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New Cyano-Collage Series will be presented in the upcoming Art Basel Miami Beach by Sean Kelly Gallery

Sean Kelly Gallery | Booth D11Preview November 29 – 30, 2022Public Dates December 1 – 3, 2022Venue 1901 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 New works from Cyano-Collage Series on aluminum board will be presented at the upcoming Art Basel Miami Beach by Sean Kelly Gallery on the fair’s 20th anniversary and Sean Kelly’s 20th year of participation. Since 2002, Art Basel Miami Beach has been a highlight of the global art world calendar, connecting collectors, galleries, artists, and more in an engaging celebration of contemporary art.  In 2019, when Chi-Tsung joined Sean Kelly Gallery, his Cyano-Collage 064 was exhibited at Art Basel Miami Beach. Being exhibited in the Meridian Section, which is a new curatorial section for large-scale artworks and performances, the artist was able to challenge himself to complete a largest-scaled composition. 尚凱利畫廊 | D11展位預展 2022年11月29-30日日期 2022年12月1-3日地址 美國邁阿密會展中心 適逢邁阿密巴塞爾藝術展二十週年誌慶,尚凱利畫廊將攜吳季璁使用鋁製底版創作的《氰山集》系列新作亮相D11展位。自2002年創辦以來,邁阿密巴塞爾藝術展一直致力呈現豐富多樣的藝術作品,以別樹一格的方式聯繫南北美洲、歐洲以至世界各地的藝術圖景。 2019年,吳季璁宣布加入尚凱利畫廊,並於同年攜《氰山集之六十四》參展邁阿密巴塞爾藝術展,并在為大型繪畫與裝置作品特設的策展單元「藝匯經線」展區挑戰了大尺幅《氰山集》的創作。  


Wrinkled Texture 127

Wrinkled Texture Series 127 was Donated to Para Site’s Fundraising Auction by Galerie du Monde and Wu Chi-Tsung
吳季璁攜世界畫廊捐贈《皴法習作之一百二十七》支持Para Site藝術空間籌款拍賣會

Para Site’s 2022 Fundraising Auction has come to a fruitful end. Together with Galerie du Monde, Wu Chi-Tsung has donated his Wrinkled Texture 127 to the auction, whose proceeds will directly support our exhibitions, programmes, and educational initiatives. The auction also features artworks by renowned international artists such as John Armleder, Antony Gormley, Qiu Zhijie, and Zhao Gang. Para Site is Hong Kong’s leading contemporary art centre and one of the oldest and most active independent art institutions in Asia. It produces exhibitions, publications, discursive, and educational projects aimed at forging a critical understanding of local and international phenomena in art and society.  Wu Chi-Tsung began the Wrinkled Texture series with the intention to reinterpret the traditional texturing method called cun fa in traditional Chinese landscape painting. Instead of using ink and brush, Wuemploys the classical photographic technique cyanotype, to render the textures. 香港Para Site藝術空間的2022年籌款拍賣會於近日圓滿落幕,其中,吳季璁聯手世界畫廊捐贈了《皴法習作之一百二十七》,其拍賣所得將用於支持藝術空間的展覽、公共項目及教育活動。本次拍賣會還展出John Armleder、Antony Gormley、邱志傑、趙剛等國際知名藝術家作品。 Para Site是香港領先的當代藝術中心,亦是亞洲地區歷史最悠久、最活躍的獨立藝術機構之一,致力於推出展覽、出版、研討會與教育項目,提出對本土與國際藝術及社會生態的批判性思考。吳季璁的《皴法習作》系列意在重新詮釋中國傳統水墨畫中的皴法,其中,他使用氰版攝影技術取代筆墨,呈現出山石般的紋理。  


