Mist 001 and Still Life 02 – Orchid. Mandala of Ink Art Date: 2017 Jun 24 – Oct 29 Venue: Kaohsiung Fine Arts Museum, Kaoshiung, Taiwan What is contemporary? How to define ink art? Each person has different answers to these questions. This exhibition is an attempt to present the cotemporary facets of ink art through the most inclusive and open-minded observation as possible, transcending all literal definitions of contemporariness or ink art. Drawing references from the concept of “mandala”, this exhibition is composed of four themes: “Form” (material), “Meaning” (spirituality), “Void” (contrast between void and solid) and “Space” (spatial structure). They are the four quadrants in the mandala of this exhibition to have a systematic review of the development of contemporary ink art in this new century. The theme at the center of the mandala is Chi, which means “energy of the universe”. In the exhibition, it provides an experimental territory representing the subjective spirit of new-generation artists and the perspectives of ink art in southern Taiwan. By asking questions not asked before and serving as an interdisciplinary and multimedia platform, this exhibition aspires to discover another round of paradigm-shifting possibilities for the future of ink art. 高雄市立美術館水墨曼陀羅群展,將展出吳季璁錄像作品《煙林圖之一》以及《小品之二 蘭》。 水墨曼陀羅 時間:2017.06.24 – 10.29 地點:高雄市立美術館 201-203展覽室 藝術家:王天德、石忘塵、江盈臻、吳季璁、李明啟、李品墨、林俊廷、林壽宇、林銓居、柯偉國、柯懷晴、洪上翔、洪根深、胡軍軍、孫浩、徐冰、徐累、袁旃、許雨仁、陳劭彥、陳幸婉、陳松志、陳浚豪、陳穎蓁、曾偉豪、曾霆羽、華建強、黃千倫、黃法誠、黃柏皓、楊景堯、廖敏君、劉丹、留白、劉國松、蔡文汀、蔡旻芸、蔡國強 何為當代?又該如何定義水墨?言人人殊,本展覽捨棄作字面的定義,試圖用最大化的包容與開放去觀察、去呈現,具現水墨藝術的當下現象。展覽藉曼陀羅的概念,由 「形‧意‧空‧間」四個主題形成四個方位,亦即透過「材質」、「精神性」、「虛/實」、「空間」等四個面向梳理當代水墨藝術在新世紀發展的脈絡;曼陀羅的軸心區—「輪圓」,主題為「炁」,是「宇宙能量」之意,它是新生代的實驗場域,表現新生代及南方水墨觀點的主體性精神。本展覽希冀不僅扮演新的提問者角色,也秉持平台、跨界、多媒的理想信念,為水墨藝術的未來提供另一輪翻轉的可能。 指導單位:文化部、高雄市政府文化局 主辦單位:高雄市立美術館 協辦單位:財團法人原住民族文化事業基金會 統籌:館長李玉玲 策展團隊:洪根深、蔡文汀、吳慧芳