Calligraphy Series will Debut at 2023 Hengshan Calligraphy Biennial
2023 Hengshan Calligraphy Biennial Exhibition Period Jan 20 – Apr 24, 2023Venue Hengshan Calligraphy Art CenterAddress No. 100, Daren Rd, Dayuan District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan 337 Wu Chi-Tsung will debut his new work series, the Calligraphy Series, at the upcoming 2023 Hengshan Calligraphy Biennial. Co-organized by Taoyuan Museum of Fine Arts and Hengshan Calligraphy Art Center and co-curated by Wu Chao Jen and Chen I Tso, the inaugural biennial, titled “Era of Principle and No Principle Interwoven”, is centered on the development and future prospect of Chinese Calligraphy in the context of contemporary art. 2023書藝雙年展:法與無法交織的年代─書法作為一種視覺形式展覽期間 2023年1月20日至2023年4月24日展覽地點 橫山書法藝術館展覽地址 臺灣桃園市大園區大仁路100號 吳季璁新作《書法習作》將於首屆橫山書藝雙年展發表。雙年展由桃園市立美術館與橫山書法藝術館合辦,由策展人吳超然、機構策展人陳俋佐共同企劃,以《法與無法交織的年代─書法作為一種視覺形式》為主題,聚焦當代藝術語境下書法藝術的未來。 Installation View 展覽現場