Cyano-Collage 50 in Post Vidai Collection, Vietnam
《氰山集之五十》於Post Vidai典藏,越南
Wu Chi-Tsung’s Cyano-Collage 50 has recently joined the Post Vidai Collection, the largest private collection of contemporary art in Vietnam. Cyano-Collage 50, created during the artist’s residency at MoT+++ space in Ho Chi Minh city, could be regarded as a reflection and confirmation of Post Vidai’s long-lasting pursuit to unsettle the definition of ‘Vietnamese-ness’. 近日,吳季璁在越南MoT +++空間駐地期間創作的作品《氰山集之五十》被越南最大的私人當代藝術收藏機構Post Vidai收藏。該基金會長期以來致力於重新討論、思考「何為越南」的身份標籤,而跨國合作下的《氰山集之五十》也為這一命題增添了新的註腳。