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2018 ABHK

Cyano-Collage 024 Acquired by the Asian Art Museum

We are honored to share that Wu Chi-Tsung’s Cyano-Collage 024 was acquired by the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco (AAM), one of the world’s finest collections of Asian art located in the U.S. Cyano-Collage 024 was the featured artwork for Wu Chi-Tsung’s solo exhibition, presented by Galerie du Monde, at Art Basel Hong Kong 2018, where it made its debut. In 2019, when he was awarded the winner of the inaugural Liu Kuo-Sung Ink Art Award, this work was the piece selected for exhibition. Scaled 180 x 360 cm, the Cyano-Collage 024 was the artist’s first attempt on such a considerable dimension on a single panel. It took him several months to conduct experiments from selecting papers that involve interesting details to connecting them into a poetic scenery. Besides, it was the first time that he challenged a dual-color composition, which contributed to a deepened depth of field.  近日,美國舊金山亞洲藝術博物館典藏了《氰山集之二十四》。該館擁有全美最大的亞洲藝術藏品,特別以收藏中國古文物聞名。 這件作品為藝術家首次嘗試單一底板的最大尺幅的創作,寬3.6公尺、高1.8公尺。他花費數月時間研究與實驗氰版相紙的拼接,力求呈現氣勢磅礴而富有詩意的畫面,畫面中近景的深藍與遠景黃棕色的氰版顏色對照令構圖更具縱深感。在2018年巴塞爾藝術展香港展會世界畫廊展位中,作品首次发表,並在2019年吳季璁榮獲首屆「劉國松水墨藝術大獎」之際再度亮相。  


‘Studio Encounter’ with the Asian Art Museum of San Fransisco

On acquiring the Cyano-Collage 024, the Asian Art Museum organized an online event that allows art-lovers to learn more about the production process of the work, as well as the artist behind it.   In conversation with Senior Associate Curator and Head of Contemporary Art Abby Chen, Wu Chi-Tsung presented a virtual tour of his Taipei studio through this video, a brief introduction of his life as an international artist who has studios in Taipei, Berlin and Saigon, and a thorough demonstration of the process and behind-the-scene stories of the Cyano-Collage Series.  近日,舊金山亞洲藝術博物館典藏了吳季璁作品《氰山集之二十四》,為了讓藝術愛好者們更深入理解吳季璁的創作與思想,舊金山亞洲藝術博物館舉辦了一場線上交流活動。活動由博物館當代藝術部主管、高級策展人陳暢主持,分享了藝術家的國際創作生涯與經歷,除了介紹台北、柏林、西貢三間工作室外,更詳盡說明了氰山集系列的製作過程與創作趣事。