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edge of light

REPORTED BY DFUN Magazine: Poems about shadow

Poems about shadow | Interview with artist Wu Chi-Tsung Recently, Wu Chi-Tsung was interview by the DFUN magazine, a magazine featuring design, architecture, fashion and art based in Taiwan. The report features Wu Chi-Tsung’s unique aesthetic in his works featuring light and shadow, and how the artist has been using them to transform the exhibition space into a poetic world. The report was published on the 2020 Spring issue of the magazine. The report introduces Wu Chi-Tsung’s exploration of working on various media as an international artist traveling among his studios in Taipei, Berlin and Saigon. Next, Wu Chi-Tsung shares his experience in the installation Edge of Light that he cooperated with Chen Shu-Chiang.  Scaled 30 meters long and 10 meters wide, it took great effort to have the work installed in an abandoned train garage. By doing this, the artists have created an immersive experience for the audience allowing them to fully appreciate the magic of light and shadows. In the end, speaking of the relationship of light and shadow, Wu Chi-Tsung states that ‘light is the fundamental fact for us to perceive the world, and shadow metaphorizes or visualizes the substantiality of materials’.   堆疊轉換 一首影的空間詩|藝術家 吳季璁 TEXT=Zoe Kang PHOTO=吳季璁工作室 前言 觀看他的作品,彷彿穿越山水、沈浸於一首首由光影譜寫而成的詩當中;平靜內斂,卻又耐人尋味。許多看似當代的手法之下,只要在細細探究過後,便會發覺其中蘊藏的東西方傳統美學能量;他便是如此擅長以帶有新意的藝術形式,重新為我們展現其獨樹一幟的新美學風格。 「光是我們能看到世界的基礎,影則是體現、隱喻物質和現象的存在。」­­­-吳季璁 畢業於國立台北藝術大學美術系之後,到世界各地參與藝術駐村計畫的吳季璁,向來擅長發掘平凡物件的可能性,並從日常材料及生活現象出發進行創作;如今,他的作品涵蓋攝影、錄像、裝置、繪畫與舞台設計,持續以多種媒材讓人們得以從不同角度參與新媒體藝術的多變性。 對他而言,不預設媒材的使用類別,更能夠自由廣泛地跨越標籤進行實驗,讓每一件作品自然地發展到合適它的藝術形式,而這部分從他在創作媒材的使用脈絡中,便可略知一二。從小接受繪畫訓練的吳季璁,繪畫成為他早期最重要的藝術思考方式,後來因擔心技術性過強的訓練成為創作包袱,便改以「錄像」作為創作的主要媒介,持續為自身的藝術注入不同的能量與新意。 「繪畫、錄像、接著是(光影)裝置,再到攝影,可以說是從平面性的媒材,慢慢嘗試到動態的影像、時間性(Time-based)的媒體;當回到處理攝影的時候,反而讓我銜接回繪畫的思考方式,有點像是從新媒體的角度重新與繪畫、平面結合。」吳季璁補充說道。 多元媒材 創作不設限 吳季璁除了透過不同媒材的使用經驗,展開自身的藝術創作思維之外,常駐於不同國家城市也是讓他持續獲得靈感的方式之一。目前,他將臺北視為工作的主要製作基地,但他在德國柏林、越南胡志明市也都設有工作室;「柏林在過去二十年來一直是世界各地藝術家最聚集與活躍的地方,能夠接觸到各種文化藝術的養分,並且擁有相對合理低廉的物價,柏林工作室對我來說像是個Lab(實驗室),令我能夠專注去思考和嘗試新的東西。越南則是我目前最感興趣的新興藝術世界,我很期待觀察一個新的藝術社群如何慢慢成形。」 融合東西方傳統與現當代藝術的形式,再轉換出充滿詩意的想像空間,同樣也是吳季璁的藝術創作範疇。在2006年完成的裝置作品《灰塵》上,便是以東方特有的空間觀和宇宙觀,引領觀者以超越身體侷限的視角去理解、想像外在世界。 他於螢幕前方架設一台攝影機,讓其正對投影機鏡頭的光源,並對焦在空間中央,拍攝訊號傳回至投影機中時,便形成一個光線和電子訊號的現場即時循環。當投影機前的一腳架遮斷射入攝影機的光線時,在適當的位置和角度下,空間中的灰塵粒子將會反射投影機的光線;如同月亮反射太陽,以此帶領著觀者將視角放到灰塵的世界,看到另外一層宇宙。 沈浸式的光影環境體驗 空間在光影的堆疊之下,擁有了不同以往的生命力;同時,參與作品的方式也從觀看,而開始擴展至身體經驗。在與藝術家陳淑強一起合作的《極光邊境》作品中,吳季璁搭建了一面約30米長、10米寬的螢幕,在一個比籃球場還要大的廢棄火車維修廠房,使用維修廠房既有的物件與設備進行搭設,營造一處獨特的沈浸式光影環境體驗。 此次作品最大的挑戰是,場內每個物件都非常巨大、非常重,每次搬動一個東西幾乎都需要十幾個人合力,或是動用重型器械,光是火車馬達的線圈就超過一人高,重量也超過一噸;後來使用堆高機時,反而因為承載過重而翹起來,最後只好十幾個人坐在堆高機上壓住機身,才能搬動線圈。儘管過程艱辛,但對吳季璁而言依然是滿載而歸的體驗,「這樣的尺度感可以把日常熟悉的物件放大到遠大於身體的尺度,令光影本身變成沈浸式的環境,不僅對布展有很大挑戰,在想像上也有很強的刺激。」 影賦予的光之意義 儘管經常能在吳季璁的作品當中看見光與影的微妙關係、感受光影變幻所帶來的感官衝擊,然而,他卻認為自身的創作並不侷限於光影,「影像」才是他始終真正感興趣的部分。「藉由影像能最容易地去談論觀看這件事,並記錄下觀看的方式、視角;而在處理影像及思考觀看本質的過程中,很直接地會處理到光,這是一個自然的過程。」 最後,當問到自身是如何看待光影時,他更以一段話精闢說道,「『光』與『影』的關係有點像『虛』與『實』的差異;光是虛的,而影賦予了它意義、符號和想像的空間。」  