ADAA Installation view

Wu Chi-Tsung Solo Presentation at ADAA Art Show

Wu Chi-Tsung Solo Presentation ADAA Art Show 2022  Sean Kelly Gallery | Booth A10 Preview November 2, 2022Dates November 3 – 6, 2022Meet the Artists November 6, 2022, 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm (Wu Chi-Tsung will be present)Venue Park Avenue Armory, New York Sean Kelly Gallery will present Wu Chi-Tsung Solo Presentation at the ADAA Art Show in New York as the artist’s debut at the Art Show. Founded in 1962, ADAA is a national non-profit membership organization of art galleries that promotes the highest standards of connoisseurship, scholarship, and ethical practice in the industry. In the classical and elegant neo-Gothic building of the Park Avenue Armory, the exhibition will feature works of art from the Renaissance to the present, including oil paintings, sculptures, prints, drawings and photographs. The Art Show is distinctive for its focus on solo exhibitions since its inception, allowing galleries to present a comprehensive overview of an artist’s career and explore their aesthetic connotations. This year, 55 of the 78 participating galleries will present solo exhibitions of artists. This is why Chi-Tsung is particularly looking forward to this solo exhibition. With a historical anchor crossing from the classic to the present, as well as the refined and sophisticated aesthetic taste, ADAA’s focus is in alignment with Chi-Tsung’s professional training and artistic pursuit, where he was trained in the traditions of calligraphy, ink painting, watercolor painting and drawing at a young age, and reflects these time-honored idioms in his contemporary practices.  With new works from the Cyano-Collage Series and a work from the Still Life Series, the solo aims to reveal how Chi-Tsung’s work reflects “the influence of traditional aesthetics in his contemporary works, and at the same time critically consider how the development of media and technology affect the relationship between people and the world. Artnet featured Wu’s work as one of the 7 must-see works to seek out at the ADDA Art Show. As described by editor Eileen Kinsella, “So much goes into the creation of Wu Chi-Tsung’s meditative, serenity-inducting Cyano-Collages, such as this giant fan-shaped one, which anchored the works in the solo presentation of the booth, created specifically for the show.” ADAA藝術展吳季璁個展尚凱利畫廊 | A10展位預展 2022年11月2日日期 2022年11月3-6日藝術家導覽 2022年11月6日正午12時至下午3時 (吳季璁將會在場)地址 美國紐約公園大道軍械庫 ADAA成立於1962年,是全美藝術畫廊間的會員組織,旨在促進行業內鑒賞、學術間的交流。自1988年起,協會每年於紐約舉辦ADAA藝術展。在公園大道軍械庫古典而優雅的新哥特式建築中,藝術展將匯集文藝復興時期至今的油畫、雕塑、版畫、素描、攝影等各個類別藝術作品,並從建立之初便形成了以匯集藝術家個展呈現為特色,從而令畫廊得以全面介紹藝術家職業生涯、深度挖掘其美學內涵,本屆78間參展畫廊中的55間都將以藝術家個展形式呈現。 藝術展含跨古今的視野與經典而優雅的美學品味,與吳季璁的藝術養成與創作思考不謀而合,也令他格外期待本次個展,並為其特意創作了多件《氰山集》系列新作,同時《小品》系列作品也將展出,藉此細緻介紹自幼接受東方書畫的吳季璁如何在當代實驗影像與復合媒材的創作中呈現傳統美學之薰陶,並對於媒介與技術發展如何影響人與世界的關係進行批判性思考。 Artnet將《氰山集》系列新作評為“ADAA藝術展中最不容錯過的7件作品”之一,編輯Eileen Kinsella介紹道,「吳季璁那靜謐而令人沈醉的氰山集中蘊含了豐富無比的世界,特別是那件藝術家專門為本次個展創作的巨大的扇形作品」。…



