Cyano-Collage on Aluminum Panels will be Premiered at Art Basel Hong Kong
Date May 21 – 23 Venue Convention & Exhibition Centre, 1 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong From May 21 to 23, First Cyano-Collage Series work applying aluminum panels will be premiered at Galerie du Monde’s booth in Art Basel Hong Kong. As a substitute to wooden baseboard, aluminum panels create a distinct reflection that leaks through the Cyano-Collage landscape. The revealed base board, a.k.a the blank-leaving(留白), embraces traditional aesthetics of Chinese painting and enhanced the sense of space hence created new possibilities of interpretations. 日期 2021年5月21日 – 23日 地址:香港會議展覽中心,香港灣仔港灣道1號 本月21日至23日,首次應用鋁製底板創作的《氰山集》系列作品將於巴塞爾藝術展香港展會的世界畫廊展位首次發表。相較於之前使用的木製底板,鋁製底板獨特的金屬反光從氰版山水中透出,照應了傳統繪畫中「留白」的概念,為作品帶來了縱深感與更為豐富的意境。 Installation Views 展覽現場