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Poetic Utterance, Oct 6 – Nov 30, InArt Space, Tainan

Invited by curator Lih-Huei Lai, Wu Chi-Tsung work Still Life 006 – Chrysanthemum, Wrinkled Texture 55, and Crystal City 007 will be showcased in Poetic Utterance at InArt Space, Tainan, Taiwan.   Poetic Utterance Date:2018/10/6 (Sat.)- 11/30 (Fri.) Tea Party:2018/10/6 (Sat.) 15:00 Curator:Lih-Huei Lai Venue:InArt Sapce, No.315, You’ai St., West Central Dist., Tainan City 700, Taiwan     受邀自策展人賴麗惠,吳季璁作品《小品之六-菊》、《皴法習作55》、《水晶城市007》參與台南加力畫廊「詩意的製造」展覽。   詩意的製造 參展藝術家:袁廣鳴、徐瑞憲、林俊廷、吳季璁、姚仲涵 展覽時間:2018年10月6日-11月30日 (10月6日開幕茶會) 策展人:賴麗惠 地點:加力畫廊,台南市中西區友愛街315號,台灣   德國19世紀古典浪漫派詩人荷爾德林(Hölderlin)在《在柔媚的湛藍中》的詩句:「……人充滿勞積, 然而仍詩意地棲居在這片大地上……」。棲居意旨人類的存在狀態,而詩意則是詩人以一種藝術形式對現實或想像的描述與感受的表達。袁廣鳴的錄像作品〈棲居如詩〉Dwelling之命名即擷取自此詩句,詩人以語言文字的形式製造詩意,而藝術家隨著時代科技的演變以各種媒材形式創造所欲表達的內在與詩性。〈棲居如詩〉畫面裡客廳在沉靜的水中,物件細微而緩慢的漂浮,突如其來的快速爆炸讓所有家具物件破碎,在水裡緩慢地翻覆上揚,看似已走向毀滅卻又突如其來快速回復到原來的靜置狀態,毀滅與再生的輪迴,無論如何藝術家都要朝著詩意的方向追尋。 詩人作家以語言文字創造出人類日常疲憊循環生存狀態下賴以喘息的片斷詩意時光,在〈作家的船〉Writer’s Vessel中,象徵古典文學的羽毛筆透過馬達的帶動在腳踏車輪上緩慢移動書寫著,徐瑞憲在冷硬的金屬機械的媒材上賦與輕柔軟性的羽毛,生命也在不斷循環的狀態下書寫出一種古典詩意與對自由的嚮往。而這似與〈棲居如詩〉呼應著,試圖尋找一種詩意自由的生活狀態,然而卻陷在不斷的循環或圓周中,看似安靜卻隱藏著憂鬱與孤獨的情緒。 遠觀如東方傳統水墨畫的〈皴法習作〉Wrinkled Texture是吳季璁以現代西方攝影氰版顯影技術,在刻意揉皺的宣紙上製造中國傳統繪畫皴法的效果,呈現出中國水墨意境及山水風景之氣勢。吳季璁的作品不論是錄像〈小品系列〉、裝置作品〈水晶城市〉或〈皴法系列〉等等都在思考東西方美學哲思及媒材運用及並融的可能性,遊走在光影、明暗、虛實之間的詩意呈現。 對於東方傳統繪畫意境的鍾情,卻又嘗試以不同於古典繪畫形式的媒材探索,也在林俊廷的作品上明顯可見,其〈造象〉Word to World仍維持其一貫風格,螢幕上呈現的是中國傳統山水風景動畫,結合現代流行的QR Code掃描,輸入的中文字在畫面上即產生對應的圖像,與作品產生互動,扣緊當代科技媒體運用的潮流。 眼所見,耳所聞,在人腦中自然形成一種想像或意境,是立即性的抽象性感受,姚仲涵在〈EN〉(環境)中探索聲音與視覺之間的關係,將聲音視覺化,或反之視覺聲音化,畫面有如空間中的懸浮物、水滴或黑夜星空或抽象不明,與電腦合成音樂產生一種節奏性的旋律。姚仲涵作品中的重要元素日光燈與聲響,是其不斷摸索在環境中創造一種抽離現實性的的電子虛幻空間。 「詩意」可能是一種自然的呈現,或是一種創造,「詩意的製造」 忽略當代藝術或現存環境的沉重課題諸如環境、政治、宗教、種族或性別等等,回歸到藝術的純粹原始性,在混亂不安的生存狀態中,試圖製造一個詩意的精神存在,理性與感性的融合,藉以呼應法國17世紀天才數學家、物理學家、哲學家與散文家帕斯卡(Pascal)在《思想錄》中說道:「……人應該詩意地活在這片土地上,這是人類的追求理想,詩意是一種偉大的發現……」。


Flowers of Immense Charm – A Masterpiece Exhibition by Four Major Museums, 2018 Oct 6 – 2019 Feb 10, National Museum of Fine Art, Taichung

Wu Chi Tsung video work Still Life 005 – Cherry will be showcased in Flowers of Immense Charm – A Masterpiece Exhibition by Four Major Museums at National Museum of Fine Art, Taichung   Flowers of Immense Charm – A Masterpiece Exhibition by Four Major Museums Date: 2018 Oct 6 – 2019 Feb 10 Participant Museums: National Palace Museum, Tokyo Fuji Art Museum, CHIMEI Museum, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts Curator: Hsiao Chong-Ray Venue: National Museum of Fine Art, 2, sec. 1, Wu Chuan W. Rd., Taichung 403 Taiwan   Under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture and Taichung City Government, Flowers of Immense Charm – A Masterpiece Exhibition by Four Major Museums is co-organized by the National Palace Museum, Tokyo Fuji Art Museum, CHIMEI Museum, and National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, and is expressly organized during the same time as the Taichung World Flora Exposition. This is a cultural event with Prof. Hsiao Chong-Ray serving as the exhibition’s chief curator; curators from the four museums also execute integrations and analyses. They have chosen the widely loved “flowers” as the theme of the exhibition, exploring different meanings and characteristics embodied by flowers that are depicted in artworks from different cultures. This is an exhibition that is suitable for people of all ages, and is also one that holds profound academic value. A range of artworks of diverse styles is presented under the vivid and vibrant overarching floral theme, with the metaphors and profound meanings of flowers conveyed by the artworks examined. With a medley of artistic styles presented, different nationalities, cultures, and philosophical realizations about nature and life are also recounted, forming an epitome of human history and values encompassing different cultures and across different eras, which is profoundly etched with the prolifically rich image of flowers. On view in the exhibition are select artworks from three major museums from northern, central, and southern Taiwan and also the Tokyo Fuji Art Museum. The transnational exchange and inter-museum collaboration are aimed at showcasing four different cultural contexts, worldviews, and value systems that have originated from Taiwan, China, Japan, and the West….