Drawing Study Series will be exhibited in the Museum of Eastern Art of Turin

Buddha10: A Fragmented display on Buddhist visual evolution Dates October 20, 2022 – September 3, 2023Preview October 19, 2022Venue Via San Domenico, 11 10122 Torino Italia Invited by Davide Quadrio, curator of the exhibition who is renowned for working closely in the East Asian art scene over decades, Wu Chi-Tsung’s Drawing Study Series will be presented at Buddha10: A Fragmented display on Buddhist visual evolution at MAO – Museo d’Arte Orientale di Torino (Museum of Eastern Art).  The MAO exhibition will feature collections from different geographical areas and expand through a wide chronological period in the museum’s collection, among which Buddhist sculptures from the Chinese collection will be the highlight, with the aim to offer different perspectives and reflections on the museum and its proud collection of Asian art. The antiques will be echoed by a number of contemporary art practices and new works including the Drawing Study Series. The series originated in 2021 inspired by Chi-Tsung’s collaboration with TAO ART SPACE for his solo exhibition in Taipei, in which he uses a flashlight as a paintbrush to capture the silhouette of ancient Buddhist statues and records the tails of light in space, allowing the outlines of the statues to gradually appear. The gentle movement and the dim glow have created a yūgenism (profound grace and subtlety) atmosphere, symphonizing the timeless quality of the statues that were created centuries ago.   Buddha10展覽日期 2022年10月20日至2023年9月3日預覽 2022年10月19日地址 Via San Domenico, 11 10122 Torino Italia 在策展人樂大豆( Davide Quadrio)的邀請下,吳季璁的《寫生習作》系列作品將於杜林東方藝術博物館的群展《Buddha10》中展出。 本次展覽中,策展人從博物館引以為豪的亞洲藝術收藏中精選出來自不同地域、跨越古今的展品,並同時展示與之呼應的當代藝術作品,旨在為亞洲藝術史提供新穎的解讀視角與反思,此觀念與《寫生習作》的創作初衷不謀而合。《寫生習作》佛像系列起源於2021年吳季璁與台北藝術空間TAO ART SPACE的合作,他用手電筒作為畫筆,捕捉古代雕塑的輪廓,記錄空間中的光跡,輕柔的光線緩緩照亮昏暗的佛像,使其輪廓逐漸顯現,創造了一種幽玄的氛圍,映照出佛像幾個世紀以來的永恒與靜謐。  



New Cyano-Collages at Frieze London

Stand D09, Sean Kelly New York VIP Preview days October 12-13, 2022Public days October 14-16, 2022Venue The Regent’s Park, London, UK VIP預覽 2022年10月12~13日公眾開放 2022年10月14~16日地址 倫敦攝政公園內 Represented by Sean Kelly Gallery, Wu Chi-Tsung’s Cyano-Collage will return to Frieze London 2022 after its debut in the world-renowned fair last year.  繼去年於倫敦弗里茲藝術博覽會的首秀後,本月尚凱利畫廊再度攜吳季璁《氰山集》系列新作亮相。  


New Cyano-Collage presented at The Armory Show

Sean Kelly Gallery | Booth 120VIP Preview Sep 8, 2022Public Days  Sep 9-11, 2022Venue  Javits Center, 429 11th Ave, New York, NY 10001, United States Represented by Sean Kelly Gallery, Wu Chi-Tsung’s new work Cyano-Collage 135 will be participating in the Armory Art Show in New York. Founded in 1994, The Armory Show is New York City’s premier art fair and a leading cultural destination for discovering and collecting the world’s most important 20th- and 21st-century art. 尚凱利畫廊 | Booth 120貴賓預展 2022年9月8日公眾展期  2022年9月9日至11日會址  美國紐約 11大道429號,賈維茨會議中心(Javits Center) 本月,尚凱利畫廊將帶著吳季璁的的新作《氰山集之一百三十五》參加位於美國紐約的The Armory Art Show 。作为紐約市首屈一指的藝術博覽會,成立於1994年的軍械庫博覽會匯聚國際頂尖畫廊,是收藏世界上最重要的20世紀和21世紀藝術品的極佳舞台。  


Cyano-Collage 130

Cyano-Collage Series on Bronze Marks Wu Chi-Tsung’s Debut in Art Basel Basel

Sean Kelly Gallery Hall 2.1, Booth P2 VIP Preview Jun 14-15, 2022 Public Days  Jun 16 – 19, 2022 Venue  Messe Basel, Messeplatz 10, 4058 Basel, Switzerland This June, the first Cyano-Collage Series created on a bronze panel will be exhibited at Sean Kelly Gallery’s booth which marks Wu Chi-Tsung’s debut in Art Basel in Basel. As the development of the series, the artist has experimentally worked with aluminum panels in 2021 and bronze panels this year as a substitute for wooden baseboards to achieve better durability of the works. The metal quality of the baseboard creates a distinct reflection that leaks through the Cyano-Collage landscape and broadens the potential of the series.  尚凱利畫廊,2.1大廳, P2展位 貴賓預展 2022年6月14日至15日 公眾展期  2022年6月16日至19日 會址  瑞士巴塞爾展覽中心 本月,吳季璁將帶著全新黃銅底版創作的《氰山集》,首次登場瑞士巴塞爾藝術博覽會,展覽將由尚凱利畫廊呈現。自2016年《氰山集》系列發表以來,吳季璁不斷嘗試媒材上的創新,去年他將傳統油畫木板的底版換成鋁製板材,令作品能夠更為經久保存,今年亦實驗於黃銅底版上創作,金屬材料特有的質地,於打磨過後的反光從氰版山水背後的天空透出,為作品帶來了縱深感與更為豐富的意境。  



