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Wu Chi-Tsung portrait

Interview with artist Wu Chi-Tsung: Art is never a blank sheet of paper by Vogue Taiwan

Bustling back and forth over cities across the world, Wu Chi-Tsung dexterously shuttled through the art world,  as if it was a natural practice.  This day we came to Wu Chi-Tsung’s new studio in Tamsui, Taipei. Apart from here, he also has studios in Yuanshan in Taipei, Berlin, and  Ho Chi Minh City. These studios scattered around the world are not only for practical needs but also for Wu Chi-Tsung’s strategy of observing the world.  A studio space that can accommodate museum level presentation  “This is the most well-equipped space I have ever had. It’s like working in an art museum.” Wu Chi-Tsung sat in a corner of his new studio, and the sunlight fell through the large glass windows and landed on his shoulders. This new studio is located in the residential area of Danhai New Town. Facing a wide, neat street, it locates on the first floor with high ceilings. Here, Wu Chi-Tsung drives a scissor lift,  ascending and descending in the spacious space, busy making two huge  “Cyano-Collage Series” to be exhibited at Sean Kelly Gallery in  New York. This will be his first solo exhibition in New York– his new studio coming out of a need for this work.  The main exhibition hall of Sean Kelly Gallery in New York is the size of a  basketball court. Two large works are required, which are difficult to be accommodated in his old Yuanshan studio. “In Yuanshan, when you want to see the complete composition of  the work, you have to open the iron rolling door on the first floor and retreat  across the road.” One of the new “Cyano-Collage Series” scales three meters by nine meters in size. “It is unlikely that I would create works larger than this anymore. We have already challenged the limits of the new space by creating it” While standing in front of the large “Cyano-Collage Series” work, people would feel as if they are in a real mountain, and would almost lose control to dive in.  A studio is different from an art gallery. It is a place where the artist…



Drawing Study Series and Cyano-Collage Series in Frieze London

Stand D15, Sean Kelly New YorkVIP Preview days October 13-14, 2021Public days October 15-17, 2021 Venue The Regent’s Park, London, UK Sharing sceneries of mountains and oceans that were either captured in Taiwan or from his imagination to yet another continent,  Works of Wu Chi-Tsung’s will be showcased at Frieze London 2021. They will be presented along with creations of other young artists of Sean Kelly Gallery. The visually dynamic group of works will mark the gallery’s inaugural participation in the show.  It is noteworthy that the Drawing Study Series will be presented overseas for the first time. The Drawing Study 001 – Seascape LongDong captures actual real-time sceneries, the reprocessed videos show visual variations to create a perceptive confusion suspended between moving and static images. Although they originate from reality, what the artist offers are sceneries that can never happen in the phenomenal world. Meanwhile, three aluminum boarded Cyano-Collage Series will be presented. About Frieze London Frieze London is one of the world’s most influential contemporary art fairs, focusing only on contemporary art and living artists, and takes place each October in The Regent’s Park, in the heart of London. Frieze London was founded in 2003. The fair is one of the world’s key contemporary art fairs, focusing only on contemporary art. The 2021 edition of the fair showcases over 160 of the most notable galleries from around the world. Stand D15, Sean Kelly New YorkVIP預覽 2021年10月13~14日公眾開放 2021年10月15~17日地址 倫敦攝政公園內 吳季璁作品即將在本週開幕的倫敦弗里茲藝術博覽會的尚凱利畫廊展位中展出,將來自台灣與他腦海中的山景與海景分享給另一個大陸的觀眾。此次,由吳季璁與其他幾位優秀的年輕藝術家的作品所組成的精心策劃、視覺生動而豐富的展覽將是畫廊於該博覽會的首秀。 值得一提的是,本次將是吳季璁2021年新作《寫生習作》系列在海外的首次亮相。出展的《寫生習作001-龍洞海景》拍攝於台灣北部的龍洞,真實的現實景象通過技術處理而出現了視覺上的變異,製造出介於動態與靜態之間的感知迷惑。儘管本於現實,作品提供的卻是現象界不可能真實發生的圖景。同時,三幅鋁底板《氰山集》新作將在博覽會中展出。 關於倫敦弗里茲藝術博覽會 倫敦弗里茲藝術博覽是世界頂尖當代藝術博覽會之一。會與大多數其他博覽會不同,弗裏茲倫敦和大師展的舉辦地「攝政公園」位於主辦城市的中心地帶,這也構成了倫敦充滿活力的文化結構和國際藝術景觀的一部分。 弗里茲藝術博覽會是少有的幾個聚焦當代藝術和在世知名藝術家的藝博會之一,展現了當今一些最令人耳目一新的藝術家,從新興藝術家到現象級藝術家都有,展會由獨立策展人組成的團隊為特色展區提供建議。 Installation Views 展覽現場