Time and Light in Wu Chi-Tsung’s Art

Recently, Wu Chi-Tsung was invited by Sean Kelly Gallery to shoot a short video named In the Studio. In this abstract yet frank video, Wu Chi-Tsung presents a poetic dance with one of his favorite materials – light. Employing long-exposures, he is visualising the battles and joys in search of inspiration as he follows the guidance of a beam of light in his once pitch-dark studio. Let there be light. For Wu Chi-Tsung, light is the catalyst in his art, and time devoted in his darkroom allows beauty to gently appear. British video artist David Hall coined the term ‘time-based art’ in 1972, which refers to the art forms that require a certain amount of time to be fully revealed. While the concept was devised with traditional art forms such as paintings and sculptures in mind, and also emphasized the duration of time and the scale in space, Wu Chi-Tsung tends to interpret it in a reversed way. He deliberately uses time as a tool to blur the boundary between new media art and traditional art and to redefine moving and still images.  The necessity of long exposure is shared in most of Wu Chi-Tsung’s still works, such as the Cyano-Collage Series, the Wrinkled Texture Series, and the Long Time Exposed Landscape. Therefore, these works all contain a considerable scale of time and momentum. They have become a living fossil in which a complete time axis is fused together. In Chinese, the phrase that represents a long period of time is Shiguang (時光), which is a combination of the words for Time (時) and Light (光). The considerable time that Wu Chi-Tsung spends battling with, adapting to, and coping with time and light is a key feature of his works. He tends to focus on simple techniques and daily objects, still he devotes himself to research time and light and applying his learnings to the original material and turning it into something completely different from, and even opposite to, commonplace perceptions.  As one of the furthest-developed works so far, the Cyano-Collage Series demands a large amount of ‘exposed paper’ for paper-reading and collage. As hours of sunlight reacts with the cyanotype chemistry on the Xuan paper, the ordinary wrinkles…