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still life series

Still Life 014-Yellow Mai Flower Acquired by UBS Art Collection and Exhibited in New York
《小品之十四 黃梅》加入UBS瑞銀藝術收藏並於紐約展出

Reimagining: New PerspectivesDate    January 27 – May 30, 2022Venue 1285 Avenue of the Americas, New York We are delighted to share that Wu Chi-Tsung’s  Still Life 014 – Yellow Mai Flower  was recently acquired by the UBS Art Collection and is featured in the latest exhibition Reimagining: New Perspectives in the UBS Art Gallery in New York.  Located in UBS’s Midtown New York Headquarters, the UBS Art Gallery was initially established in 1985 and has been closed to the public since 2009. This exhibition marks the reopening of the gallery and provides an opportunity for the public to once again discover in person works from one of most important corporate collections of contemporary art in the world. The exhibition united new acquisitions of the UBS Art Collection. With over 30,000 artworks by some of the most influential artists of our time, the collection aims to collect the most relevant art made today that both challenges and connects people. In 2020, Cyano-Collage 078 was also acquired by the Collection.  《重塑:新觀點》日期    2022年1月27日~5月30日地址    紐約美洲大道1285號 《小品之十四 黃梅》近日加入UBS瑞銀藝術收藏,並在位於紐約的瑞銀藝術畫廊的最新展覽《重塑:新觀點》中展出。  瑞銀藝術收藏為國際上最重要的當代藝術企業收藏之一,旨在收集最具時代性、富有挑戰精神又能連接世界的作品,現擁有超過3萬件來自最具影響力的當代藝術家的作品。2020年,《氰山集之七十八》也被該機構典藏。 瑞銀藝術畫廊位於瑞銀集團位於紐約中城總部大廈,成立於1985年,自2009年以來畫廊暫停向公眾開放。本次展覽是畫廊時隔十餘年再次開放的首個展覽,集中展示了瑞銀藝術收藏近期典藏的作品。  



Works of Cyano-Collage Series and Wrinkled Texture Series will Participate in Frieze Los Angeles

Sean Kelly Gallery | Stand A8Preview  February 17, 2022Public Days  February 18-20, 2022Venue  9900 Wilshire Boulevard,Beverly Hills, CA 90210 Represented by Sean Kelly Gallery, Wu Chi-Tsung’s new works from the Wrinkled Texture Series and the Cyano-Collage Series will be exhibited at Frieze Los Angeles. Last October, upon Chi-Tsung’s first participation in Frieze London, the fair interviewed him in his Taipei studio and produced a documentary video in collaboration with Sean Kelly Gallery. Titled “Wu Chi-Tsung Reinvents Tradition”, the official website of the Frieze featured this video with an article that introduces how he re-evaluates the tradition and his abiding concern with process, perception and vision. About Frieze  Frieze Art Fair is an international contemporary art fair in London, New York, and Los Angeles.Frieze London takes place every October in London’s Regent’s Park. In the US, the fair has been running on New York’s Randall’s Island since 2012, with its inaugural Los Angeles edition taking place February 2019.[2][3] The fair was launched by Amanda Sharp and Matthew Slotover, the founders of frieze magazine, and is led by Victoria Siddall, global director of Frieze Fairs. Frieze Art Fair features more than 170 contemporary art galleries, and the fair also includes specially commissioned artists’ projects, a talks programme and an artist-led education schedule. Sean Kelly Gallery | A8展位公眾開放  2022年2月18~20日地址  美國加州洛杉磯比佛利山市威爾榭大道9900號,90210 本週,尚凱利畫廊將帶著吳季璁的《皴法習作》與《氰山集》系列新作參加位洛杉磯弗里茲藝術博覽會。在去年10月吳季璁首次亮相倫敦弗里茲藝術博覽會之際,藝博會曾在尚凱利畫廊的協製下前往他在台北的工作室進行採訪與拍攝,製作了名為的《吳季璁:重新定義傳統》影片,並在官方網站中發表專文,介紹吳季璁重審傳統、尊重材料的創作哲學。 關於弗里茲藝術博覽會 弗里茲藝術博覽會是在倫敦、紐約和洛杉磯舉辦的國際當代藝術博覽會,紐約弗里茲博覽會自2012年起在紐約的蘭德爾島舉辦。博覽會由Frieze雜誌的創始人Amanda Sharp和Matthew Slotover發起,並由Frieze Fairs的全球總監Victoria Siddall領導。 弗里茲藝術博覽會擁有170多家當代藝術畫廊,該博覽會還包括特別委託的藝術家項目、會談項目和藝術家主導的教育日程。 Installation View 展覽現場