New Works of Cyano-Collage Series and Wrinkled Texture Series at Taipei Dangdai
Galerie du Monde|Booth A08 VIP Preview May 19, 2022 Public Days May 20 – 22, 2022 Venue Taipei World Trade Center Hall 1 New works of Wu Chi-Tsung’s will be showcased in Taipei Dangdai Art Fair represented by Galerie du Monde. This will be the premiere of the Cyano-Collage Series on aluminum in Taiwan. Speaking of the Wrinkled Texture Series and Cyano-Collage Series that both replace the traditional ink and brush used in Chinese Shan Shui painting with experimental photography, Chi-Tsung once shared that “I started to do Cyanotypes simply because I am not satisfied with digital photography nowadays’, and the process of making the two series ‘really similar to how ink painters do Chinese landscapes: they are constructing a world they want to project themselves inside.” 世界畫廊|A08展位 貴賓預展 2022年5月19日 公眾展期 2022年5月20日至22日 會址 台北世貿一館 世界畫廊將攜吳季璁新作亮相台北當代藝術博覽會,本次將為鋁製底版《氰山集》系列首次於台灣展出。《氰山集》系列與《皴法習作》系列均使用實驗攝影手段置換傳統山水繪畫中的筆墨,吳季璁曾介紹「開始創作的原因是不滿於當代數位攝影」,並表示「作品如同傳統水墨一樣建立起一個可觀、可居、可遊的世界。」