Quadriptych Cyano-Collage Series in Art Basel Hong Kong

Galerie du Monde|Booth 1C11 VIP Preview May 25-27, 2022  Public Days May 28-29, 2022   Venue  Convention & Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong In late May, new work from the Cyano-Collage Series in a quadriptych composition will be presented at Galerie du Monde’s booth in Art Basel in Hong Kong.   世界畫廊|1C11展位 貴賓預展 2022年5月25日至27日 公眾展期  2022年5月28日至29日 會址  香港國際會議展覽中心 5月下旬,《氰山集》系列新作將由世界畫廊代表亮相巴塞爾藝術展香港展會世界畫廊展位,作品將延續吳季璁自去年以來對鋁製底版的嘗試,並採用四聯屏構圖。 Installation View 展覽現場  



New Works of Cyano-Collage Series and Wrinkled Texture Series at Taipei Dangdai

Galerie du Monde|Booth A08 VIP Preview May 19, 2022 Public Days  May 20 – 22, 2022 Venue  Taipei World Trade Center  Hall 1  New works of Wu Chi-Tsung’s will be showcased in Taipei Dangdai Art Fair represented by Galerie du Monde. This will be the premiere of the Cyano-Collage Series on aluminum in Taiwan. Speaking of the Wrinkled Texture Series and Cyano-Collage Series that both replace the traditional ink and brush used in Chinese Shan Shui painting with experimental photography, Chi-Tsung once shared that “I started to do Cyanotypes simply because I am not satisfied with digital photography nowadays’, and the process of making the two series ‘really similar to how ink painters do Chinese landscapes: they are constructing a world they want to project themselves inside.” 世界畫廊|A08展位 貴賓預展 2022年5月19日 公眾展期  2022年5月20日至22日 會址  台北世貿一館 世界畫廊將攜吳季璁新作亮相台北當代藝術博覽會,本次將為鋁製底版《氰山集》系列首次於台灣展出。《氰山集》系列與《皴法習作》系列均使用實驗攝影手段置換傳統山水繪畫中的筆墨,吳季璁曾介紹「開始創作的原因是不滿於當代數位攝影」,並表示「作品如同傳統水墨一樣建立起一個可觀、可居、可遊的世界。」    



