Art Basel in Hong Kong, Mar 29-31, Convention & Exhibition Center
Presented by Galerie du Monde, Wu Chi-Tsung’s new Cyano-Collage Series and Still Life 009 – Maple, Still Life 010 – Lotus will be premiered at Art Basel in Hong Kong 2019. Galerie Du Monde|3E18 Dates|March 29 – 31, 2019 Private View|March 27, 2pm to 8pm March 28, 1pm to 5pm Vernissage|March 28, 5pm to 9pm Venue|Convention & Exhibition Center, 1 Harbor Rd., Wan Chai, Hong Kong Two major movements of Postwar Asia will be the cornerstone of Galerie du Monde’s presentation.The Fifth Moon Group and the One Art Group both sought to re-contextualize the millennia-old tradition of Chinese ink painting at different times in different places -1950s Taiwan for the former, 1970s Hong Kong for the latter. By infusing the medium with Modernist influences, both groups gave it an innovative impulse that remains influential to this day. Powerful pieces by key protagonists, such as Liu Kuo-Sung and Fong Chung-Ray, along with the late Kwok Hon-Sum, will be on view. Besides, Wu Chi-Tsung’s most representative works Cyano-Collage Series, Still Life Series, and Wrinkled Texture Series will all be exhibited. 吳季璁《小品之九-楓》、《小品之十-荷》、《氰山集》系列新作將於2019香港巴塞爾藝博會,世界畫廊展位首次亮相。 世界畫廊|3E18 展覽日期|03/29-31, 2019 貴賓預展|03/27, 2 – 8pm 03/28 1 – 5pm 開幕典禮|03/28 5 – 9pm 展覽地點|香港會議展覽中心,灣仔港灣道1號,香港 戰後亞洲的兩大運動將成為Galerie du Monde本次展覽的重點。五月畫會和一畫會在1950年代台灣與1970年代香港皆試圖為中國水墨畫重新定位千年古老的傳統,兩個團體都給了它一種創新的突破,將書畫媒材注入現代主義的元素,至今仍然具有影響力。展覽將展出劉國松、馮鍾睿和已故的郭漢深等作品。展覽將收錄吳季璁的作品《氰山集系列》、《小品系列》與《皴法習作》系列,其中包括藝術家在柏林創建工作室後的最新探索。 Installation View 博覽會現場