Catalogue released: Far from East – Wu Chi-Tsung’s solo exhibition at KÜNSTLERHAUS BETHANIEN, Berlin
吳季璁個展「Far from East」畫冊於貝塔寧藝術村發行,柏林
Cooperated with Wu Chi-Tsung Studio, Künstlerhaus Bethanien published “Far from East” catalogue after his solo exhibition. The catalogue comprised the selection of Wu Chi-Tsung’s works from 2003 to present, showcasing Wu’s contemplation to contemporary art as well as the tradition culture of east and west. Name|Far from East Publisher|Künstlerhaus Bethanien GmbH Kohlfurter Str. 41/43 T: +49 (0) 30 616 903 0 Author|Wu Chi-Tsung Studio ISBN|978-3-941230-64-4 The studio is honored to invite Valeria Schulte-Fischedick, International Studio Programme of Künstlerhaus Bethanien to write the preface, she stated: “In times when globalization seems to dominate also the language of the international art-scene, Wu proposes his personal situated alternative that both respects its Eastern roots as well as the transformation the culture of his country has experienced – amongst other influences through colonization. What Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak states for in her words “subaltern” voices – stressing that they are made unheard by the dominant western production of knowledge – could possibly also be transferred to the way traditional art forms in any part of the world are treated. They are made almost unheard in the sometimes loud, hyperventilating sound of the global art speech, but as Wu says, “the Far East is no longer faraway, and the East is no longer east.” Devoid of falling back into old dichotomies, Wu reflects on his highly skilled and very poetic work by saying that ‘drawing a line not only creates what is visible, but also what is invisible.’” Following the theme, Wu Chi-Tsung added at the end of the catalogue: “Along with globalization, contemporary art expands rapidly under the domination of Western culture, prompting constant changes and innovation, whilst rupturing local traditional cultural contexts. Numerous regional arts and aesthetics have rapidly vanished, leading to a unified but monotonous development of contemporary art. How to contain diverse cultural arts in such a globalized world is a core proposition of the present time.” 德國貝塔寧藝術村與吳季璁工作室合作出版《Far from East》個展畫冊,收錄吳季璁自2003年至2017年的作品選集,呈現藝術家創作生涯中對於當代藝術以及東西方文化的思索。 名稱|Far from East 出版商|Künstlerhaus Bethanien GmbH Kohlfurter Str. 41/43 T: +49 (0) 30 616 903 0 作者|吳季璁工作室 ISBN|978-3-941230-64-4 展覽畫冊更邀請貝塔寧藝術村國際工作室計劃 Valeria Schulte-Fischedick撰寫前言,她評論: 「身處全球化下的國際藝術世界,吳季璁深具個人特色的藝術語言,彰顯其東方精神的本質,與臺灣後殖民時代的文化自覺。傳統藝術的處境,常如斯皮瓦克(Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak)所言,西方強勢的知識生產掩蓋了從屬者的歷史。在宣揚全球化的藝術論述時,不同的聲音往往就此淹沒。但吳季璁說到:『遠東已不再遙遠,東方也不只是東方。』跳出二元論的對立,他以巧妙而詩意的作品回應,描繪意在言外的留白。」 畫冊最後,吳季璁補充:「伴隨著全球化,當代藝術在歐美強勢文化的主導下快速擴張,不斷地顛覆與創新,卻也斷裂於各地的傳統文化脈絡,加速許多區域性特有的藝術與美學的消逝,讓當代藝術的發展趨同而單一。如何在國際化的同時兼容文化藝術的多元性,實是我們時代的核心命題。」