Cyano-Collage 051 will be Presented at Nguyen Art Foundation in Vietnam

Illuminated Curiosities Opening Reception 18:30, Thursday 05 May 2022 at EMASI Nam LongPublic Days May to December 2022Opening Hours 10:00 ~16:00, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, by appointment onlyVenue EMASI Nam Long and EMASI Van Phuc, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Cyano-Collage 051 will be exhibited in the group exhibition Illuminated Curiosities. Presented by Nguyen Art Foundation (NAF) and Lan Tinh Foundation and featuring 46 artworks from within and outside NAF’s Collection, the exhibition aims to highlight the unique intersection between art and science, especially in today’s world where artistic experimentation and production continue to be ever more diverse, research-driven, and interdisciplinary. Established in 2018, the Nguyen Art Foundation has worked to build an alternative infrastructure for the arts in Vietnam. It was founded by Quynh Nguyen, under the advisory of Cam Xanh and focuses on artists connected in any way to Vietnam.  Chi-Tsung met Cam Xanh in Korea in 2016 at the Asia Young 36 exhibition and was later invited by her for an artist residency at MoT+++ which she co-founded. In May 2020, Chi-Tsung and Cam Xanh co-established a studio in Ho Chi Minh City. Except for the Cyano-Collage 051, Still Life 007 – Daffodil and Still Life 012 – Buttercup Treewere also acquired by the foundation.  The opening reception of the group exhibition will take place on May 5 at EMASI Nam Long where Wu Chi-Tsung’s work will be exhibited. Please RSVP via this link.  For general visiting, please make a  reservation prior to your visit via [email protected]. Illuminated Curiosities 開幕酒會 2022年5月5日18時30分,於EMASI Nam Long展期  2022年5月至12月開館時間 每週一、週三、週五10時至16時,預約制地點  越南胡志明市EMASI Nam Long 與 EMASI Van Phuc 這個5月,《氰山集之五十一》將在群展《Illuminated Curiosities》中展出。該展覽由Nguyen 藝術基金會 (NAF) 與 Lan Tinh基金會主辦,展覽主體為包括吳季璁作品在內的Nguyen 藝術基金會藏品,旨在呈現在藝術創作與實踐走向多樣化、研究導向與跨學科的時代背景下,藝術與科學產生的獨特交集與碰撞。 Nguyen 藝術基金會成立於2018年,由Quynh Nguyen創立、Cam Xanh擔任顧問。基金會致力收藏以各種形式與越南有關聯的當代藝術作品,為越南的藝術生態貢獻了獨特的視角與多元的活力。 吳季璁與Cam Xanh於2016年共同參加韓國Asia Young 36展覽時相識。2018年,吳季璁受邀在Cam Xanh參與創辦的MoT+++空間中進行了為期三個月的駐村。2020年5月,二人在胡志明市共同成立了一個工作室。除《氰山集之五十一》外,《小品之七 水仙》與《小品之十二 彎子木》也由NAF基金會所典藏。 展覽開幕酒會將於5月5日在EMASI Nam Long舉行,吳季璁的作品也將在此展出,請通過此鏈接預約出席。展期內一般參觀,敬請通過[email protected] 進行預約。  


Still Life

Santa Barbara Independent Features: Visual Artists Bring a Gentle Rewiring to Santa Barbara
《Santa Barbara Independent》展評:視覺藝術家們為聖塔芭芭拉帶來思維挑戰

Still Life 012 – Buttercup Tree and Still Life 014 – Yellow Mai Flower, both acquired by Santa Barbara Museum of Art, are now on view in the group exhibition Mediated Nature of the museum till December. In an exhibition review in Santa Barbara Independent, it is stated that  the works have “challenged our media consumption habits at a different level.”  “Chi-Tsung enacts a faux-pas in an entertainment landscape where plants are mere mute extras meant to signify exoticism. His shots linger on a stationary plant for more than six minutes. In his work, the medium of video is camouflaged as painting. Although celebrating the mundane can be an oversubscribed concept, the elaborate care in Chi-Tsung’s work — the crispness of the colors, the subtle mist-like atmosphere enveloping the plants — bends time. The viewer wonders, ‘Have I been watching this flower for six minutes or 20’? When the medium changes, so does the message. Chi-Tsung’s “Still Life 012 — Buttercup Tree” carves new depths within our experience of mundanity. A shivering leaf becomes a noteworthy event, and mist traveling slowly along a plant’s wet roots becomes an erotic experience.” 吳季璁的兩件錄像作品《小品之十二 彎子木》和《小品之十四 黃梅》被美國聖塔巴巴拉美術館收藏,並將於美術館群展《媒介化的自然》中展出至十二月。當地媒體《Santa Barbara Independent》對該展覽的展評稱《小品》系列影像作品從不同角度挑戰了人們的媒介使用習慣。 「他戲謔般地設置出了一個人工造景,身處其中的植物不過是無聲渲染著東方情懷的臨時演員,鏡頭就這樣在靜止的植物上停留了六分鐘有餘。在這間作品中,影像媒介被偽裝成了繪畫。雖然作品也許並未刻意落腳於對於平凡的讚美,但是其中卻充滿著精緻的細節,那清晰的色彩、籠罩著植物的氤氳煙霧均模糊了時間的概念。令觀眾不僅疑惑,『我看了這朵花多長時間了?是6分鐘還是20分鐘?』 當媒介改變時,其傳遞的信息也隨之改變。季璁的《小品之十二 彎子木》為我們的日常經驗帶來新的感知可能:一片顫抖的樹葉成為令人注目的焦點,而沿著植物的濕潤根部慢慢遊移的水霧則為畫面增添了調情意味的氛圍。」 Written by 文/ Halim Madi  



