Two of ‘Still Life’ works join the Borusan Contemporary Art Collection
《小品》系列作品於土耳其Borusan Contemporary Art Collection典藏
Wu Chi-Tsung’s video installation works Still Life 011 – Tsubaki and Still Life 012 – Buttercup Tree were recently collected by Borusan Contemporary Art Collection, the first collection in Turkey which is a member of IACCCA (International Association of Corporate Collections of Contemporary Art). The collection, which was established in the 90s, was initially focused on Modern and Contemporary Turkish Art. Yet with the inclusion of international contemporary artists such as Donald Judd, Sol LeWitt and Jim Dine in the 2000s, it underwent a change and eventually shifted its focus towards New Media Arts with the inauguration of Borusan Contemporary as a public museum. Photo courtesy of Borusan Contemporary, Istanbul 吳季璁錄影裝置作品《小品之十一 茶花》《小品之十二 彎子木》日前被Borusan Contemporary Art Collection收藏。Borusan Contemporary Art Collection是土耳其首家加入IACCCA協會(國際當代藝術收藏集團協會)的當代藝術收藏機構,於20世紀90年代成立,初以收藏土耳其現當代藝術為中心,進入21世紀後,機構正式以公共博物館形式開放,收藏也轉向為關注國際藝術家、尤其是活躍於新媒體藝術領域的藝術家。