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Cyano-Collage 50 in Post Vidai Collection, Vietnam
《氰山集之五十》於Post Vidai典藏,越南

  Wu Chi-Tsung’s Cyano-Collage 50 has recently joined the Post Vidai Collection, the largest private collection of contemporary art in Vietnam. Cyano-Collage 50, created during the artist’s residency at MoT+++ space in Ho Chi Minh city, could be regarded as a reflection and confirmation of Post Vidai’s long-lasting pursuit to unsettle the definition of ‘Vietnamese-ness’.   近日,吳季璁在越南MoT +++空間駐地期間創作的作品《氰山集之五十》被越南最大的私人當代藝術收藏機構Post Vidai收藏。該基金會長期以來致力於重新討論、思考「何為越南」的身份標籤,而跨國合作下的《氰山集之五十》也為這一命題增添了新的註腳。  


Photo London, May 16-19, Somerset House
Photo London攝影藝術博覽會,5/16-19,倫敦

Wu Chi-Tsung new work “Still Life 012 – Buttercup Tree” ,Cyano-Collage Series and Wrinkled Texture Series will be showcased in Photo London 2019.   Photo London|UP Gallery|D12 Preview|5/15 Public Opening|5/16-19 Venue|Somerset House|Strand, London WC2R 1LA, England Artists|Wu Chi-Tsung, Chen Rong-Hui     We are pleased to share with you that several photography and video works of Wu Chi-Tsung will be joining the upcoming Photo London represented by the UP Gallery.  Now in its fifth edition, Photo London has established itself as one of the major leading lens-based art fairs in the world. This time, Wu Chi-Tsung will be cooperate with the UP Gallery, one of the rare galleries in Taiwan that is solely dedicated to exhibiting photography and moving image works, presenting his Cyano-Collage Series, Still Life Series and Wrinkled Texture Series. Developed from the Wrinkled Texture Series, the Cyano-Collage Series has become one of the most representative series of the artist. An innovative language of photography is developed within the artwork that combines the cyanotype technique, the collage method, as well as the wrinkled texture technique from traditional landscape painting and the aesthetics thereof. Wu Chi-Tsung’s long-lasting exploration in art could be reflected here, that he seeks the way to accommodate both the spiritual and nostalgic landscapes and the scientific and mechanical recording media, and further let them question, reinforce, and develop each other. The Still Life Series place more weight on the universality of traditional beauty, as well as how it is eternally unpredictable and uncertain. Upon the melancholy grounding color, what is recorded is exactly the artist’s mixture feeling of fascination and helplessness towards the beauty. We look forward to welcoming you at Booth D12 at Photo London. We will also keep you updated via Wu Chi-Tsung’s Instagram accounts and public website.     吳季璁《氰山集》系列、《皴法習作》系列與新作《小品之十二-彎子木》將於今年Photo London攝影藝術博覽會展出。   Photo London|絕版影像館|D12 貴賓預展|5/15 公眾展期|5/16-19 展覽地點|倫敦薩默塞特府(Somerset House)Strand, London WC2R 1LA, England 參展藝術家|吳季璁、陳榮輝   吳季璁的多件影像作品將參加今年五月的Photo London攝影藝術博覽會,與國際觀眾分享藝術家對於影像媒介的思考與對於影像美學的探索。今年是Photo London攝影藝術博覽會創辦的第五年,它已成為世界上最值得關注的主要專注於攝影媒材的藝術博覽會之一。 本次吳季璁很榮幸與台灣專注攝影與影像作品的藝廊絕版影像館合作,於D12展位呈現其《皴法習作系列》、《氰山集系列》與《小品系列》等作品。其中,《氰山集系列》發展自《皴法習作》,是吳季璁持續發展的系列作品之一,藝術家將藍曬與拼貼等現代技術與藝術手段創造性地嫁接至傳統東方山水意象和皴法美學之中。這組作品反映了吳季璁長期以來的思考與關注方向,即精神性的傳統文人風景如何與科學化、機械性的記錄媒材共存、相互解讀與拓展。《小品系列》則在此基礎上格外側重傳達傳統美之不可控與不可期,甚或消逝。藝術家在憂鬱底色之上試圖記錄的正是這種陶醉著迷卻又無可奈何的交雜感觸。 我們誠邀您光臨這場盛會,也歡迎您關注持續關注吳季璁的社交媒體與絕版影像館的Artsy頁面獲取相關信息。     Installation View 展覽現場