Artist-in-Residency, Oct 22 – Dec 15, MoT+++, Ho Chi Minh City
Artist-in-Residency in MoT+++, Ho Chi Minh City Date: Oct 22 – Dec 15, 2018 Exhibition: Dec 15, 2018 – Feb 2, 2019 Artist talk: Mountains and Rivers of the… Conversation between Bang Nhat Linh and Wu Chi-Tsung, Dec 14, 6:00 – 9:00 pm Venue: MoT+++, 1057 Đường Bình Quới, Phường 28, Bình Thạnh, Hồ Chí Minh, Vietnam From October to December 2018 the MoT+++ space will be converted into the working studio of visual artist Wu Chi-Tsung. During his residency, Wu Chi-Tsung will develop new works in his experimental photography series of Cyano-Collages. The public will have the opportunity to see Wu Chi-Tsung’s work in progress on select dates during this period. Conventional cyanotype photography uses objects placed on paper to create a negative or imprint of the object in white against a cyan-blue background. The paper, having previously been covered with a solution, is exposed to an ultraviolet light source, such as sunlight, causing a chemical reaction that results in the distinctive blue colour, and leaves unexposed paper white. Wu Chi-Tsung uses the cyanotype method to create large abstract photographic works that echo the mountainous landscapes of traditional Chinese Shan Shui ink and brush paintings. Following a two-month residency at MoT+++, Wu Chi-Tsung’s studio will be opened to the public and placed in conversation with the installation work ‘Summer Grasses’ by Bang Nhat Linh. visitors are welcome to MoT+++ to see the interactions between works from the two artists. originating from Hanoi and Taipei respectively, Bang Nhat Linh and Wu Chi-Tsung’s artworks sensitively respond to centuries of geopolitical tensions in the region, as well as the personal histories of each of the artists. MoT+++ 藝術家駐村計畫 駐村時間:10/22 – 12/15, 2018 展期: 12/15, 2018 – 2/2, 2019 藝術家座談: Mountains and Rivers of the… 與Bang Nhat Linh的對話,12/14 6-9 pm 地點:MoT+++, 1057 Đường Bình Quới, Phường 28, Bình Thạnh,胡志明市,越南 從2018年10月到12月,MoT+++將被改造成藝術家吳季璁的工作室。在駐村期間,吳季璁將持續開發實驗攝影《氰山集》系列,工作室也會不定期開放大眾參觀。 傳統的氰版攝影使用放置在紙上的物體來創造白藍顏色的影像的負片。藝術家採用氰版技法製作大型抽象攝影作品,將噴灑過藥劑的氰版紙張暴露於陽光下,引發化學反應,產生獨特的藍色,而未曝光的部分則留下紙張本來的白色,藉此呈現中國傳統山水墨筆法與壯闊景觀。 駐村結束後,吳季璁將會開放使用的工作室作為展覽,與越南藝術家Bang Nhat Linh的作品《Summer Grasses》進行對話。吳季璁與Bang Nhat Linh的作品分別來自台北和河內,展覽除了呈現藝術家的個人歷史,更是敏鋭地回應了兩地幾個世紀的地緣政治局勢。