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Wu Chi-Tsung 空氣動力學 set design

Aerodynamics 空氣動力學 set design

Set Design / WU Chi-tsung 舞台設計 吳季璁

Wu Chi-Tsung 空氣動力學 set design



Artistic Director:LIN Wen-chung
Company manager:TSAI Hsiao-ting
Choreography:LIN Wen-chun & dancers
Technical Coordination & Lighting Design:LEE Chun-yu
Set Design:WU Chi-tsung
Video Design:Ethan WANG
Music Design:LIN Kuei-ju
Costume Design:YANG Yu-teh
Dancers:LI Wei-han、LIN Pei-fen、TUNG Tsun-jen、LEE Tzu-ying、CHEN Hsin-yu、HSU Hui-chieh、HUANG Yung-huai、HO Tzu-ying、HUANG Yu-yuan、LEE Ya-jui、CHAN Chi-cheng、KE Chi-fai
Radio-controlled Plane Pilot:CHEN Chien-yang
Stage Manager:CHEN Chien-yu
Lighting Consultant:YU Li-fu
Promotional Video Director:CHEN Kuan-yu
Photograher:CHEN Chang-chih




在航空科學中,空氣動力學(Aerodynamics)是運算飛機與氣流間各種量力關係,如何能在空中飛行的物理定律。每次創作都像是一場身體實驗的編舞家林文中,以此科學方法為靈感,要將舞蹈動作與身體意象的結構過程,變成一種飛行的方式。 透過重組空間與時間的立體向度,微觀肌肉運動的細節,研發動作與動力如何離開地面,形成升空、暫留、恆速、滑翔、翻轉、漂浮等各種身體樣態。同時將舞蹈類比人類對抗引力的欲望,在物理與心理空間中折返,引發身體動力學的無限詩意與想像。



Wu Chi-Tsung 空氣動力學 set design


Wu Chi-Tsung 空氣動力學 set design


Wu Chi-Tsung 空氣動力學 set design


Wu Chi-Tsung 空氣動力學 set design


Wu Chi-Tsung 空氣動力學 set design


Wu Chi-Tsung 吳季璁

Off The Map 身體輿圖 set design

Wu Chi-Tsung was invited to “World Stage Design 2013”, Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, Cardiff, UK (2013) for the set design work of “Off the map.”
2013年 吳季璁所設計《身體輿圖》舞台入圍英國世界劇場設計展


© Ping Hsu

© Ping Hsu



Profoundly poetic and of hypnotic beauty, the performance Off the Map creates a space for contemplation in which viewers are invited to get away from their sense of time and reality for a while and get in touch with their inner self.

In a setting reminiscent of the immaterial light of dawn and every so often changing into sky, clouds, sea, or night, the female body is moving slowly, precisely and steadily. There is a constant whisper mapping perhaps her inner monologue – probably what motivates her body to go “off the map”. Her body: embodying all the history of Far-Eastern physicality and its characteristic profound spirituality; yet, a contemporary body in a mediated environment. A body vulnerable yet vigorous, incorporating all the fragility of the human in a fluid, ever-changing post-industrial world: a metaphor for the human condition today.


作品概念 、編舞 、舞蹈演出 Concept, choreography & dance / 蘇文琪 Su Wen-Chi

聲音創作與裝置 Sound design and devices / 王福瑞 Wang Fu-Jui

舞台設計 Stage design / 吳季璁 Wu Chi-Tsung

文字創作 Text / 周曼農  Chou Man-Nung

燈光設計 Lighting design / Jan Maertens(迷幻英雌燈光設計)








Wu chi tsung 吳季璁



Wu chi tsung 吳季璁







2015.9.13-14      韓國 – 亞洲藝術劇院開幕藝術節
2015.9.6-7          瑞士 – 拉巴蒂藝術節
2015.7.16-17      希臘 – 卡拉瑪塔舞蹈節
2015.5.26-29      比利時 – KunstenFestivaldesArts
2012.11.13-14    高雄 – 數位表演藝術節
2012.10.19-21    台北 – 國家實驗劇場


Touring History
2015.9.13-14      Asian Arts Theatre Opening Festival, Korea
2015.9.6-7          La Bâtie-Festival de Genève, Swissland
2015.7.16-17      Kalamata Dance Festival, Greece
2015.5.26-29      KunstenFestivaldesArts, Belgium
2012.11.13-14    Digital Performing Arts Festival, Taiwan
2012.10.19-21    Experimental Theater (NTCH), Taiwan