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Solo Exhibition Wu Chi-Tsung: Synchronicity at the Katonah Museum of Art

Wu Chi-Tsung: Synchronicity Dates July 9 -October 1, 2023 Artist Talk July 9 14:00 – 15:00Venue 134 Jay Street, Katonah, NY 10536 The Katonah Museum of Art (KMA) presents Wu Chi-Tsung: Synchronicity, which marks Chi-Tsung’s first solo museum exhibition. The exhibition will focus on the artist’s most recent body of work, his Cyano-Collage Series, that seamlessly incorporates Eastern aesthetics with collage and photographic processes to create sublime reinterpretations of traditional Chinese Shan Shui (mountain-water) landscape paintings. A meditative video installation in the main galleries and an immersive installation in the project gallery will provide further examples of Wu’s diverse and innovative practice. On July 9, Wu Chi-Tsung will join KMA Executive Director Michelle Yin Mapplethorpe for an in-depth discussion on his dynamic and interdisciplinary practice.  The Katonah Museum of Art is a non-collecting institution geared towards visual arts, located in Katonah, New York. From its inception, the KMA was committed to presenting exceptional art from all cultures and time periods. The founders’ decision to be a non-collecting institution resulted in a dynamic and flexible exhibition program, which remains one of the most distinctive features of the Museum.  In November, after the successful closing of his first institutional solo show in the US at the Katonah Museum of Art, Wu Chi-Tsung has donated his Cyano-Collage 179 to the Katonah museum for its annual live benefit auction that supports for the Museum’s acclaimed exhibitions, educational programs, and forward-thinking initiatives.  吳季璁:Synchronicity日期 2023年7月9日 – 10月1日 藝術家講演  2023年7月9日14:00 – 15:00地址 134 Jay Street, Katonah, NY 10536 卡托納美術館(KMA)呈獻「吳季璁:Synchronicity」,這標誌了吳季璁的首次美術館個展。本次展覽將聚焦於吳季璁的《氰山集》系列新作,介紹藝術家將東方美學與拼貼、攝影技術進行無縫接合的創作方式,從而呈現藝術家對於傳統中國書畫進行的突破性的再詮釋。此外,展覽還將展出《煙林圖系列》等沈浸式影像裝置,呈現吳季璁多樣而創新的藝術實踐。7月9日,吳季璁將與美術館館長Michelle Yin Mapplethorpe進行對談,分享其充滿活力的跨學科創作。 卡托納美術館是位於紐約州卡托納的一個以視覺藝術為主的藝術機構。從成立之初,KMA 就致力於呈現來自各種文化和時期的傑出藝術。其非收藏機構的特性也令美術館充滿活力、擁有靈活的展覽計劃,是該博物館最獨特的亮點之一。 十一月,在卡托納美術館個展順利閉幕後,吳季璁將《氰山集之一百七十九》捐贈給該博物館,作為其年度現場慈善拍賣的拍品。這項拍賣活動旨在支持博物館的優秀展覽、教育計劃和前瞻性活動。  Installation Views 展覽現場 Artist Talk 藝術家對談  



Dust 002 At Art Basel Unlimited in Basel, Switzerland

Art Basel Basel, Unlimited SectorSean Kelly Gallery Booth U59VIP Opening June 12, 2023Public Dates June 15-18, 2023Venue Messe Basel Messeplatz 10 4058 Basel Switzerland  This week, video installation Dust 002  alongside with new works from the Cyano-Collage Series will be presented at Sean Kelly Gallery’s booth at  Art Basel Unlimited, Art Basel’s pioneering exhibition platform for projects that transcend the classical art fair stand, including large-scale sculptures and paintings, video projections, installations, and live performances. The Dust was initially created and debuted during Wu Chi-Tsung’s residency at in 2006, which marked his first solo exhibition in an art institution in the United Kindoms. Since then, the work has been exhibited in Germany, Luxembourg and the U.S.. It features a real-time streaming of the reflection of the circulation of dust particles moving in the room. As viewers progress through the space, disrupting the flow of air, the images of flickering dust change constantly and instantaneously creating a captivating relationship between artist and viewer, technology, and chance. Dust not only reorients us to the small beauties of the world but demonstrates our fundamental inability to perceive these phenomena without, in turn, affecting them. 巴塞爾藝術展「意象無限」單元尚凱利畫廊 | Booth U59VIP預覽 2023年6月12日公眾展期 2023年6月15-18日會場 Messe Basel Messeplatz 10 4058 Basel Switzerland 本週,影像裝置《灰塵002》與《氰山集》系列新作將於巴塞爾藝術展「意象無限」單元的尚凱利畫廊展位展出。「意象無限」單元集中呈現超越傳統藝術展覽的藝術作品,包括大型雕塑、繪畫、影片投影、裝置藝術和現場表演等。 2006年,《灰塵》由吳季璁在塞特藝廊的駐留期間創作並首次展出,並在此後於德國、盧森堡和美國展出。它捕捉了塵埃於空間中的遊移並將其實時投影於銀幕。當觀者穿越空間,干擾空氣流動時,閃爍的塵埃影像會不斷地變化,創造一種藝術家和觀眾、技術和機會之間迷人的關係。《塵埃》不僅重新導向我們關注世界上細微而美麗的事物,也向我們揭示了我們本質上無法在不影響這些事物的條件下感知它們。