Crystal City 003 in M+ Collection, Hong Kong
Wu Chi-Tsung work Crystal City 003 was donated to M+ Hong Kong by Hong Kong collector Hallam Chow. The artist uses clear, rectangular plastic packaging of different sizes to construct a miniature city and illuminated it with moving light. The resulting cityscape of light and shadows is both a romantic mirage and a pile of industrial waste, making the installation a sharp commentary on contemporary life, which meets the focus of M+ collection. 《水晶城市003》由香港收藏家仇浩然捐贈給香港M+博物館。《水晶城市》系列利用不同大小的透明矩形塑膠包裝,構建出一座微型城市,並以遊移流動的光線來照亮作品,由此形成虛擬的城市景觀,作品對於當代生活的象徵性投射與M+收藏的關注重點不謀而合。