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Cyano-Collage 082

Wu Chi-Tsung made a contribution to the Asian Cultural Council (ACC)

We are proud to share that Wu Chi-Tsung has made a contribution to the Asian Cultural Council (ACC). By donating the proceeds of Cyano-Collage 082 in collaboration with the Sean Kelly Gallery, he wishes to express his gratitude to the long-term generous support of ACC. The Asian Cultural Council has supported cultural exchange programs for practicing artists, scholars, and arts professionals since 1963. In 2013, Wu Chi-Tsung was granted a six-month ACC Fellowship to travel from Taipei to research contemporary art practices in New York. During his fellowship, Chi-Tsung deepened his awareness of diverse cultural and artistic practices and has further developed his multi-cultural and timeless art language ever since. About Asian Cultural Council The Asian Cultural Council advances international dialogue, understanding, and respect through cultural exchange activities in Asia and the United States to create a more harmonious and peaceful world. This mission is accomplished through fellowships and other programs that support individual artists, scholars, and arts professionals. To date, ACC has supported over 6,000 exchanges across 26 countries and regions, and 16 artistic disciplines. As a grantmaking and grantseeking organization, ACC raises funds from individual, foundation, and corporate donors. ACC also convenes arts leaders, fostering dialogue around the importance of cultural exchange in developing understanding and respect across international and cultural borders. 自1963年起,亞洲文化協會(Asia Art Council,後簡稱ACC)持續資助亞洲藝術家、學者與從業者的各項文化交流活動。2013年,吳季璁獲得了來自ACC的駐地支持,在紐約進行了為期六個月的駐村活動。紐約多元的文化氛圍豐富了他對於藝術的理解,也啟發了他此後的創作,超越區域文化和時代性的限制。為了支持這個深具啟發性的國際交流計畫,吳季璁近日與尚凱利畫廊合作,向ACC捐贈了《氰山集之八十二》的銷售收入,期待能夠藉此鼓勵與支援年輕藝術家的藝術創作與國際發展。 關於亞洲文化協會亞洲文化協會透過在亞洲與美國間的文化交流活動促進國際對話,加強彼此間互相理解及尊重,以期創造一個更和諧的世界。我們透過獎助計畫以及贊助藝術家、學者及藝術專才之獎助項目來實現這個使命。 至今,亞洲文化協會已贊助了6000多個交流活動,遍及26個國家及地區,並包含16項藝術範疇。做為一個提供獎助金,同時也尋找贊助人的機構,ACC的募款對象包括個人、基金會及企業贊助。ACC匯總藝文專才,鼓勵對話以提倡文化交流的重要性,建立國際及跨文化的理解與尊重。