Cyano-Collage Series on Bronze Marks Wu Chi-Tsung’s Debut in Art Basel Basel 吳季璁將帶著全新黃銅製《氰山集》首次參加巴塞爾藝術展
New Works of Cyano-Collage Series and Wrinkled Texture Series at Taipei Dangdai 《氰山集》系列與《皴法習作》系列新作於台北當代藝術博覽會
Still Life 014-Yellow Mai Flower Acquired by UBS Art Collection and Exhibited in New York《小品之十四 黃梅》加入UBS瑞銀藝術收藏並於紐約展出
Works of Cyano-Collage Series and Wrinkled Texture Series will Participate in Frieze Los Angeles 《氰山集》與《皴法習作》系列作品將參展洛杉磯弗里茲藝術博覽會
Still Life Series showcased in the group exhibition INK Dreams at Los Angeles County Museum of Art 《小品系列》參展洛杉磯郡藝術博物館群展《Ink Dreams》
Aluminum Paneled Cyano-Collage 114’s Participation in The Armory Art Show in New York氰山集系列鋁底板作品《氰山集之一百一十四》將參展紐約The Armory Art Show
[Critique by] On the Limitless Imagination in Wu Chi-Tsung’s Interdisciplinary Arts [黑秀網專稿]不藉筆墨畫山水,巧以陽光曬山色:聊創作跨域的無限想像,吳季璁專訪
“Exposé” WAS LISTED AS 10 Must-See Art Exhibitions In Hong Kong In April 2021 BY TATLER HONG KONG 《Exposé現》被香港Tatler評為2021年4月最不容錯過十大展覽
Wu Chi-Tsung x Saverio Tonoli: We both found our inspirations from the other side of the world 吳季璁與薩維里奧・托諾利:我們都從世界的另一邊汲取靈感
Wu Chi-Tsung studio Presents an Exhibition ‘Beyond the Now, Away from Here’ for resident artist Saverio Tonoli薩維里奧・托諾利與吳季璁合作展覽《易時易地》