Financial Times Features: Something in the Water — the Rise of Aquatic Art

In a recent article featuring the rise of water-themed art in the Financial Times, Wu Chi-Tsung’s Cyano-Collage Series was introduced in detail as a supporting argument for the potential cultural and philosophical depth of Art of this theme.  It was stated that Wu Chi-Tsung didn’t originally intend his cyanotypes to be about water. He began the works with mountains in mind, but soon saw that his photographic blue spaces resembled tumultuous waves. As the series grew he began to explore ways the works could be interpreted as traditional Shanshui paintings, ocean views and natural landscapes.  Chi-Tsung shares that “I was thinking I could try the possibilities of combining earlier techniques and materials, and hoping I could work with Xuan paper.” Regarding the production process that is direct and analogue, “I’m basically like a farmer,” he laughs, “it’s physical. I crumble the paper, I feel the paper. When the humidity is different it affects the paper. If it’s drier, it’s harder. If it’s more humid, it’s softer. There are lots of coincidences that I cannot control. That’s the best part.”  The writer continued to state that the results are abstract but appear like seascapes. “I cannot say if [the work] is concrete or abstract,” Wu adds. “Chinese landscapes never really represent specific mountains. An artist draws their own interpretation of the scene.” Chi-Tsung’s works are growing ever larger: his recent show at Sean Kelly in New York included a triptych of pieces reaching up to 9m high. The works also reflect the artist’s love of rock climbing in Taipei – “facing a giant wall every day and a sea wave just behind me”. Similarly, his aim is to immerse the viewer in the space. 在《金融時報》近期一篇關於聚焦於「水」的當代藝術的報道中,《氰山集》系列被詳盡介紹以表現該主題作品在文化廣度與哲學深度上的潛力。 報道中介紹道,《氰山集》系列的最初靈感來源於山景而非水景,但藝術家很快就意識到作品的藍色畫面亦形似波濤洶湧的海浪。隨著系列的發展,他挖掘出其多樣解讀的可能性:它們既可以是一幅山水畫、海景也可能是其他自然風景。 吳季璁分享道,「我想嘗試結合早期的技術與材料,並希望能夠使用宣紙來創作」。而談及其直接而手動的創作過程——而談及他在戶外,與化學藥劑與紫外線共同創作的過程——「我就像一個農民」,他笑著說。他創造性地在宣紙塗佈感光藥劑,將其揉皺後曝光兩小時,再將每張相紙在水中清洗,清洗時長取決於他期望達到的效果,最長可達一小時。「這是個物理性的過程。在揉皺紙張時,我能夠感知到它們的狀態。紙張在不同的濕度下會呈現不同質感,在乾燥氣候中會偏硬、空氣潮濕時則柔軟。(製作過程)充滿了偶然與巧合,是我無從控制的,而這正是最有趣的部分」。 作者評論稱這些作品是抽象的,但看起來又仿若海景。「我不願斷言(作品)是具體的還是抽象的」,季璁補充說,「傳統山水畫從來不描繪具體的山,(它們只是)藝術家對於風景的個人性的欣賞與解讀」。季璁在不斷挑戰作品的尺幅,在他最近於紐約尚凱利畫廊舉辦的個展中,最大的一幅寬達9米。對他而言,創作這件作品的體驗與他熱愛的攀岩是相通的,都是「每天面對一堵巨墻,身後就是海浪」。他希望觀眾在欣賞作品時也能夠擁有同樣的沉浸體驗。 Written by/ 文 Francesca Gavin  


still life series

Still Life 014-Yellow Mai Flower Acquired by UBS Art Collection and Exhibited in New York
《小品之十四 黃梅》加入UBS瑞銀藝術收藏並於紐約展出

Reimagining: New PerspectivesDate    January 27 – May 30, 2022Venue 1285 Avenue of the Americas, New York We are delighted to share that Wu Chi-Tsung’s  Still Life 014 – Yellow Mai Flower  was recently acquired by the UBS Art Collection and is featured in the latest exhibition Reimagining: New Perspectives in the UBS Art Gallery in New York.  Located in UBS’s Midtown New York Headquarters, the UBS Art Gallery was initially established in 1985 and has been closed to the public since 2009. This exhibition marks the reopening of the gallery and provides an opportunity for the public to once again discover in person works from one of most important corporate collections of contemporary art in the world. The exhibition united new acquisitions of the UBS Art Collection. With over 30,000 artworks by some of the most influential artists of our time, the collection aims to collect the most relevant art made today that both challenges and connects people. In 2020, Cyano-Collage 078 was also acquired by the Collection.  《重塑:新觀點》日期    2022年1月27日~5月30日地址    紐約美洲大道1285號 《小品之十四 黃梅》近日加入UBS瑞銀藝術收藏,並在位於紐約的瑞銀藝術畫廊的最新展覽《重塑:新觀點》中展出。  瑞銀藝術收藏為國際上最重要的當代藝術企業收藏之一,旨在收集最具時代性、富有挑戰精神又能連接世界的作品,現擁有超過3萬件來自最具影響力的當代藝術家的作品。2020年,《氰山集之七十八》也被該機構典藏。 瑞銀藝術畫廊位於瑞銀集團位於紐約中城總部大廈,成立於1985年,自2009年以來畫廊暫停向公眾開放。本次展覽是畫廊時隔十餘年再次開放的首個展覽,集中展示了瑞銀藝術收藏近期典藏的作品。  



Works of Cyano-Collage Series and Wrinkled Texture Series will Participate in Frieze Los Angeles

Sean Kelly Gallery | Stand A8Preview  February 17, 2022Public Days  February 18-20, 2022Venue  9900 Wilshire Boulevard,Beverly Hills, CA 90210 Represented by Sean Kelly Gallery, Wu Chi-Tsung’s new works from the Wrinkled Texture Series and the Cyano-Collage Series will be exhibited at Frieze Los Angeles. Last October, upon Chi-Tsung’s first participation in Frieze London, the fair interviewed him in his Taipei studio and produced a documentary video in collaboration with Sean Kelly Gallery. Titled “Wu Chi-Tsung Reinvents Tradition”, the official website of the Frieze featured this video with an article that introduces how he re-evaluates the tradition and his abiding concern with process, perception and vision. About Frieze  Frieze Art Fair is an international contemporary art fair in London, New York, and Los Angeles.Frieze London takes place every October in London’s Regent’s Park. In the US, the fair has been running on New York’s Randall’s Island since 2012, with its inaugural Los Angeles edition taking place February 2019.[2][3] The fair was launched by Amanda Sharp and Matthew Slotover, the founders of frieze magazine, and is led by Victoria Siddall, global director of Frieze Fairs. Frieze Art Fair features more than 170 contemporary art galleries, and the fair also includes specially commissioned artists’ projects, a talks programme and an artist-led education schedule. Sean Kelly Gallery | A8展位公眾開放  2022年2月18~20日地址  美國加州洛杉磯比佛利山市威爾榭大道9900號,90210 本週,尚凱利畫廊將帶著吳季璁的《皴法習作》與《氰山集》系列新作參加位洛杉磯弗里茲藝術博覽會。在去年10月吳季璁首次亮相倫敦弗里茲藝術博覽會之際,藝博會曾在尚凱利畫廊的協製下前往他在台北的工作室進行採訪與拍攝,製作了名為的《吳季璁:重新定義傳統》影片,並在官方網站中發表專文,介紹吳季璁重審傳統、尊重材料的創作哲學。 關於弗里茲藝術博覽會 弗里茲藝術博覽會是在倫敦、紐約和洛杉磯舉辦的國際當代藝術博覽會,紐約弗里茲博覽會自2012年起在紐約的蘭德爾島舉辦。博覽會由Frieze雜誌的創始人Amanda Sharp和Matthew Slotover發起,並由Frieze Fairs的全球總監Victoria Siddall領導。 弗里茲藝術博覽會擁有170多家當代藝術畫廊,該博覽會還包括特別委託的藝術家項目、會談項目和藝術家主導的教育日程。 Installation View 展覽現場